Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 390: Go to sea!

One day passed by, and we heard Murong Lei's screams for another day. At the end of the call, we were numb. Murong Lei made a move and was unlovable until the evening was allowed to rest.

"Go to bed early. Tomorrow morning, we will go from the coast to the sea with the big ship. If there is nothing wrong before this time, it means that the guy is really so magical. We can't help it. Then, Conveniently use this talisman, use Murong Lei's fight to turn the stars, and sneak in."

In the room, I told everyone to determine the action plan for tomorrow.

"Can that talisman really hide so many of us? In case one is missing, we will be exposed." Cheng Qianyu said sternly.

I nodded: "I also thought about this question, so it's hard to explain, but you should enter my body. The fewer the number of people on the surface, the better."

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded and said yes, but one person seemed to be unsatisfied: "I won't go in!"

Turning his head and seeing it, he was a fat monk.

"I don't! I want to be outside!"

"Fine, you can be outside, there should be no problem with one more."

I was too lazy to compete with him, and agreed, anyway, there should be no big deal with one more person, Murong Lei chanted with one left hand and the other right.

"Then it's settled, hurry up and go to bed, it will be a fierce battle tomorrow to raise your energy."

"It may not be solved in a day, go to sleep..."

Everyone said a few more words, and they all fell asleep. The next day, the harbor...


The sea breeze brings a refreshing salty smell, probably because I grew up in a coastal city. This smell feels extraordinarily comfortable. In the distance, there is the sound of the siren of the steamship. I don't know who owns it.

"You can still sail now? Isn't it all banned?" I walked to Murong Xiao's side and asked.

"Most of them belong to our family and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, as well as the Shadow Army's own. Because of security issues, many shipping companies have come to us in the past. At this time, we will naturally use our identity. Of course, on board. It’s safe for people with us."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"What about them? Why are it just you and the fat monk?" Murong Xiao looked around and didn't find Luo Peng and the others, and asked questioningly.

"Oh, that... they are actually there all the time, just in another way." I thought about it, I can only explain it like this, haha.

"another way?"

"Uh... don't worry, don't worry, Shanren has a clever plan!" I shook my head and pretended to look like a master, as if everything was under control.

"I really don't understand you more and more." Murong Xiao shook his head. She may also know that this involves my secret, so she won't ask more.

"Alright! Time is almost up, it's time to sail!" Murong Xiao saw that we were all ready, then turned to the boat and shouted with his hand as a horn.

Someone on the ship heard it and immediately responded: "Okay--!"

"Then let's go." I said, bowing my head slightly, bidding farewell to Murong Xiao.

"Okay, good luck, I wish you a safe return, brother, I leave it to you!"

"Yes..." Murong Lei was weak.

The three of them walked on the boat. Everyone on the boat knew what we were doing. They were all awed when they saw us come up, as if they were watching heroes, but they couldn’t help but laugh after seeing us...

No way, the word "hero" reminds people of tall, mighty, brave and invincible images, but the few of us...

A fat man with a thinner fat man, plus a fat man with a bald head... How about making a movie? Why did the second filming of "Fatty Action Team" come? !

Looking at us one by one, we all want to laugh a little, but we don't dare. Who knows our temper? Especially among them is his own three young master Murong Lei, and the other two, although they don't know each other, but dare to go to that dangerous place with three people, they are definitely not waiting!

So we were respectful all the way, but we did not discuss it in private. At least when we left the ship, we heard a nickname called "Golden Iron Three Fatty"...

Did Kim Sanpang agree? !

Joking and joking, there was nothing wrong along the way. The time in the journey is long or short, and I think it’s too late to make up for it, but it’s too long to sit idly, so a few people just just I went directly to the deck and chatted with the crew members who were also idle.

"Really? Then there is nothing wrong with you."

"No! What can happen to us? Don't underestimate us, it's all battles, how can a little storm beat us?"

On the deck, a few of us sat in a circle, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not, we just sat down and had a good chat!

Talking, in fact, mainly listening to the crew and sailors talking, listening to him telling stories about going out to sea that are not known to be true or false. Anyway, I feel that going out to sea is dangerous everywhere, and it is big waves, storms, and sometimes It's a haunted ghost or something, but in the end, it will be turned into a disaster, and I don't know how reliable it is.

"Actually, it's not just our abilities, the main thing is, God bless you." After boasting about his abilities, maybe even the sailor himself felt inappropriate. He suddenly changed his face and said, his tone was full of modesty. The expression is all in awe.


"That's right! In our business, praying to God and blessing to the Dragon King are common, but it is the blessing of God and the protection of the Dragon King that we can be so smooth."

"No, it's really fake? You said so mysterious, is there really a Dragon King?!" Murong Lei loves to play. He immediately became excited when he heard this weird thing, and asked with his eyes widened. .

Although now there are so many wizards, it seems that those people in myths and legends have appeared in the real world, but so far, many people still don’t know whether there are real gods in this world, those familiar fairy gods and Buddhas, Does it really exist?

Few people know, because those people hardly show up, but there are always exceptions, such

When I was in the Maoshan fire, I saw a dragon Siyu in the sky with my own eyes. For example...

"I really met the Dragon King!"

Not knowing whether it was true or not, the sailor began to yell again, his eyes widened, his cheeks flushed, and he was drunk, very excited.

"Talk about it! Talk about it!" Murong Lei became interested, and he hurriedly asked, unable to wait to listen.

But the fat monk sat aside, his face was indifferent, he reached out his hand to touch his chubby belly, his head was shaking his head while looking at the sky, and he even drooled a little: "Dragon...people say dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground, Buddha I have eaten donkey meat, but I have never eaten dragon meat. Oh, sorry, I hope I can have a bite to see what it tastes like."

"Shut up!"

"Yes! Don't be disrespectful to the Dragon King!"

Murong Lei and the sailor both rolled his eyes, and then continued to talk.

As a few people, I may be the only one who really saw the dragon. Listening to them, without making any difference, I just listened to the sailor's narration like a storyteller, instead of dancing, and listening to Murong Lei with relish.

After a while, someone from the other side ran over and shouted at us: "Huang... three masters! We are almost there, get ready!"

He almost called out "Golden Iron Three Fatty"...

"Okay!" I promised and looked back at them: "Okay, let's go, especially you, Murong Lei, you are the most important thing. You should warm up quickly. Don't get sore hands, legs and cramps for a while. Yes, then we will be killed by you!"

Next to him, the fat monk, who has always been unreliable, stood up and patted his pants. It might be really boring, wishing to have some fun. But the problem is that Murong Lei was fascinated by the story, and he didn't get up right away!

"Oh, don't worry, I have been trained by my old sister for a day and a half, and only let me rest last night. Don't worry, don't worry, it's okay. You speak, continue to speak, and then leave after speaking."

"You..." I frowned, but still sighed, and said, "Well, let's talk about it when we cross that coordinate. Quandang relaxes their vigilance with this."

"Okay! It will be done soon!" Murong Lei said.

The sailor knew that we had business affairs, so he didn't dare to say that anymore. He condensed the rest of the story, three sentences into one sentence, and simply closed it to the end, and then finished the story. Murong Lei was still unfinished. of.

This guy, the front is pretty good, but why is the back unfinished...

Murong Lei looked angry, but he had no choice but to stand up disappointed, and the three of them came to the side of the ship together.

"Ready, if he finds out, we will be done." I said.

"Don't worry, no problem!" Murong Lei patted his chest with a reliable face.

Three people stood by the boat, Murong Lei in the middle, I was on his right, and the fat monk was on his left.

All three of them were helped by something like a belt, and there was a rope extending from the back waist, which was linked to each other.

This thing is to ensure that we will not fall apart. The rope is very strong and can bind us together firmly. If it is really exposed and sucked by the ocean current, we can also fall in one place, and then use a knife if we want to separate. The class can be cut off.

Both Murong Lei and I have a weapon, this is fine.

The three people stood side by side, and all the sailors behind them were watching the excitement. It was funny to see this scene again.

Don't talk about them, I think so, this image is so weird, three fat guys stand in a row, good guys! It's not four of them, or else it doesn't look the same as the Audi logo? ! Four circles...

The joke was a joke, Murong Lei looked serious, took out the blue talisman, put it on his chest, and said the mantra, showing the magic power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

The spell seemed to have been ordered, the blue and white light was released, and then it seemed as if the ice melted into water. It disappeared, as if it had melted into Murong Lei's body. In an instant, it was visible to the naked eye, Murong Lei's body. It began to become transparent, and I couldn't even feel the breath.

It seems that the person beside me is not a person at all, but just air!

In fact, it's not just him, me and the fat monk are all like this!

The breath of the three people disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and their bodies disappeared. Only each other can see each other!

All the sailors were in awe when they saw this scene. They all smiled, replaced by endless worship!

Really an expert!

Murong Lei read the formula, swinging his arms regularly, as if drew a Tai Chi diagram in the air, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi Shen Gong was fully opened, and immediately after he moved his feet, he jumped out instantly!

Behind him, is the big ship when it came, overhead is the bright sky, under the feet is the vast ocean——

The ancient city under the sea, here we are!

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