Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 392: Small island

The ancient city under Haixia discovered our breath at the moment we made a mistake. Facing three people who can sneak into such a deep place and who happen to be near him, can he be polite to you?

Ning kills the wrong one!

What's more, I know it myself, I didn't kill it...

Of the three of us, my mana is the highest, Murong Lei is the second, and the fat monk is the most trash, so this trash is the first to take the knife. It is directly drawn in by the powerful suction, and there is no resistance at all!

What's more terrible is that there is still a rope connected between him and Murong Lei, he passed Murong Lei directly with him.

"help me!"

Murong Lei took my hand, the rope between me and Murong Lei was broken, and now the connection is all by hand.

But even though I was stronger than the two of them, I couldn't resist the mighty power. Being dragged by him, I also started to move there.

At this moment, Xiao Nuo, who had always appeared on my wrist in the form of a bracelet, suddenly gained power. The green rope spread out like the tentacles of an octopus. He found the nearest reef and got entangled tightly!


The green-golden rope instantly stretched and made a crisp sound. I could feel that Xiao Nuo was desperate.

She didn't have such a big mind. She didn't want to save us. All she wanted to save was me.

Because I could feel that she was just grabbing the reef and at the same time she was planning to separate a rope as a whip to draw Murong Lei away, but I stopped it...

"Murong Lei!" I shouted in a low voice, hoping to give him strength with this, and at the same time, my left hand firmly grasped his hand.

"Grass! I'm afraid it won't work, this fat man is too heavy, you have that thing to help you, you still have hope, and you leave the rest to you."

"What silly thing to say?! Come, I will pull you out."

"I can't pull it out!" Murong Lei shouted heartbreakingly.

"I can't pull it out to eat Croton!" The fat monk behind was still talking nonsense.

"Get out!" Murong Lei yelled in an angry voice, and at the same time he took out the remaining blue talisman with his right hand in his pocket.

"What are you going to do?"

"Although... it's impossible, but this is the only thing I can do. It's always good to have one more choice. Quickly, the suction is stronger, come!"

Murong Lei yelled and pulled all his strength, and the whole person instantly moved closer to me, and then suddenly released the hand holding me. His **** stretched out in the middle of the food and pointed directly on my head.

Suddenly, a golden light poured into my mind!

Fight to the stars!

In the next moment, Murong Lei's figure quickly retreated. Together with the fat monk, the two of them swayed into the endless ocean current like a double-headed meteor hammer.

And I, relying on Xiao Nuo's pulling force to take care of myself, the two combined forces, swing me out...

The powerful spell suddenly instilled in my mind plunged me into chaos. In my mind, there seemed to be a golden gossip pattern, but it was spinning strangely like a Mobius ring.

Around it, there seemed to be water waves rippling, but it seemed like the air was undulating, but to me, it should be my spirit that is constantly stirring, because I am getting dizzy.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was another power coming in, not directly intruding into my consciousness, but infiltrating my whole body like water, flowing in the veins of my whole body, it was extremely comfortable!

This kind of dizziness, and this kind of comfort, made me feel like lying on the bed after running to the hot spring. When the sleepiness hit, I couldn't stop it at all, and I was groggy and I wanted to fall asleep.

In the vagueness, it just feels like someone is pulling me upwards, but I don’t know who it is anymore, I don’t even have the ability to think anymore, just like that, I fall asleep...

On the sea, a small island...

"Ulalalla-ooha! Balala ooha!"

On the small island, a villa was built near the sea, with a sandy beach inward, followed by a lake, not connected to the sea, but aquamarine fresh water, sparkling in the sun. Later, there is a whole piece of woods, and the downloads have grown new shoots, and they are green.

And right on the edge of the lake, a weird man dressed in grey like a bed sheet was bare feet, holding a string of bells in one hand, and something similar to a rattle in the other.

"Wow! Wow!"

The great god’s dance was embarrassing, and he didn’t know what he was shouting, as if he was talking to a ghost or something, but does anyone know?

Railings were fixed in the corridors on the first floor of the villa, and a pair of people who seemed to be the host and hostess of the house were leaning on the railings, watching this person shout and jump.

Among the two of them, the woman watched the great dancer dance for a long time, and was a little uneasy, and asked her husband in a low voice: "Husband, you said this great dancer... can it work?"

"Don't talk nonsense! This is a master!" The man hurriedly shouted, for fear of being heard by him.

But then, he also showed a look of suspicion. He looked at the man and was still jumping in concentration. Without paying attention to the situation here, he also whispered: "I don't know, but there is no way. What else can I do?"

"You said, why are we so unlucky?! Come out on a vacation, and still encounter this kind of thing, and now I can't go back, I can only rely on it is not reliable."

"What can we do then? We can only rely on him now. We can't go. He came by himself, so he can be considered destined."

"Huh! Fate, I think it's not enough luck!"

The hostess cursed, and at this moment, the sudden stop of the dancing **** wanted to come over here.

Both of them were shocked, thinking that he had heard what they were talking about, but he didn't expect him to walk up to the front and said lightly: "Well, I have finished the ritual, the monster has been killed by me, and it is safe now. Now, you can go to sea!"

Oh, it turned out to be over.

The host breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked, "Da...Master, is this all right?"

There were several holes in the cloth on the man, exposing his eyes and mouth. At this time, the man glared at him fiercely through the hole, and said coldly: "What? Don't believe it?"

"No, no, no! Believe it, a master is a master, how can you not believe it?"

I don't know why, he always feels that the aura on this person is... extraordinary!

It seems that as long as you go against his will, you will be unlucky!

Out of this, the male host began to follow his will, and behaved very respectfully, really treating him as a master.

"That's good, hurry up, prepare the boat, do as I say, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Well, well, what the master says, hurry, get the boat over!"

It’s a boat, but it’s definitely not a big boat. People like them can’t live on the island all year round. The villas here are just a place for them to vacation. If that’s the case, they are definitely not the generals. It's a rich family!

Coming here from home, it is impossible to buy a ticket to take a boat, there are yachts, it is just a matter of size.

The host and hostess hurried out of the yacht. The yacht was not big, but one more person was enough. The two packed up their things, brought their luggage, and the one who jumped on board the boat together.

"Hurry up! Don't return home, send me to a foreign country."

"Foreign...foreign? Are you kidding me, this is a private yacht. If you want to go abroad, you can go to be a steamer!"

"Shut up! Just do what I say!" the man shouted.


"Then send me to Hong Kong Island, or somewhere else, or I will kill you!"


The host looked at him, frowning, but didn't dare to disobey him, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Hurry up!"

"Hey, hey, let's go!"

No way, the two had to do as he said, start the yacht, and sail in one direction.

The great jumper walked to the side of the ship, leaned against the railing and looked down. The two eyes exposed in the hollow flashed with a strange light.

And at this moment, the surface of the sea not far away suddenly began to churn as if it was boiled, and in a vague way, it seemed as if there was something huge moving!

"Look, husband!" The hostess immediately shouted, seeing the abnormality in the sea.

The other two people were all attracted by the shouts, followed her gaze and looked at them, and they were all startled. There was obviously something like this on the sea, rushing towards him!

"It's still alive! It's alive, it's alive!" The woman seemed to go crazy suddenly, and she began to yell hysterically, and at the same time she began to pull her husband's clothes vigorously: "Look! It's alive, that guy really It's a liar! He is a liar!"

"what did you say?!"

There were only three people on the boat. The god-jumping naturally knew who she was talking about. When he was angry, he rushed to teach her, but at this moment, there was another tumbling on the side of the boat!


The hostess screamed and collapsed to the ground.

Just when everyone thought it was the unknown monster rushing over, suddenly, a jelly-like thing sprang out of the water, and the most important thing was that there was a man behind the jelly. !


Several people originally thought that the monster was coming, especially the hostess, who was so scared that their souls were gone, but suddenly they saw it, why is it such a thing?

Although the jelly is a bit unreasonable, the latter one is obviously human.

Since it is a human being, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Afterwards, every time I think of this, it feels a bit ridiculous. There is nothing to be afraid of? It's too naive...

"It turns out to be a pretender! Humph! Dare to scare Lao Tzu, look at me..."

The eyes of the great jumping **** showed a fierce light, his hand was wiped on his waist, and he immediately drew a dagger, and he was about to commit a crime at that time!

But at this moment, there was another churn beside the yacht, followed by a "teng leng"! A behemoth came out of water!


The huge waves are terrifying!

As the monster appeared, the sky seemed to dim a bit!

When everyone looked over, a monster that looked like a Godzilla stood beside the ship, staring at the few people on it with sharp eyes!


Deathly quiet!

With a "clam", the knife in the man's hand fell.

Don't talk about desperadoes, who is it, suddenly seeing such a thing can't stand it!


On the entire boat, even the great dancers, with a man and a woman, were frightened to the ground. But at this time, it seemed as if they were afraid that they were not scared enough and would add some more code to them, the jelly-like thing in front of them turned into a human form!

"My God! What is this?!"

The little girl ignored their yelling, but just started to grab my shoulder and started to wander: "Brother, brother, wake up!"

Nothing happened.

"Yeah!" The little girl put her finger on my forehead and a golden light flashed.


A very comfortable and very warm feeling was injected into my body, which immediately made me wake up, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Xiao Nuo's worried gaze.

"Brother, you finally woke up." Xiao Nuo suddenly laughed as she watched me wake up.

I reached out and touched her head. Before I could say anything, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Turning my head, I saw a monster standing next to me!

"Good guy!"

I stood up instantly and tested it. The mana in my body was still abundant. With a quick move, the power of thunder condensed instantly!

"Climb for the Lord!"

In the palm of his right hand, a thunder hammer appeared out of thin air, and immediately after, I shook it out.



The thunder sword slammed on the monster's body, its power was so powerful, it directly knocked it out!

On the yacht, I was like a **** soldier from the sky, surrounded by thunder, and still maintaining the posture of swinging a hammer. In front of me, the monster soared into the sky, and my chest was smashed into coke. Behind them were three ignorant people who were shocked beyond recognition...

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