After seeing the expression on Shiyu's face, Uchiha's researchers seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

I am afraid that even such rapid development cannot satisfy Shiyu. It is really impossible to imagine how powerful the enemies Uchiha will encounter in the future.

Seemingly sensing that the atmosphere here was a bit dull, other researchers stepped forward.

"Master Shiyu, although Chuck's cannon is not yet ready for mass production, I have recently made some good inventions that are now ready for mass production, which can alleviate the urgent need to some extent."

After hearing what the other party 420 said, Shi Bao suddenly became interested.

You must know that several researchers here can almost be regarded as geniuses in the Uchiha family.

Now that the opponent is talking about a good invention, it must be a very high-end weapon!

"Take me to take a look quickly!"

Later, Shiyu followed several researchers and came to the other party's laboratory minister.

At this moment, you can see that everything in the opponent's laboratory is arranged in an orderly manner, but there is a very strange (aidd) glove on the table, which looks very attractive.

The researcher stepped forward, picked up the glove, and then began to introduce it.

To put it simply, this first path is completely created for the Ōtsutsuki family. Not only can it block all Chakra attacks, it can even rebound certain attacks.

At the same time, there is a very special venom inside the gloves, which can be released anytime and anywhere when in danger.

"When releasing these poisonous gases, do we need to wear relevant masks?" Shiyu suddenly became interested when he heard this, and asked curiously.

The researcher pushed the eye sockets on the bridge of his nose with his hand, and his eyes revealed a strange light.

"In fact, this is the research result we have obtained, a weapon specifically targeting genes."

After hearing these words, Shiyu was stunned.

You must know that he has heard related words before, but has never seen such a thing actually exist, so he feels very interested in it.

If this kind of weapon can really be developed, then it may be much easier to face the Ōtsutsuki's attack next.

The researchers then began to patiently introduce the process of inventing these weapons.

It turned out that they had to know that the Ōtsutsuki were not from this planet, and they became very interested in the internal structure of their bodies.

It happened that not long ago, we obtained some genes from Ōtsutsuki, and after a long period of research, we finally developed related memory weapons.

After all, these enemies are people who do not belong to this planet. Although the structure of the human body looks very similar to that of ordinary people, in fact, the genes are still very different.

After a period of exploration, researchers discovered that many genes in the genes of the Ōtsutsuki people were different from those of people on earth.

Researchers then created very targeted biological viruses based on these different genes.

This kind of weapon has basically no effect on ordinary people, but it is fatal to the Ōtsutsuki people!.

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