"Nani?! Wood Style!!"

Everyone looked at Shiyu in shock,

Even Ohnoki didn't seem to expect that Shiyu would actually do it.

Fourth Raikage Ai shouted angrily:

"Who's afraid of you! I've already seen you unhappy!"

Silver lightning bursts from all over his body and he goes straight into Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

"Hell Thrust·Four Penetrating Hands!"

Fourth Raikage Ai turned his palm into a knife and slashed at Wood Style's arm.

Shiyu Mangekyō is turned on, and the yin-yang fish in the right eye spins wildly, converting the pupil power into yang escape and injecting it into Wood Style.

Tears of blood flowed from his left eye, and a red Chakra coat instantly covered Wood Style's arm.

"The Trouble of the Beast."

The 550 low-end version of the Susanoo Buddha appears in the ninja world for the first time!

With a bang,

Fourth Raikage Ai was instantly pressed onto the Wood Style arm wrapped around Susana.

Everyone gasped and looked into Shiyu's eyes in shock.

"Mangekyō and Wood Style...."

Onoki looked at Shiyu with a horrified expression.

The figures of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are merged with Shiyu at the same time.

Several Cloud Shinobi Anbu appeared instantly and attacked Shiyu,

"Let it go Raikage!"

Several Saber clan members appeared instantly and touched these Anbu:

"Go in and calm down (aidb) for a while."

A swirling ripple came out,

Several Anbu were instantly absorbed into the Kamui space by Kamui.

All the great names and nobles shouted with stern expressions:

"Chief Uchiha, what are you doing?!"

Shiyu looked at everyone with unceremonious contempt and sneered:

"I just want to advise you. It's not that I don't have the ability to fall out, it's just that I'm too lazy to do it. The Fire Country Daimyofu colluded with the Sarutobi clan in an attempt to target Konoha and us Uchiha. This time is our personal grudge and has nothing to do with you."

"If you want to try against us Uchiha..."

Dozens of tribesmen slowly appeared from the Kamui space,

Shiyu threatened with an indifferent look:

"You can ask your guards if they can guard against assassination."

The daimyo and nobles looked ugly,

This is already a naked threat.

But they are helpless. With this weird and mysterious way, even if they unite to target Uchiha, they can't kill them all.

At that time, they will need to face the revenge of dozens of Mangekyō Sharingan.

And it is also the most mysterious space-time ninjutsu!

No solution!

This is what ordinary people like them who care about their lives fear the most.

When Senju Hashirama wanted to establish a Ninja Village, they were so helpless.

Complex expressions flashed across a group of people's faces.

The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder took the lead in relaxing his breath and said in a solemn voice:

"Chief Uchiha is joking, the internal affairs of your Fire Country have nothing to do with our Thunder Country. Can you show our movie first?"

Shiyu glanced at the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, then raised Susan Wood Style's arm,

At this time, Fourth Raikage Ai had been knocked unconscious.

The current Fourth Raikage Ai is not the powerful Raikage who could easily suppress the Perfect Eight Jinchūriki 13 years later.

Even though he is stronger than the Third Generation who has just inherited the position of Raikage, his strength is limited.

Shiyu waved his hand,

Several Cloud Shinobi Village Anbu were also released.

Several people hurriedly carried Raikage and retreated, staring nervously at Shiyu.

Shiyu glanced expressionlessly around the top management, which accounted for most of the ninja world, and sneered:

"Remember, our Uchiha clan is very peace-loving and we hope we can live in peace.

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