Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 161 Let’S Go Back Quickly, The Uchiha Clan Is Waiting For You

Hearing Shiyu's words, Sasuke and Jiraiya looked at each other.

There were varying degrees of worry in their eyes.

This guy's strength is beyond their imagination.

If there is someone stronger than this guy, it would be really difficult to resist them based on their strength.

But then I thought about it, with Shiyu here, no matter how strong the opponent is, there is no need to be afraid.

Thinking of this, Sasuke came to Shiyu and said:

"Let's go back quickly, the Uchiha clan is waiting for you."

Hearing this, Shiyu nodded and immediately returned to Konoha Shinobi Village, Uchiha's clan.

Seeing Shiyu back, all the Uchiha clan members were overjoyed.

"It's Master Shiyu who is back. Go and inform others and hold a banquet as soon as possible!"

760 "What, Master Shiyu is back, when. What a day worth celebrating."

As Shiyu walked along, everyone cast envious glances.

But none of them stepped forward to disturb Shiyu.

Because they know that Shiyu's status is so noble that they cannot touch it at all.

Soon, members of the Uchiha clan welcomed Shiyu to Uchiha's main hall.

Not long after, the Uchiha clan held a family banquet.

There are hundreds of tables, large and small.

Seeing the Uchiha clan mobilizing troops, Shiyu frowned slightly and said:

"Don't be so aggressive every time you do (aicb). We don't have time for you to eat and drink now."

Saying that, Shiyu glanced around and saw that all the Uchiha's backbones below lowered their heads.

Facing Shiyu's eyes, they looked a little ashamed.

Over the years, Shiyu has been leading them, and they have been dragging them behind.

Shiyu didn't have any common knowledge with them and said directly:

"Next, Uchiha must train immediately to become stronger in order to deal with the attack of foreign enemies."

Hearing this, the Uchiha clan looked at each other.

Under Shiyu's governance, Konoha Shinobi Village has become the first of the five great shinobi villages.

Even in the absolute leading position, who dares to ban Konoha Shinobi Village, or even the Uchiha clan?

Shisui said directly:

"Master Shiyu, do you mean other rural areas by this foreign enemy?"

Hearing Shisui's words, Shiyu shook his head, looked straight at the crowd and said:

"The enemy is coming this time. It's in the sky."

These words made the entire Uchiha clan feel depressed.

How could there be enemies in this sky?

Seeing the confused look of the Uchiha clan, Shiyu said coldly:

"The Ōtsutsuki clan from the Ōtsutsuki planet has invaded the earth."

"They may have been developing here for more than ten years, just to wait and see the changes, so as to seize the power of the tailed beasts and absorb the nutrients of the earth."

As soon as these words came out, the Uchiha clan exploded. Unexpectedly, the invading enemy turned out to be the Ōtsutsuki clan.

They have seen how powerful Ōtsutsuki is.

Although in recent years, they have been assisted by a training center and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

But it is too difficult to deal with their ancestors, the Ōtsutsuki clan.

The Uchiha clan is in panic.

Shiyu looked solemn and immediately opened Rinnegan.

In an instant, almost all members of the Uchiha clan were attracted to Rinnegan.

Including Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Shisui.

"Just because we can't beat him, we have to become stronger immediately. If we want to protect the wood industry and the peace of Uchiha, we have to kill Ōtsutsuki!"

"The Ōtsutsuki clan is still growing secretly. As long as we wipe them out before they grow up, we can solve our worries."

After hearing this, the Uchiha clan all raised their arms and shouted. .

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