Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

169 Twin Universe (Please Subscribe!!!)

Senju Yuan was very excited at this time, even if he used Precious's World Seed, he didn't think it was a loss, because compared with his discovery, a World Seed is nothing at all.


That's right, he found the Cosmic Beacon!

That special fluctuation, the fluctuation born as the space became the world, is a beacon of the universe.

At this moment, Senju Yuan was very grateful for his talent, which allowed him to understand the beacon, otherwise, even if he sensed this kind of fluctuation, he would not be able to understand it.

The so-called beacon can be regarded as the coordinates of the universe in "Nothing", but because the universe was born in "Nothing", and Wu has no concept of time and space, so there is no sense of distance between the universe and the universe .

If you really want to understand, you can use a computer to explain it simply.

Comparing one universe to a piece of software, then another universe is another piece of software.

The Cosmic Beacon is the desktop icon of the software.

See the superficial explanation, but only this kind of analogy can make Common people understand.

At this time, Senju Yuan discovered the world formed after the fusion of space by the seed of the world, and the beacon that was born was the desktop icon of the Soul Society he created.

There is no concept of distance between universes, and there is only the difference between the universe itself, which is equivalent to the difference between software and software, so if you want to find another universe, you need to pass the beacon.

Switching to the metaphor of desktop icons, then to find another universe first, you have to be able to see the desktop icons of that universe.

Now that Senju Yuan has discovered this icon and understands what this icon represents, it is no longer just a fantasy to find the second icon through this.

After some things are truly understood, it is no longer difficult to find them. If Senju Yuan wants to find the second desktop icon, what he has to do is to develop a software that can scan desktop icons.

hard to understand right?

But in fact, it is really not difficult for Senju Yuan now.

As I said earlier, comparing the universe to software, Senju Yuan now only needs to add such a function to this software.

Look, easy, right?

The "nothingness" before the birth of the universe did not exist, but since the universe was born, the process of birthing the universe must have something in common.

In another way that can be easily understood, the process before the software is formed has a set of fixed rules. Only by following this rule can the universe be born from nothing.

What is the process?

It can be understood that programmers create a software through programming.

But the birth of the universe may not be artificial, so what is a programmer?

Programmers are "nothing"!

The software used for programming is the rule of birth of the universe.

Then it's easy to understand.

The birth of the universe follows the same rule of programming software, and the universes after birth are different. This is the difference between software and software, and the difference between universe and universe, but the birth of universe has the same logic. What Senju Yuan has to do is to use this logic to [add the function of searching for other software icons in the software of this universe.

It's just programming, Senju Yuan can do it, after understanding the concept of Beacon, all this is no longer a problem.

It is precisely because of this that Senju Yuan's mood at this time appears so excited.

"What's wrong?" Orochimaru asked.

Senju Yuan took a deep breath, grinned and said, "I found something very interesting."

Seeing that Senju Yuan didn't intend to explain in detail, Orochimaru didn't continue to ask. He was already familiar with Senju Yuan's appearance of a riddleman from time to time, so he was not surprised.

At this time, the Soul Society in Huangquan has been completely formed, and it does not look like it will collapse at all, and it appears to be very stable.

The sky is still pale blue, the ground is still thin, and (cbca) you can still see the deep darkness from the gaps.

But this just means that the magnitude of this world is insufficient. This is a lack of energy and matter. It has nothing to do with the world of Soul Society itself, because Soul Society has already taken shape and has become a world equal to the universe where Ninja World is located. , both are the same in rank.

At the same time, the two were born at the same initial point, breaking the rule that a universe is born from an initial point, so it can be regarded as the twin universe of the universe where the ninja world is located.

There is a connection between the two, but they are different from the parallel universe.

The point of connection is that both are born from an initial point, even though the rules are vastly different, they can still be regarded as a whole.

But it is precisely because of the difference in the rules that they can be regarded as two different individuals, which are fundamentally different from the parallel universe.

We must know that the universe is a concept, a combination of space and time.

Space represents the location of matter, and time represents the movement of matter.

Parallel spaces are born from differences in the movement of matter, so no matter how many parallel universes there are, they are all under the world view of one universe and are a true whole.

To put it simply, it is the running status of the software displayed under different accounts of a software.

The Soul Society space and the universe where Ninja World is located are twins. The difference between the two is that there are two identical software in one hard disk, except that one software is a game, and the other software is a movie.

Games and movies are the embodiment of different rules in these two universes, but whether it is the game software or the movie, the two have the same name, it’s as simple as that

Far away.

Senju Yuan did not continue to output spirit particles now, and then said to Senju Tobirama: "Your left eye is now the authority of this space. Through this eyeball, you can use various rules of this space."

"Then from now on, you can sort out this space. This space will continue to grow, because under the rules of the universe, spirits will be born naturally. What you need to do now is to construct a complete space while expanding the space." World environment, can you understand it?"

Senju Tobirama nodded, he understood what Senju Yuan meant, and said: "I will sort out this world."

"That's good. When you have time, you can use the spirit seed as a basis to develop some usages of the spirit seed. I believe this should not be a problem for you.

Senju Yuan is very satisfied.

This initial Soul Society will grow automatically because of the fusion relationship of the seeds of the world, which saves Senju Yuan a lot of effort.

Then in this way, the previously conceived Spirit King has changed from the stable point of the Soul Society to the administrator of the rules of the Soul Society, which has little impact on Senju Yuan's plan.

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