Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 162 Lord Shiyu Is Wise, We Will Work Hard To Become Stronger!

"Your Majesty, we will work hard to become stronger!"

"We will not let you down!"

However, just when the Uchiha clan was excited, Uchiha Itachi looked solemn and said:

"But how can we find the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan?"

As soon as this question came out, it suddenly shrouded Uchiha like a dark cloud.

Indeed, the Ōtsutsuki clan still doesn’t know which corner they are hiding in.

If they never come out, where should they go to find them?

Hearing this, Shiyu raised the corner of his mouth slightly. He opened his mouth and said:

"Don't worry about this, they will take the initiative to deliver it to your door.

Saying that, Shiyu waved his hand and motioned for all Uchiha members to sit down.

Uchiha's tribe did not dare to neglect, but they still had doubts in their hearts.

But facing Shiyu's current state, none of them dared to say anything.

Seeing this, Shiyu took back Rinnegan and said:

"After the feast, everyone should go to the training ground. No one is allowed to come out without my order!"

"Within a month, I want to see you all open Mangekyō Sharingan!"

As soon as these words came out, the members of the Uchiha clan took a deep breath.

Although there are also many Uchiha people who have opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

But even though they are of the same race, their talents are uneven.

Someone may never be able to activate Sharingan in their lifetime, let alone Mangekyō.

Although they have the blessing of the training ground, they dare not say that they will definitely be able to activate Mangekyō.

That is Sharingan's highest level pupil technique.

But no one dared to disobey Shiyu, so they could only practice their pupil skills desperately.

In order to open the Mangekyō Sharingan within a month.

Not long after, the Uchiha clan’s feast ended.

All the members of Uchiha did not dare to slack off and rushed to the training ground to train.

Saying goodbye to Uchiha's tribe, Shiyu went straight back to his room.

At this time, Tsunade is diagnosing Uzumaki Chizuru.

Shiyu's appearance interrupted Tsunade's rhythm?

Tsunade looked unhappy and said:

"Why are you so reckless and you didn't even say a word when you came back?"

"If I scare Chizuru, I will ask you for it."

Hearing this, Shiyu spread his hands helplessly.

"When did you two have such a good relationship?"

0...Please give me flowers...0

"This is not like your style."

Hearing this, Tsunade raised his eyebrows, looked at Shiyu and said:

"We are not like grown men like you who spend all day fighting and killing.

As he spoke, Tsunade continued to put his hand on Chizuru's arm and deliver Chakra to her.

At this time, Chizuru's belly had already swelled a lot.

Calculating the time, it should be production.

Shiyu walked to the bedside, held Chizuru's hand, and said:

"I have made you worry. When our child is born, I will take you on a trip."

Hearing this, Chizuru secretly glanced at Tsunade.

Tsunade cleared her throat and said:

"I don't need him to take me there. I'll let Jiraiya take me another day."

Hearing this, Shiyu took a breath and looked at Tsunade.

This woman really knows how to play with fire.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Chizuru quickly took Shiyu's hand and said:

"Sister Tsunade said that our child will be born in half a month."

"You are busy outside all day, I am very worried about you, and our children will also be worried about your talents."

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