Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 387: Marriage? !

"Mu...Murong Xiao?!"

I looked at the fairy-like and beautiful woman in front of me, her mouth opened wide in shock for a while, and she sat there blankly, at a loss.

Outside the door, Bao Xingzhao and Wei Xiaofeng hid in the doorway, seeing my astonished look, they laughed from ear to ear, and they leaned forward and closed. The appearance of a tricky trick.

No wonder, it's no wonder that since they saw me until they came here, I felt weird, as if they were expecting something, and it felt like a good show was about to be released. That's it! Waiting for me here!

It turns out that this good show is here. It turns out that the protagonist of this me.

But who can think of it?

I have seen Murong Xiao. In Maoshan, when he repaired the Locking Demon Tower, he... or she came as the leader of the Murong family. At that time, he was still a man!

I remember thinking that at the time, this kid was really beautiful, like a woman. The old saying goes, "A man has a female appearance, and there must be an expensive one." But I doubt it. I believe that this appearance can harm a girl.

I just didn't expect that he was really a woman!

Wait, I still remember I saw her with investigative eyes, how could...

I quickly found the record of the system's investigative eye, and as expected, this Murong Xiao is really a woman!

Damn! Too sloppy!

I was in a bad state at the time, and I used the investigative eyes to find an undercover agent, so I was very sloppy. As long as the person's name matches, I didn't look at it much.

Everyone in this Murong family, even the people under the leader's head, have long hair. They usually wear a bun, and the investigator's eyes are unwieldy and their hair is scattered. Every boy sees the same as a girl, plus this Murong dawn……

I calmly lowered my gaze and looked towards my chest.

Well, in terms of the sorting of the English alphabet, this guy is the leader.

That's clear. I didn't want to look at it. Secondly, even the hair band and body were not bad. Thirdly, I thought I was a man, so naturally I would not pay attention to her underneath.

So, this big secret was so missed by me...

Second Olympics——!

"Hehehe, come, let me introduce you, this is my second sister!" Murong Lei smiled like a fool, and introduced me to this familiar and stranger, but it seemed that I was a fool.

The fat monk was aside, not knowing the details, a little dazed, and patted me: "Donor, you speak up."


"Shut up, I know, I don't speak." The fat monk choked a lot more times, and his habit became natural, so he closed his hand, turned his head, and continued to eat.

I looked at the two brothers and sisters in front of me, took two breaths, looked at them and said: "In other words, you don't have a second brother at all, but a second sister. You have a sister and a brother, and your father is There are two sons and a girl."

"Yes!" Murong Lei said naturally.

"You really kept it from me for a long time!"

"This... there is no way, I can't tell you."

"What? It's so hard to tell that she's a woman?" I asked.

"No! The main reason is the inconvenience of the situation at the time. You will know it after reading it." Murong Lei said embarrassedly.

"Look? What am I looking at?"

At this time, Murong Xiao Xiemei smiled and said: "You just said that our father has two sons and a girl? You are right, but it's not all right."

"Not all right? Why?"

"Hehe." Murong Xiao still smiled, smiling brighter than before, turned around and went out, shouting to the outside: "Come in, let him see you too."

I was stunned, and quickly got up and looked outside, and saw the sound of "tatoto" footsteps outside, and then another man in white clothes fluttered in.

This person is more familiar!


"Brother Guo, it's been a long time since I saw you, Yunzhou, goodbye?"

"Brother Mu?!"

In front of me, who is someone else, isn't it the second son of the Mu family, Mu Chengfeng? !

Why is he here?

Then, I saw an even more startled scene, that is, Murong Xiao walked up to him, took his arm, and leaned his face up.


The last time I met Murong Lei in Yunzhou, he "exchanged feelings" one by one, but he didn't say exactly what it was, I rely on! It is this feeling that is being communicated!

"Your two are married?!"

I looked at the loving couple in front of me, and suddenly felt a bit empty in my head. I ate too many melons at a time, and I was a little bit embarrassed...

"Well, was it surprising?" Murong Xiao said with a smile, slightly lifting his face from Mu Chengfeng's arm and raising his eyebrows.

"Accident... It's not very unexpected, but rather surprised." I said.

After what they said and guessing based on what I have seen, I have figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Last time Maoshan repaired the Locking Demon Tower, Murong Xiao represented the Murong family, and Mu Chengfeng represented the Mu family. The two met in this way, so, yes, Murong Xiao fell in love with this beautiful man at first sight.

It's just that Murong Xiao liked to disguise women as men since she was a child. Except for Murong's family, few people knew her true identity, so it was quite embarrassing to meet. Mainly because I don’t know how to explain to others...

I can imagine that a guy who is a man in his own sense confessed to him as a man, how can he not get through the hurdles in his heart?

So Murong Xiao didn't act rashly at the time, and coupled with the sudden undercover incident, this thing passed. But feelings came up, but they couldn't stop it. Even Murongke was surprised. How could she, a daughter who had a tomboy character since she was a child, change her sex?

But what can be done? The best thing to do is to solve it, see whose kid it is, it doesn't matter if you ask, it turns out to be the second son of the Mu family!

"We don't know what's going on, but it seems that the Mu family and our grandfather had some feasts, and the two families stopped contacting each other. Although grandfather has already traveled westward, this feast is still inevitable."

Murong Lei said so, looking helpless.

"So Patriarch Murong refused to let your second sister and brother Mu be together because of this, right?" I asked.

"Isn't it! How else can there be so many things?"

Murongke did not agree, but how could Murongxiao be the kind of person whose father did not agree and gave up? So she discussed with her younger brother, planning to have a choreography and then play, go to Mu Chengfeng by herself, and try to persuade Elder Mu.

People are the source of contradictions. If they can be resolved at the source and their father is a junior to them, what can they do?

So Murong Lei came to Yunzhou with Bao Xingzhao and Wei Xiaofeng privately. This was how I met Murong Lei in the bar and all the stories that happened afterwards.

My goal at the time was Southwest Guzhai, so I didn't care about them. In fact, Murong Lei had already told Elder Mu everything after arriving at Mu's house.

Because this is a private action, and the marriage is related to the face of the two families, so everything is kept secret, and only these two people and Dazhu Fengyuntang know about their conversation.

So what is the attitude of Mr. Mu on this matter?

Two words to describe-so happy!

If the Murong family comes to marry, isn't it the same as voluntarily surrendering defeat? ! Not happy yet?

As for Mu Chengfeng, he doesn't feel much about the affairs of men and women. He seems to have an attitude of "following anyone". Now that he said that, let's try it together, easy going!

So later, Murong Lei and Mu Chengfeng came to Southwest Guzhai to rescue me, and they beat the Nanyang Association together. When I came back, they discussed this matter further and then came here together, including Mr. Mu...

"So, what's the result?"

"That's enough, look at this! This! This!" Murong Lei pointed at the two Xiu Enai with a look of grief, and said indignantly.

"Ah, I see, Patriarch Murong meant..."

"What else can he do? It was originally my grandfather's business. Father Mu felt that we had surrendered, so he didn't care too much. What else can my dad do? Although he still doesn't agree with him, there is no way. , Half-push and half."

"It's a good thing, one is in the southeast and the other is in the southwest. If your two are married, our South will be much safer!" I said.

"Hey, I didn't care much about that, but in short, my goal was achieved." Murong Xiao hugged Mu Chengfeng and said happily, but Mu Chengfeng, I didn't see how he was particularly happy. The expression is the same as before.

Hey, I really can do it with anyone, a guy who has no desires.


"Why did you live here? Shouldn't it be Murong Xiao who went to Yunzhou with you? Regardless of the etiquette, I don't think Elder Mu can compromise to this degree."

"Of course he won't. After all, these two grandchildren are left, but our dad can't agree. He can let my second sister and brother Mu be together, but the premise is that he must let Brother Mu be The son-in-law at the door, otherwise they would not agree, so the two of them would tear up again."

"As a result, Patriarch Murong won?"

"In the end, the two families will live at both ends. This year they will live here, and they will go to them next year. Of course, the order is determined based on the result of their fight."

"Oh." I nodded coldly.

Ha ha! Murongke and Mu Nianqing are both masters on the Tianya list, but Murongke's position is higher than Mu Nianqing. Tianya Club has always been fair in this ranking, which is beyond doubt.

"So, just as you can see." Murong Lei spread his hands.

"Okay, okay, the ghost knows what I saw today... Then it is your husband and wife who are in charge now."

"Oh, I hate it! Just talk about couples wherever we go. We are love now!" Murong Xiao said shyly, very different from my previous impression of her coldness. As expected, no woman is in love. same.

But the word "hot" in "in love", I seem to have only seen it in her...

"Forget it, let’s say what you like. I have been away from the East China Sea coastline for a while. I don’t understand the things here. You guys called me here. I hope it’s more than just telling me to help me get revenge. You should also give me some help."

"Of course, and only we can help you." Murong Xiao finally let go of Mu Chengfeng's hand, no longer greasy, and began to say solemnly.

"Only you? The Shadow Army..."

"They have already failed once, and now they are all in the same thing. We can't put our hope on them. What's more, even they have placed their hopes on you, so we simply put all our hopes on Take it to you, I hope we made no mistake." Murong Xiao said.

"Maybe, but I would like to hear, what exactly do you have... information that even the Shadow Army can't get."

"Huh! Don't forget, although the Shadow Army has a large number of personnel, most of them are on land. We...but have always been on the East Sea!"

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