Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 389: Unique spell

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi?!"

"Yes!" Murong Xiao said, the charm in his hand gleaming.

Her talisman is different from others, it is not yellow, but blue paper talisman! And the words on it are not red cinnabar, but some silver, white, and light blue.

There were a few in total, which she held in her hand, like a small searchlight, flashing lightly, not big, that is, the brightness of a glow stick.

"People are divided into three, six or nine grades. The flesh is divided into five layers and three layers. There are also strong and weak points among the paper talisman. This blue paper talisman is stronger than the yellow one, and the stronger one is the purple talisman, but that It's not something I can use anymore." Murong Xiao said with a smile.

"This blue talisman is our Murong family's exclusive talisman. It was invented by an ancestor who specialized in writing talisman and drawing mantras. Later, this method was passed down. Once used, the body shape and breath are completely Covering it up will greatly enhance the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment. Speaking of which, my father's vitality is badly injured and he can come back safely, thanks to this charm."

"It's just that there are too few people who can use it. This paper talisman actually has to be triggered by your Murong family's spell Douxing Xingyi. I am afraid that if it could be used at the time, it would not exceed the number of five fingers."

I looked at the paper charms exuding unusual aura, and said helplessly. Just now she said that if she wanted to use this to shield the exploration of the ancient city under the sea, she must be able to change the stars. I suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this world.

This is a family that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Baal is struggling to get a baby for fear that it will be robbed. This insurance work has been done so well!

No password and no key, unlock by magic!

"It's a pity, now my father is in retreat. I guess he won't be able to get out for a short time. Our elder brother has gone out and is not at home. There must be someone at home. I can't go away, so I can only let my brother go with you."

Murong Xiao said, patted Murong Lei on the shoulder, with an expression of "Heaven will surrender to you"

"Ah? Sister, don't you go with us! I thought..." When Murong Lei heard this, his whole person was not good. How could this be different from what he thought? !

"Why do you think?" Murong Xiao raised an eyebrow. "Can I leave the house to you with peace of mind? It doesn't have to be a mess."

"Then you can just throw me into the sea? Don't you feel bad?!" Murong Lei almost cried when he looked at it.

"Distressed." Murong Xiao said of course, looking at his younger brother, as if he had asked a very idiotic sentence, at this moment, the brilliance of the sister was full!

"Sister..." Murong Lei was just about to be moved.

"You go hard, I feel distressed hard." The elder sister's loving light just turned into the viciousness of Bai Xue's stepmother...


"That..." I saw that Murong Lei was really pitiful, and started to test it. "Otherwise, if you get tired and transfer this fight to me, I'll just use it myself. Indeed, Murong Lei has never been to such a dangerous place, and he has insufficient combat experience, just in case..."

"Sorry, this is really not good." Murong Xiao declined gently. "Not to mention that the family's magic is not secret, even if you want to pass it, there is no way."


"This is a matter of bloodline. Dou Zhuan Xingyi can be described as the strongest defensive spell in the world, and it can even achieve the effect of the other's way and the other's body. In this world, anyone who has mastered these realm spells has a physique and blood All will be changed. Heaven allows us to master this power. Therefore, if we want to learn to change the stars, it must be our Murong family. Only we have this kind of blood."

"That's it... I thought it was just that there would be genes for family magic in the blood that would help the cultivation, and it would do more with less. I didn't expect it to be like this." I scratched my head and said sly.

"Then it's settled, brother, I will take you to the training right away. Although I can't train you to be a master, it should be enough to master the basics. Today plus tomorrow, you set off the day after tomorrow, can you?"

She asked me for the last sentence.

"I'm fine." I took a thumbs up.

"Don't!" Murong Lei wanted to cry without tears.

"I can't help you! Didn't you find the person? You are responsible for helping him enter the ancient city under the sea. This is very reasonable."

"I thought it would be fine to find it, and leave the rest to you."

"You think too much, you must take responsibility for this matter to the end!"


Murong Lei’s screams resounded throughout the building. After half an hour, Murong’s compound...

"In other words, sir, what shipping company did you go to and got this information? I didn't expect it to be like this."

In Murong's compound, because the spell of Dou Zhuan Xing Shift was best used in an open place and could communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Murong Xiao simply took Murong Lei to practice in the compound.

Anyway, this thing must be learned by the Murong family's blood. Even if it is not so, such a difficult spell can't be completely understood in a day, so we are not afraid that we will peek and practice directly.

But obviously, this instructor... is too strict!

"Legs hard!"


"The arm is wider!"


With every reprimand by Murong Xiao, the note in her hand will accurately fall on the inappropriate place in her eyes, and then there will be Murong Lei's screams like killing a pig.

"That is the day after tomorrow action?" Luo Peng asked lightly.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"By the way, it turns out that you have been out for dozens of minutes, but I didn't notice it at all." Tie Ning hugged her shoulders and watched the training of the sisters and brothers in the courtyard, and said in a naive way.

"Nonsense! You are so addicted to eating, who can stop you?" Luo Peng said in a timely manner.

"That's it! Look at me and always say that I love to eat. I found out this time, but you didn't even find out." The fat monk also immediately made a difference.

"Shut up! You were because you were at a table with your husband! If you were at a table with us, you are still eating there!" Tie Ning became angry at the time, as if being scolded by a beggar. Big insult, retorted loudly.

"No, you can't say that either." Luo Peng said again. "If it were him, he would have slipped into the kitchen to eat by now."

"Puff--" Cheng Qianyu, who had been listening to the show, couldn't help but laughed.

Listening to these people talking, I was also amused. I couldn't help asking: "Luo Peng, I haven't seen you these days, you seem to have added a lot of black-bellied attributes and vomiting skills."

"Lying on the boat for so many days, no one would be like this." Luo Peng said with a black face.


Between the laughter and the screams, night fell, and gradually, the whole Murong's house fell into silence. It was late at night, and people were sleeping. Only the family members who watched the night were still walking, guarding the safety of the compound.

However, there is a place where no one will enter.

Because there is no need for patrols, no guards, because no one comes here at all, and people who intrude from outside will not come here. Because this... is the room of Patriarch Murongke!

The guard around the strong is actually nothing more than an honor guard. With his strength, where is a guard?

Even if Murong Ke's vitality is severely injured and he recovers from retreat, what about? In his name, who would dare to come?

However, at this moment, there was indeed a figure, like a light breeze, that slipped into the courtyard in an instant, and fell gently on the ground without making any sound, as if a leaf fell on the ground, slowly raising its foot , Step forward, light and free.

Two or three steps, this person came to the door, stretched out his hand and pushed it gently. The door was unlocked, and he entered the house easily. With a wave of his hand, the door closed, and there was still no sound.

Inside the room, in the inner room, on the floor is a carpet with pictures of gossip and Tai Chi. Murongke sits cross-legged on it, breathing peacefully, and his face is calm. Where is the color of serious injury?

However, only he knew the real situation.

At this time, he seemed to feel something, and said lightly: "You are here."

Outside the door, the figure of the intruder walked in generously, his clothes swaying: "Yes, I am here. I was planning to come back in two months, but after receiving your order, I came back quickly. "

That person was beside Murongke, and there was a handsome man with a sharp face and spring water, like a young man with the fragrance of books, but with a kind of majesty.

"I know how difficult it is to absorb that stuff. It is really inappropriate to suddenly call you back and let your previous efforts go."

"It's a long way to say this, Master Father, anyway, I can't absorb it all this time. It doesn't matter how many times, Master Father calls me back. There must be something important."

"Hmm—" Murongke nodded. "I heard something. It seems that those guys are coming out again. It seems that they really thought I was useless. I'm not there yet!"

"Don't you understand them? If they are sweet, they will wag their tails and get out. It seems that they want to take this opportunity to take two more bites."

"Huh! That's so good! And such guts!" Murong Ke beat the floor, full of anger.

"It seems that it is time to let them know that we are great, and that day is not far away."

"Wait! You! It's not that time yet! You..."

"I know." Murong Ke said. "And you haven't finished inhaling those things. This matter is not yet sure. This matter needs to be discussed again. What I want to say is another matter."

"another thing?"

"That's right." Murong Ke said, a light flashed slowly in his eyes.

That's-fighting spirit!

"Those mice will be handed over to you. When I am free, I will get rid of them." Murongke said.

"Then you..."

"I, want to pave the way for you! I have to prove to the world that our Murong family is the strongest!"

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