Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 190 Even If The Moon Is Destroyed, It Is Not Such A Big Problem!

At Shiyu's nod, the researcher next to him stepped forward and pressed a red button.

Then the next moment, the countdown started on the screen next to the cannon.

As the countdown gradually returned to zero, a blue light appeared at the muzzle of the cannon.


As the light has begun to become stronger and stronger, the extremely powerful power of Japanese stocks has begun to continue.

Even at this moment, Shiyu could feel a hint of threat from the Chakra cannon.

Although it was only a little bit, it was enough to make him feel extremely shocked.

As time passed, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

A blue light wave burst out suddenly, and as soon as this light wave was emitted, an extremely powerful shock wave was immediately generated in the surrounding area [even blowing the clothes of everyone present.

The light wave traveled rapidly towards the distant mountain peaks, leaving a deep ravine wherever it passed, and finally hit the farthest mountain peak.

Then the next moment, several ferocious cracks suddenly appeared on such a tall mountain peak, and the mountain peak even revealed a blue light.

Then the blue light began to become more and more intense, and finally the entire mountain began to explode!


It was at this moment that the violent sound of the fan reached everyone's ears.

The researcher next to him nodded, and finally began to patiently explain to Shiyu.

"The current power of the Chakra cannon can be adjusted. The power of the cannonball just now is only less than a quarter of the power of its heyday"々!"

"If the Chakra cannon explodes with all its power, it won't be a big problem even if the moon is destroyed!"

After Shiyu saw the power of this Chakra cannon, he nodded with great satisfaction.

I was still a little nervous before, but I finally relaxed a little at this moment.

"So how many more of these Chakra cannons can we make now?" Shiyu asked curiously.

“Currently there are many areas for improvement in the coat hanger Chakra cannon we produce | The researchers at Uchiha have been thinking carefully about it for some time.

"So when can this kind of cannon be mass-produced? We must know that the time of our threat's arrival is still uncertain. It is like a sharp weapon suspended above our heads at every moment, bringing us fatal danger. We must Just be well prepared!”

Uchiha's researchers thought about it carefully, "If sufficient resources can be obtained, at least ten cannons may be manufactured in less than half a year, and full mass production can be completed in less than a year!"

The data presented by the researchers is indeed quite fast.

You must know that (Li Lihao) recently, under Shiyu's planning, most of the resources have been devoted to the research of related weapons.

Under such a funding tilt, the military weapons and technological level of the entire Uchiha family basically undergo new changes every day.

But even so, Shiyu still seemed a little dissatisfied and frowned slightly.

After seeing the expression on Shiyu's face, the Uchiha researcher's heart sank. .

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