Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

185 The Miracle Of Life (Please Subscribe!!!)

Orochimaru didn't lie, he just felt a numbness in his mouth after eating this piece of meat, as if he had been electrified. And after this numbness, there is a rare freshness, a mouthful of fragrance, very delicious.


The most intuitive feeling of this Orochimaru.

Immediately afterwards, he narrowed his eyes.

"My lord, the cells in my body are starting to agitate."

After the words fell, natural energy began to pour into his body, and the original Earth Coiling created a small whirlwind. Orochimaru was in the midst of it, squinting his eyes and slightly raised his head, feeling that both his body and his spirit were in a state of shock. A rare sense of transparency.

Seeing this, Senju Yuan smiled slightly and said: "That's right, that thing just now should be the strongest creature in this biosphere. I don't know how many local creatures it has eaten. The gourmet cells have already evolved continuously and have great potential."


Orochimaru opened his eyes and let out a sigh~ with a smile on his face.

"It's unbelievable. Just a piece of meat has made my body stronger. If there is more, my body strength can be improved by another step.

Speaking of this, he still felt a little pity.

The good news is that the number of that creature is obviously not large, and it may even be the only one in this biosphere. If it is killed, it is not worth it

Senju Yuan just said calmly: "Wait, after a long time, there will always be other strange creatures appearing, and these will be nothing at that time."

"Yes, Master Yuan."

Orochimaru is convinced by Senju Yuan now. After deeply participating in the research of gourmet cells, he already knew the strength and uniqueness of this system, but now, he realized that his understanding of gourmet cells is still too shallow.

And now, Orochimaru is also looking forward to it. He doesn't know what kind of creatures will appear in the future, and he doesn't know how those gourmet cells will benefit him. When that time comes, it will definitely be wonderful.

Then the two explored this biosphere again, and found more strange creatures, it was—records, Senju Yuan waved his hand and opened the shuttle door leading to Star No. 1

The so-called No. 1 star is the star closest to the sun, its volume is only one-third of the No. 2 star, and because it is too close to the sun, it has been locked by the sun's tidal force, so No. 1 star has Both face the sun on one side and perpetual night on the other.

Speaking of it, it is similar to Mercury in the solar system in Senju Yuan's previous life. It is also small, and because it is too close to the sun, the planet only has an iron-nickel core left.

If not, the volume of the first star should be several times larger, at least it should not be smaller than the second star.

However, these are not the main points. What Senju Yuan and Orochimaru really care about is the biosphere that appeared on the No. 1 star.

Yes, don’t look at the fact that the No. 1 star is too close to the sun, and don’t look at the temperature polarization of the No. 1 star, but the biosphere has indeed been born on it, and the biosphere here is larger than that of the No. 2 star, and has even spread to the whole planet.

Standing outside the No. 1 star and staring at the front, Orochimaru said with emotion: "It is really hard to imagine that the biosphere of the No. 1 star is actually larger than that of the No. 2 star. It is really a miracle of life."

Senju Yuan nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile: "In a cruel environment, life often bursts out with unimaginable potential. The evolution rate here is faster than that of No. 2 Star, which is also caused by the environment."

After thinking about it, Orochimaru understood, and agreed: "Yes, the environment of No. 2 planet is indeed worse than that of the ninja world, but the biosphere there has evolved by simulating the environment of a normal biological planet. It is those Purple trees that guarantee To ensure the safety of life there. But there is obviously no way to do this on the No. 1 star, and life can only think of other ways."

Senju Yuan took a step forward and entered the space rift, and Orochimaru followed quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the two appeared on the surface of No. 1 star, on the line where morning and evening alternate.

There is darkness in the rear, but light is already visible in the front.

The temperature here is not as extreme as the front and back of the planet, but is maintained at sixty to seventy degrees, which is enough for the survival of living things.

It is precisely because the ambient temperature here is just right, so the creatures that appear here are also the weakest on the entire No. 1 star.

As far as Senju Yuan can see, most of the creatures that appear here are fish-like creatures. Because of the low gravity of the planet and the gravitational force of the sun, the creatures here have a special organ, which can generate electric current. An organ that generates electromagnetic induction with the ground.

……ask for flowers…

It is the existence of this organ that allows the creatures here to master the three abilities of magnetic levitation, and then be able to fly in the sky.

Similarly, because the environment here is a little dark, and the creatures here have their own electric energy, the creatures emit a strange light. Some of these rays are due to electrical stimulation, and some are the primary application of natural energy.

Looking around, there are shadows all around, and a little bit of light makes this a dreamlike picture, which is very beautiful.

"Go over there and have a look."

As Senju Yuan said, he walked towards the darkness to practice medicine.

The more you go into the darkness, the worse the surrounding environment will be.

This place is full of ice, and the ground has been cracked by freezing. You must know that the ground here is the iron-nickel core of the planet, and the ground made of metal can be cracked by freezing, which shows how low the temperature is.


The surroundings are full of light and shadow, and countless creatures are cruising in the air. Because there is no air, there is no sound here, but the creatures here are not as docile as they appear on the surface, but because of the environment, they appear more docile. cruel.

As far as the two have encountered attacks along the way, there have been no less than ten times. During this journey, Orochimaru is like a foodie. No matter what kind of creature is rushing towards him, he will be caught and eaten. Meat, I will comment on it from time to time.

"It's unbelievable that the flesh of this creature is spicy.

"Well, it's so sweet."

"Strange, why is the flesh of this creature so sour?"

"Hey, there are plants here, vomit...It smells so disgusting."

"This, is this a drink? Why does the juice on this plant look like a drink?"

"Hehe, this kind of fruit is strange and has a taste like cotton candy."

Orochimaru has had a good time this way, and Tegen thinks that this guy has a tendency to change into a gourmet hunter.

But he didn't say much. For researchers, especially gourmet cells, if they don't taste something novel, wouldn't that be in vain?

The speed of the two was not slow, and soon they came to the place where the morning and evening alternate on the other side of the planet, and further ahead, it was the eternal day of the No. 1 star.

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