Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 391: Suddenly

The sea, the largest thing in the world, the East China Sea is only a small part of it, but no one dares to say it is simple.

A person, in front of it, is so small, so sad, so not worth mentioning, even though the three of us are fat...

"Be careful!"

Murong Lei whispered, the matter is over, he also knows that this is not a child's play, serious, waving his arms, vaguely, the sea is drawn with a Tai Chi picture, and the yin and yang are distinct, and the gossip patterns around are faintly visible .

The three people, as if incarnate into the sea, are not purely invisible, but incarnate. They are integrated with the surrounding things and the nature, but they have their own thinking and can even take advantage of the surrounding environment to act. general!

The three people are connected by ropes. Murong Lei stands in the middle, bears the brunt, and moves forward. The fat monk and I are a little slower, and follow behind.

Of course, I slowed down because I wanted to take care of the overall situation, and I didn’t rush, but the fat monk was really not strong enough to keep up, so I had to be taken with a rope...

The three of them kept advancing, and at the same time, they continued to dive. The care of Yangguan gradually weakened, and the scene in front of me gradually darkened. I used Yin and Yang eyes, and my eyes became clear again. The fat monk doesn't seem to have any discomfort, it may be the relationship of Buddha.

But Murong Lei couldn't see the road clearly, he took both of us with him.

I looked over carefully, but found that Murong Lei seemed to fish into the sea, his eyes were very bright, and it felt like he could see better than me...

"Is this... the power of the spell?" I muttered.

With the help of the power of nature, you can become one with nature... The spells and spells passed down by the Murong family over a century are really not the general ones!

Murong Lei, as the person who really uses this spell, and the blood inheritor of the Murong family, will definitely get more benefits than us!

Thinking like this, I shook my head lightly and sighed.

It's a pity that I don't have such a good thing. Although there is system help, a thousand generations of power, master's hand-in-hand, and even a very powerful amulet, if the blood is ok, it is better to come...

Who is too technical?

When I was thinking so greedily, suddenly there seemed to be a voice in my ears, as if a person was talking, and instantly poured directly into my brain from my ears!


In shock, I couldn't help but exhale, Murong Lei and the fat monk beside him heard it.

"What's wrong?" Murong Lei thought I had discovered something bad, and stopped immediately.

"Have you heard anyone talking just now?" I asked.

"Speaking? No." Murong Lei looked around and said in confusion.

"Oh, donor, are you nervous? This is the bottom of the sea, where can anyone talk? Besides us, will anyone be in such a ghost place?" The fat monk also said, his expression indifferent.

"Really?" I frowned. "Then it's okay, go ahead."

"Okay, pay more attention to the surrounding situation." Murong Lei nodded, then continued to act, and slowly dived again.

Around, fish began to increase, and groups of fishes gradually appeared. Although I can't name them, they seem to be delicious...

However, the fat monk is not very interested in the uncooked ingredients and does not catch a cold. He only likes the delicacies served on the table, and the delicacies prepared in the kitchen that he thinks are for himself...

The three-person team continued down, and I was still recalling the words I just heard.

That sentence is very vague, I can't hear the content, but after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this sentence is not human...

Like the returning diver, what he spoke of was the language of another world!

However, it is not the same language as that diver, but I can understand it!

For example, it’s like our human language is "Yes" in Chinese, and the diver said "Hi" in Japanese. This time, what I heard this mysterious being said was "Yes" in English. wire".

The three languages ​​have the same meaning, and I understand them all, so it is easy to distinguish between three different languages, but because what I heard this time is very vague, I can only vaguely know what a few words mean, and I can’t analyze it. Come out the overall meaning.

Helpless, I want to be on my own, and I can't be distracted to see who is talking. It may be another mysterious species in the ocean.

In short, that's something to say. The sea is so vast and mysterious, and it's normal to have several unknown races. If I take care of everything, it would be too idle.

The group continued to descend, and suddenly, another stern shout came!

"You wait for the mere juniors, and dare to disturb this seat!"

This time, I really heard what he was talking about!

"Listen!" I shouted.


Murong Lei stopped again and looked around for a while.

"Did you not hear?"

"It seems... as if there is a strange sound, is it a fish calling? It's a whale or something, it can also guide the sound underwater." Murong Lei said.

"Let's go, don't be too...hold the grass, what is that?!"

Murong Lei just wanted to say to move on, but suddenly he called out a universal sentence, staring straight ahead.


I looked over carefully, the two colors of yin and yang flowed in my eyes, and everything in front of me was very clear.

In front of them, a group of unknown fish rushed over, as if running for their lives, and as if something was attracting them, and behind them, vaguely, there seemed to be another kind of life body chasing after them!

A school of fish is like a rocket, but their tail flame is not a kind of fire, but water vapor. It spans a distance of tens of meters and comes to us in an instant!

"I go!"

Only then did I see how big this thing is!

Is that a fish? What a big pendulum!

The length of a fish is the length of an adult's open arms. It is thick and thin, and at least one arm cannot be carried. In other words, a person can hold at most one.

But for this body type, the strength of its struggle is not small. Grasping one is the ideal state of the body. If you really want to grasp it, it is estimated that two people can hold one!

It's just such a group of fish, there are more than ten, twenty or so, sigh sigh-they swam past us!

You know, in the ocean, the movement of a giant can change the ocean current! Not to mention such a large group!


At this moment, a powerful force rushed over in an instant! Even with the weakened impact of the blue talisman, that power is not small!

What's more, this is more than the power of the water, the big fish, like a car crashing into a city, bumped into it!

Even if you don't hit it directly, it won't feel good to rub it! And it will get hit by its tail, just like a big mouth.

A group of fish swiftly passed by, and Murong Lei's movements were chaotic in the distance...

Just now, also because of this blue talisman, this group of fishes was just like a vast ocean in front of them. How did you know that there were three others? That's why we rushed over regardless. At this time, Murong Lei's movements were in a mess, the function of the blue talisman was invalid at that time, and the appearance of the three of us was completely exposed at this moment!

A group of fish seemed to have spotted us. They all turned their heads and looked at us curiously at these three unidentified alien species, but immediately they rushed again.

At this time, the breath of the three of us was released, and the ancient city under Haixia almost immediately noticed it!

But we don't even bother about that at this time, because just behind the group of fish, a bigger figure is coming!

"Hold the grass!"

Murong Lei had just slowed down, before he had time to use Dou Zhuan Xing Shift, he saw a huge crab in front of him!

That's right, it's a crab.

Eight crab legs, like eight broken telephone poles, a crab cover, like a football field cut in half, two eyes like two searchlights, staring at us as if they were curious.

"This, this, this...what is this special?!"

Where has Murong Lei seen this thing? I urinated at that time, and the sea suddenly became a bit warm.

Looking at this thing that should be called "crab", I was speechless, as if I had been in some monster movies.

The crab glanced at us, suddenly opened its mouth and shouted! The most important thing is that I can understand what he said!

Roughly it means "rolling" or "going on one side".

At the same time, the crab swung the crab claws directly and slapped us like a fly!

I have reason to believe that if it were on land, Murong Lei would have knelt there...

But just when the crab claws were about to be cut off, a golden light suddenly brightened!

You are strong, you are strong, the Buddha light is the king!

Dare to bluff in front of us? Fo Guang body protector teaches you how to be a man in minutes!


The powerful Buddha light slammed into it in an instant. The crab thought it could shoot us flying, or even shoot us to death, but I didn't expect to be bounced off by the Buddha light!

Murong Lei was so shocked that his chin was about to fall, and he was shocked when he watched the big crab, who was still dazzling and majestic, ejected in embarrassment at this time.

But at this moment, the snapped crab claws slid to the side, the crab claws opened slightly, and the sharp claws instantly cut the rope between me and Murong Lei!

"not good!"


We are all already, and we hurriedly grabbed each other. Fortunately, the crab has been bounced away and will not attack us anymore. We can concentrate on this thing, as long as we fasten a button.

But just when we were relieved to do this, another crisis suddenly appeared...

The ancient city under the sea has reacted!

It was at this moment that the legendary powerful suction came instantly and directly grabbed our body!

"Not good! Those guys!"

"It's over! It's a failure!"


The three people worked hard together, but it was too late, and the suction came. How could we resist it with our strength alone?


Among the three, the fat monk had the weakest mana and was immediately drawn in. His fat body became a burden. Relying on the rope, he directly dragged Murong Lei over!

"Grass the grass, you're fat!" Murong Lei was shocked, and hurriedly grabbed my arm, hoping to get him out of trouble.

But unfortunately, he should be wrong...

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