Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 388: Method!

"Come with me somewhere and meet someone." Murong Xiao said, turned and walked outside the door, walked to the door, and smiled at me.

"Do you need someone to bring me?" I asked.

"No, just go to meet, I think, even if you want to leave right away, your buddies should be tired too, and immediately start an action after a long journey, but military strategists are taboo."

"..." I looked at her, frowned slightly, then nodded, and whispered softly: "Send a letter to my people, they may cause trouble if they can't find me."

"it is good."

The group of people left at that time, Murong Xiao ordered that there was a car parked outside long ago, and it was in the city not long after the car drove into the underground parking lot of a building that looked very proud.

"Where is this?" I got out of the car, looked around, and asked.

"Our place."

"Your place?"

"Yes, our company." Murong Xiao said naturally.

"Company?! Do you still have a company? Is it still this big?! This building is yours?" I was surprised at the time, and asked some unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, when I asked, Murong Xiao and the others showed a puzzled expression and looked at me with puzzled expressions: "Yes, we must have a place where we can make money to eat. It is not a good meal for Tian Xingdao, although Sometimes some are paid, but it is still a minority. As a family, we have to eat."

After that, she looked at me like a fool again, with a look of confusion: "I remember you seem to be the leader of a wizard organization, don't you have... such a place?"

"Uh... yes, yes, but I didn't expect you to have such a big one." When I heard her, I knew that I was ignorant, so I quickly said, scratching my head sly to avoid embarrassment.

The beggar said that every mage organization and family basically have another industry of their own to solve their financial needs. In fact, I am no exception. Although Lin Qiang was threatened by me, the expenses of my Tongzhou Club are basically from him. Coming from there, it can be regarded as my company...

This time I had less knowledge and almost showed my timidity. I didn't dare to speak any more. I pretended to have seen the world before and followed them. I entered the elevator and looked at the buttons. There were twenty or thirty floors.

Murong Xiao pressed the button on the first floor, and the elevator slowly rose up, and soon reached the place. After going out, there was a modern office area outside. After turning around, he entered an independent office.

"Hey, here you are, this is the master you mentioned, please sit down, please!"

The office is very large, with a sofa, a solid wood coffee table in the middle, and a vase on it. Behind the desk sits a man who looks like a distinguished person, wearing a suit, a golden watch on his wrist, and his hair and beard. It's very neat, and his eyes are shrewd.

But when he saw us, he didn't have the honorable color of a boss, instead he was respectful, as if we were the boss.

That's right. As Murong's family, Murong Xiao is equivalent to the chairman of this company. He is at best the front desk boss who is arranged here to help them see the company.

"Sit down, please!" The man politely let us onto the sofa, Murong Lei and Murong Xiao were familiar with the road, and ignored him, and sat down directly and generously. I was a little more polite and laughed. He nodded and sat down on the sofa.

"Guo Rui, his name is Xie Tian, ​​he is the boss here, Xie Tian, ​​he is the one I told you about."

"Ah, I know I know, I've been admiring my name for a long time." Xie Tian hurried over to flatter, and all his words were idioms.

"Don't dare to be, thank you boss... well, why is it a little awkward."

"Just call me Xiao Xie, your name, I always think I should go to sell Crab Waffle Fort..." Xie Tian said with a smile, his expression a little awkward.

"Alright alright."

Next to Murong Xiao, leaning on the back of the sofa, with arms around his chest, glanced at him, and said, "You don't need to say more about polite things, please show him your things."

"Hey, great!" Xie Tian promised. After turning back to the desk, he took out a document-like thing from the drawer, clamped it with a file board, and handed it over.

I took it and took a closer look. The company's name is on it. It is an import and export trade unit, mainly by sea. There is a table below, and the content is nothing more than how many shipments were shipped, what was shipped, how many people, how many goods, and when.

I haven't seen any information written on it!

I looked left and right to see nothing, turned my head and looked at Murong Xiao with some doubts.

Murong Xiao saw that I couldn't see the situation above, and smiled and said, "Look carefully at the date written on it."

"Date..." I murmured, and looked at it carefully. It was new. The last time I was by sea, I went to the East China Sea. The food was shipped. The time was... two days ago? !

"Two days ago?!" I frowned. "If you walk in the East China Sea, you will definitely pass through that ancient city! We all know what strength the ancient city is. It can even create a maelstrom to pull the ship off the sea, but this... how did it succeed?"

"I can tell you very responsibly that this ship did pass directly above the ancient city, and that position has been spread among us, or everyone in the entire east coastline. There will be no mistakes, and this ship , There is indeed really safe to get through there, nothing happened."

Murong Xiao said, reaching out to take the file in my hand, and looking at the information on it.

"In other words, our ship passed there many times after the abnormal movement under the East China Sea, and several of them happened to pass by that coordinate, but they were all safe. Do you know what this means?"

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"This means that he doesn't kill everyone, he kills people for a purpose!"

"Purpose...what is the purpose?!"

Murong Xiao smiled and reached out to flip through the document. After that form, there were also documents detailing several shipping conditions. Murong Xiao looked at it and said: "About a month ago, people from Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion discovered The power under the East China Sea is beginning to surging. It may happen in three months. So, all of us have come here, right?"

"At least based on the information I know, it's true." I said honestly.

"But until now, apart from being attacked after we broke in, it hasn't moved much, and..." Murong Xiao said, suddenly approached mysteriously, and whispered in front of me: " I have quietly sent someone with the ship to see it. The East China Sea has already recovered its calmness. It was not what Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion saw more than a month ago."

"What?! What do you mean..."

"Yes! That ancient city appeared to be about to break out more than a month ago, as if a catastrophe was about to come, and its purpose was to gather us on the east coast, so that he could kill us... in one go!"


Like a ****, a huge wave suddenly appeared in my mind!

Since the discovery of a force under the East China Sea, we have regarded it as a threat. Of course, some people regard it as a help, but no matter what, people are constantly investigating him. The country really cannot tell how many people there are.

Thinking about it this way, even if the mysterious black-robed man has a good temper, he can't stand it.

I put myself in my place and think about it. If a bunch of people come to investigate me at my door, I will definitely feel awkward and even want to beat them up!

And obviously, the black robe man's temper is worse than mine, and his ability is much stronger than mine, and he did it!

Now his strength has dropped, not as surging as before. What does this mean? This shows that his goal has been achieved. After experiencing this time, everyone knows how good he is, and no one dares to disturb him anymore, so he has reduced his strength.

"Now you understand, he is not a murderous madman, he is not a murderer, he is just annoying those who investigate him, and he doesn't care about shipping ships at all." Murong Xiao said.

"Perhaps, before we discovered him, he had existed for hundreds of years. We were all in peace at that time. Now, our technology can explore the ocean, and our mana can detect the situation under the sea. , So the fight between our two parties began, so that... the result is today."

"So, in fact, as long as we don't explore it, investigate it, or provoke it, nothing will happen in this life, right?" I calmed down and asked lightly.


"But it's impossible," I said. "impossible!"

"I know."

I stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the scene outside: "We can’t just stop like this. With his character and strength, if he wants to aggressively attack, if we are defenseless, wouldn’t we be passive? This is the overall situation! It has killed so many of us, among them, there is a good friend of mine who wants me to make peace, I can't do it, this is a person!"

"I know, that's why we will call you over and tell you this." Murong Xiao also stood up and looked at me.

I turned around, looked at her, and smiled: "Thank you."

"It doesn't matter, among the dead, not only your friends, but mine, and our Murong family, our Murong family's worship, you are not alone, we are willing to help you!"

"Okay!" I walked back to her. "With your words, I feel more relieved."

"Don't say that, although I don't know how Qin Nan from the Shadow Army is so optimistic about you, but I believe in our women's intuition. From here to the ancient city under the sea, there are two steps. The first step is how to reach the sea. "

"Yes, this point has been resolved, but if we go into the sea, that guy must have noticed that when we are in the dark, we still have to be cheap."

"No, what I want to say is that we also have a solution for this second step from sea to sea!"

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