Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 123 Marrying Tsunade, Pregnant Chizuru

One month after the Damingfu uprising was destroyed,

Konoha Village held a grand wedding ceremony,

As the Fifth Hokage and the daimyo's wife, Tsunade put on a complicated wedding dress under Shizune's service.

"Shizune, how's my eyeshadow doing? Is it a little light?"

Tsunade looked at the mirror over and over again with a nervous look on his face.

Even with her fiery personality, she was as nervous as an ordinary little girl at this moment.

Shizune looked at Tsunade in amusement as he helped her straighten her hair.

"Tsunade-sama, you have asked me more than 10 times, just right! You look stunning today."

Then she teased and said:

"Besides, didn't you say yesterday that this was just a political marriage and that you two couldn't have any feelings for each other?"

Tsunade paused for a moment, then pursed his lips and muttered:

"A political marriage is also a marriage, so it should be formal."

Shizune puffed out,

He comforted Tsunade softly: "Don't lie to yourself. Don't you know if this is a political marriage? He has so many women, and many of them have been with him for a long time. In the end, why didn't he keep the position of his head wife for you? So? Shiyu-sama’s character, and his intention to treat marriage as a child’s play, if he doesn’t want to get married, he won’t get married anyway.”

The corner of Tsunade's mouth raised, and then he snorted coldly: "Who cares about that! That big radish!"

Shizune chuckled and said nothing more.

And on the other side,

Uchiha family,

Shiyu looked energetic in a suit and leather shoes.

Beside him, Uzumaki Chizuru and Mikoto were gently adjusting their clothes.

Uzumaki Chizuru's slightly bulging belly proved that she was pregnant with Rokko.

Shiyu smiled and comforted Chizuru:

"Don't worry, Tsunade is the first to know me, so she is naturally the first to get married, but I won't distinguish between wives and concubines, you all will be treated equally."

Shiyu's face was a little complicated. This was a strange feeling after changing the plot.

Especially after Chizuru became pregnant,

He suddenly realized that Uzumaki Xianglin had become his daughter?

When I watched Hokage in my previous life, I introduced Naruto as the main character.

When Shiyu came as a reborn person, he discovered that Naruto was already doing quite well among the many characters who appeared.

0......Please give me flowers......

At the very least, Gaara, Uzumaki, and Uchiha Sasuke are all more miserable than Naruto.

Naruto was just ostracized and cold-blooded as a child,

Xianglin was directly abused, and she even witnessed her mother being bitten to death. Her fear was comparable to that of a horror movie.

Now his small act of kindness has directly changed the future of the mother and daughter. This sense of accomplishment makes Shiyu a little happy.


Uzumaki Chizuru was filled with joy after hearing Shiyu's words,

Originally, I was ready to face a tragic future, but I didn't expect that meeting Shiyu would change everything.

Chizuru doesn't care about Shiyu's flirtatiousness at all.

Especially after Shiyu decided to be the daimyo, it became natural.

No matter which world it is, the behavior of the privileged class is always easier to understand.

This is the strong instinct that humans have in their genes in order to continue their lives.

Uchiha Mikoto on the side looked at Chizuru and blinked twice.

She debated whether or not to tell him Sasuke's identity.

Especially after seeing Qianzuru pregnant, this impulse became even more obvious. .

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