Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

190 Preparations Before Giving Birth (Please Subscribe!!!)

Compared with Tsunade, Uzumaki Kushina undoubtedly has a much more tender face. When Senju Yuan teased these two sentences, his cheeks turned red immediately, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But Senju Yuan is very experienced in dealing with her, so he kissed her without saying a word. After the kiss, Uzumaki Kushina was limp in Senju Yuan's arms, her pretty face flushed, and she lowered her head and dared not To see him.

"It's okay if you don't rush, we can get along well for a few more years, and when the time comes, we will have another child." Senju Yuan said.


Uzumaki Kushina punched Senju Yuan and muttered, "Just~ will bully me."

"Hehehe, this is - not bullying you."

As for coaxing female voices, Senju Yuan is very proficient, and in a few words, Uzumaki Kushina's heart is full of joy and shyness.

It took a long time to eat this meal, and it didn't take much time to eat. The rest of the time was spent on dating. Senju Yuan played his specialty, so that Uzumaki Kushina's face never faded.

The final result is also very good. Although Uzumaki Kushina didn't say anything, he didn't object to Senju Yuan in this matter.

She also sees the relationship between Senju Yuan and Tsunade, knowing that it is superfluous to say anything at this time, plus her relationship with Senju Yuan, she has already identified Senju Yuan in this life, so there is actually no need to say anything about this matter .

After the meal, Senju Yuan sent her back to Konoha Hospital, while he went back to get ready.

what to prepare?

Of course it's something like having a baby with Tsunade.

He went to the lab first, had a full physical examination of himself, and asked Orochimaru to help.

"Unbelievable, Gen-sama, the cells in your blood are too active, even more terrifying than Hashirama cells, and the assimilation ability is too terrifying."

Looking at the blood in the petri dish, Yin Snake sighed.

"Looking at this situation, if you count by the capture level, you should be over 10,000, Gen-sama?" Orochimaru asked.

Senju Yuan just smiled: "I don't know, and I haven't investigated systematically, so it's nothing."

Orochimaru shook his head slightly, and didn't say much, he was well aware of Senju Yuan's strength, and even he couldn't know how many secrets it contained.

Take this blood test as an example, what he sees is only superficial, because if you really want to count, Senju Yuan also needs to count the spiritual sub-system and gourmet cell system, these two roads Senju Yuan has gone a long way .

"So, my body is mature, right?" Senju Yuan asked.

Orochimaru nodded, affirming: "Too mature, there is no problem at all.

"Well, please issue me an inspection report." Senju Yuan said.

"Uh, what's the use?" Orochimaru didn't know why.

"I'm going to show sister Tsunade."

Orochimaru didn't understand, but still nodded: "Show her, I understand, I will write the report in more detail."

"Well, after all, we have to have a baby, so Tsunade needs to let go of his worries." Senju Yuan nodded.


Orochimaru's eyes widened.

"Are you talking about you? Gen-sama?"

Senju Yuan nodded.

Orochimaru scratched his head in a daze: "Twelve years old is not suitable, but there is no problem with your development, and because of yourself, Mr. Yuan, speaking carefully, it is really not a big problem."

Senju Yuan smiled and said: "That's right, sister Tsunade is worried about this, so I let her feel at ease."

Orochimaru seemed to say that you really know how to play, but he was afraid of being beaten, so he honestly issued an inspection report.

Just thinking of Tsunade's age and Senju Yuan's age, he was a little speechless. These two people are really good at playing.

"Are you thinking of something impolite?" Senju Yuan asked.

Orochimaru shook his head hastily.

"No, this is the inspection report, Mr. Yuan, please take it well."

Senju Yuan took it and looked at it carefully.

The report is very detailed, analyzing Senju Yuan's various body function data from the aspect of blood, and finally concluded that Senju Yuan's body is much stronger than normal people, "has a maturity that does not match his age.


Senju Yuan nodded and left without any nonsense.

He had to take this report and let Tsunade take a good look at it.

The time came to the second day, it was still Hokage's office, Senju Yuan came here and directly put the report on Tsunade's desk.

The latter didn't raise his head, and continued with what he was doing, as if deliberately ignoring Senju Yuan.

……ask for flowers…

"What's the matter today? You don't seem happy?" Senju Yuan asked.

Only then did Tsunade raise his head, and gave Senju Yuan an annoyed look.

"Are you in a hurry?" she asked.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, then nodded and said: "It's quite urgent, after all, you haven't taken a bath with me in the past few years, how about going back to take a bath together today?"

Tsunade thought of something, blushed slightly, pushed away the document in his hand, picked up the inspection report and read it.

The more I looked, the redder my face became.

The report is not only a blood test, but also data such as Senju Yuan's physical fitness.

Such as height, arm span, weight, body fat percentage, muscle strength, kidney function strength, development status, etc., are all clearly marked.


Well, the latter are the inspections made by Senju Yuan himself, trying to be true to the data.

It is this truth that makes Tsunade afraid to look up.

She could feel Senju Yuan's gaze, for some reason, she just felt that Senju Yuan's gaze was extraordinarily hot today.

Tsunade is not a little girl who doesn't know anything, but it is a bit difficult to resist this kind of gaze.


Tsunade spat, gave Senju Yuan another look, put the report aside, and looked at the source of the car with his chin resting on his hand.

"You brat, it looks like you're going to eat me, don't you?"

Senju Yuan smiled and said: "Donate to the Senju clan, don't you want to do such a thing, sister Tsunade?"

Speaking of this, Tsunade was even more angry.

"Hurry up and get out, I'm still busy with work."

Senju Yuan knew that she was agreeing in a disguised form, but it was just a woman's reserve at work, so she said with a smile: "Well, I'll pick you up in the afternoon, I'll go back and get ready first."

Hearing this, Tsunade immediately gave him another look, but didn't say much.

After Senju Yuan left, Tsunade stroked his chest, and for some reason, his heart was beating extraordinarily fast right now.

"Smelly brat."

Not knowing what he thought of, Tsunade shook his head, dispelled the images in his mind, took a deep breath, and then refocused on the work in front of him.

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