Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

168 The Birth Of The World (Please Subscribe!!!)

The next moment, the light changed like a stream of water, began to gather, and then rushed towards the gap in the space at that time, and at the same time, it appeared from the other end of the passage and entered the underworld.

Those rays of light are nothing but spirit sons, massive spirit sons.

After these spirits appeared in the underworld, they poured into Senju Tobirama's body, and then saw his left eye start to glow, turning into a pure white white eye.

An invisible wave burst out from that eyeball. At the same time, Senju Tobirama frowned, as if he was under tremendous pressure, showing a hint of pain

"Be patient." Senju Yuan said.

Senju Tobirama did not speak, but showed his attitude with actions.

Immediately, the fluctuations began to become obvious, and with him as the center, the fluctuations spread towards the surroundings.

Space appeared!

There is a concept of space in Huangquan, and it is no longer the colorful "existence" state before. From this moment, real space was born in Huangquan.

The space is expanding, continuously expanding, from the initial diameter of 100 meters, to a diameter of over 1,000 meters, which has expanded more than ten times.

At this point, both Senju Yuan and Senju Tobirama seem to have reached some sort of limit.

The limit of Senju Yuan is that what he is doing now is creation, no! To be precise, it is more accurate to call it creation, because he is now endowing Huangquan with space attributes in a way he understands.

The first step in the birth of the universe starts with the possession of space.

Therefore, it is not inappropriate to call Senju Yuan's current actions the creation of the world.

The limit of Senju Tobirama lies in his endurance, the endurance of the soul, which has reached a peak.

He is now the soul carrier of the left eye of the Spirit King. His own soul has strength. This strength plus the left eye of the Spirit King is the limit of the space he can bear at this time—a range of more than a thousand meters in diameter.

Seeing this, Senju Yuan stopped expanding the space.

At the same time, in the realization of Senju Yuan and Orochimaru, the scene seen through the connecting channel is no longer colorful, but dark, completely dark.

At the beginning of the universe, there was darkness.

With a thought in Senju Yuan's mind, more spiritual particles rushed towards the connecting channel.

The spirit particles glowed, illuminating the dark space, giving this space its initial light.

Senju Tobirama watched all this without any movement, but Senju Hashirama beside him opened his mouth slightly at this time, feeling shocked by this scene.

Immediately under his gaze, the spirit particles began to become diluted, spreading from the original mass to all around.

Immediately afterwards, in the dark space, the light became more obvious.

Senju Yuan has not relaxed the output of spirit seeds, and gradually, sweat oozes from his forehead.

And as time goes by, the light in the space becomes more and more obvious.

I saw that the upper part of the space gradually had a light blue color, and the color like the sky appeared.

At the same time, at the bottom of the space, the spirits gathered together and spread out into a plane, extending towards the end of the space.

Senju Yuan's expression froze, and the output of Lingzi instantly increased!

Immediately afterwards, the earth took shape, and the blue sky and the earth appeared in the space.

It's just that the blue sky and the earth at this time still look very thin and barren.

First of all, the color of the sky is that light blue color, and the loess on the ground is also a thin layer, and even through the gaps between the loess, you can see the dark and dark color below.


Senju Yuan let out a long breath, ending the output of the spirits.

At this time, if you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that Senju Yuan's body has lost a lot of weight, which is very obvious compared with before, and his complexion has also become a lot paler.

The whole process seems simple, but in fact only Senju Yuan knows the difficulties.

This is in the creation of the world, not as simple as performing ninjutsu. There are many aspects that need to be paid attention to. One mistake is a scene where everything is lost.

Suddenly, Senju Yuan frowned.

Because in his line of sight, the space in front of him, whether it is the sky or the land, began to shake, flickering twice from time to time, it seemed to be unstable, and there was a sign of collapse.

"Failed.`?" Orochimaru subconsciously asked.

Senju Yuan didn't make a sound, but watched nervously.

"It turns out that the most critical link is missing!" Senju Yuan saw through the reason.

"What did you find?" Orochimaru asked.

Senju Yuan shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "My idea is correct, and my approach is correct, but I have overlooked one point. The watch Huang Quan wears has already been born in the world, and it is the universe where the ninja world is located."

Orochimaru frowned, not understanding the meaning.

Senju Yuan didn't explain anything, because he had already understood that the key to such a creation could not be successful.

The reason lies in Huang Quan's concept of being. The universe was really born from here, forming the universe where the ninja world is now. As the starting point of the universe, being born from nothing, Huang Quan has completed the task of the birth of the universe.

If Huang Quan is regarded as the starting point of this universe, then Huang Quan has already completed its mission.

But now Senju Yuan wants to create a world again in this existence.

Then there is no doubt that no matter how small this world is, its level is on par with the universe where the ninja world is located, because this world was born in the initial point of the universe called Huangquan.

Two universes born from one initial point?

No matter how you look at it, it is not an achievable thing.

With a thought, a bead appeared in Senju Yuan's hand.

It is the seed of the world!

Orochimaru didn't know why, he didn't see anything in Senju Yuan's hand.

The seed of the world, people who can't understand its concept, can't perceive its existence at all.

"...Fortunately, I have this thing." (good)

Without any hesitation, Senju Yuan threw the Seed of the World into the Minister of the Connection Channel.

The next moment, the Seed of the World disappeared, and at the other end of the connecting channel, the Seed of the World appeared in the space just created.

As soon as the Seed of the World appeared, a wave emanated from it, and then the Seed of the World disappeared, replaced by a special force field that merged with the newly born world.


Shocks appeared in the newborn space, which was the sound of space-time fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the illusory feeling of the blue sky and the ground in the space disappeared, and the unstable situation also disappeared, replaced by a sense of reality.

At this moment, Senju Yuan's eyes glowed with light, and his spiritual sense had been opened to the maximum. He noticed a special wave that was born when the seed of the world merged with the space.

"I finally found out, hahaha!"

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