Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

186 Senju Yuan's Overlord's Kiss (Please Subscribe!!!)

The sky of Eternal Day can no longer be described as bright. The sun above the sky is much larger than what the ninjas have seen. If the sun seen in Ninja World is the size of a small glass ball, then the sun seen in Star No. 1 is a big bathtub.

The sun hangs brightly on the sky, the light is dazzling, and the temperature is astonishing, so that the temperature on the front of No. 1 star is also the same. According to Senju Yuan's estimation, the temperature here is at least six to seven degrees.

"It's so gorgeous."

This is Orochimaru's exclamation.

It's no wonder he would say this, just because the biosphere that appeared in front of the two of them was indeed gorgeous.

Creatures "410" of different colors roam in the sky, which are similar to the creatures on the back of the planet, but most of them are more like jellyfish, with tentacles hanging down, and their bodies are translucent. In the environment, maintain your body temperature.

Senju Yuan felt the activity of natural energy from these creatures, and there are even some existences with a capture level of more than two or three hundred, which shows that the evolution of the planet's front is more radical

These creatures are either preying, on the way to prey, or multiplying.

From Senju Yuan's eyesight, these creatures in front of them have already imprinted the survival instinct into their cells, and all their actions are to survive.

"This biosphere is a bit cruel, but it is precisely because of this that more changes will occur. I am looking forward to it."

Senju Yuan is very satisfied with this, among other things, it is absolutely unimaginable for creatures that can survive in this cruel environment.

Orochimaru suddenly asked with an open mind: "Master Yuan, do you think there will be a day when there will be creatures that can withstand the temperature of the sun and live directly in the sun?"

This question made Senju Yuan slightly startled, and then nodded in affirmation.

"Of course it is possible. It may be difficult to eat cells alone, but don't forget that these creatures can absorb the energy of the universe and convert it into natural energy. With natural energy, it may be difficult to reach the point where they can survive on the sun , but there will be opportunities.

Orochimaru grinned when he heard that.

"If such a creature really exists, I don't know what it will look like, maybe its life will be extremely long?"

Although Orochimaru's current research center is on gourmet cells, his obsession with immortality has not diminished at all.

"Just wait, it's just a matter of time." Senju Yuan said.

In the following time, the two wandered around the Everlasting Day and collected a lot of materials.

These materials will be brought back, and then the genes will be extracted and put into the ninja world.

At that time, the biosphere of the ninja world will usher in a powerful upgrade. At that time, the changes in the ninja world will really begin.

In Senju Yuan's vision, the future of the ninja world will be a place that accommodates various power systems and various strange creatures. The profession of ninja will still exist, but other professions will be born besides ninja.

Such as gourmet hunters, explorers, Shinigami and the like, oh yes, a trainer has to be added.

Senju Yuan and Orochimaru returned to the Ninja World after watching Star 1 and Star 2.

Orochimaru naturally went to work on other experiments. His mind is full of biological experiments now, and today is considered an eye-opener, and he can't wait for it.

As for Senju Yuan, after learning about the situation in the Land of Rain, he put his mind on searching for other worlds.

What he is looking for this time is not a parallel world, but the real Otherworld, but it is still in the first stage of analyzing the Beacon. It may take a while to really find the New World... . . .

In addition, the situation in the Land of Rain has also undergone new changes.

Because of the control of the upper-level relationship of Rain Shinobi, Rain Shinobi Village was not affected much, and then Uchiha Mitsuki and the others began to transform and subdue the ninjas in the Rain Shinobi system

The process went smoothly, the thorns were all controlled by illusion, and the remaining ones, seeing that the situation was irreversible, devoted themselves to Uchiha Guangxi and the others with integrity.

With the cooperation of these people, the control of Rain Shinobi by Uchiha Guangxi and the others has risen several steps.

In the following time, as Rain Shinobi Village was completely controlled, Uchiha Mitsuki and the others set their sights on the entire Land of Rain. Anyway, the name of the Land of Rain doesn’t care about it, so just let him continue to live and die. It's good for them to manage.

Needless to say about the process, it is nothing more than some control, assassination and other means. After this set of combined punches, Uchiha Guangxi and the others secretly control more and more power, but after more than a month of hard work, the country of rain has almost been completed. of complete penetration.

The whole operation can't be said to be smooth, but the result is good, at least Uchiha Guangxi's goal has been achieved.

And at this point, the complete reform of the 5.3 Land of Rain can begin.

After getting this news, Senju Yuan came to Hokage's office and informed Tsunade of the information.

The latter looked very surprised.

"Are you serious? Those brats really control the entire Land of Rain? You didn't lie to me?"

Senju Yuan stepped forward with a smile, hugged Tsunade's delicate body without saying a word, then kissed her, and then let go after a while.

Tsunade was in a daze after being kissed, and it was Qian Qianyuan's words.

"Sister Tsunade, from now on you have to remember one thing, that is, everything I tell you will not lie to you, this is my promise."

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