Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

191 Konoha All People Eat Melon (Please Subscribe!!!)

On this day, the wind is sunny, the sun is warm, and the breeze is gentle.

Konoha is as peaceful as ever, and people live a life that has not changed from the past, peaceful and happy.

There are people coming and going on the street, and there is a lot of voices, but there is one more thing that people are talking about today, which makes people feel a little unbelievable and unimaginable.

"Have you heard?"


"that matter."

"What's up?"

"That's the thing."

"Which thing? Oh oh, that thing?"

"Yeah, you've heard that too, right? Is it true?"

"It should be true. Many people are talking about it, and there are no guards to take care of it. It shouldn't be wrong."

"Wow, that's incredible." "Seven Forty"

Such comments abound, and many people have strange, novel, and weird expressions on their expressions, but they all avoid people when they talk about it, and from time to time they will look in the direction of the Hokage building, as if they want to see To the point of what, unfortunately can not see anything.

According to the past, if there is such a public opinion in the village, the guards will definitely come back to manage it, but in fact, let alone the Common villagers in the village, even the Uchiha ninjas in the guard are eating melons at the moment.

This melon is not small, it can be called the largest melon in Konoha at this stage, and people who eat it enjoy it.

"What, Yingyin is getting married? The other party is Hui?"

"What marriage, Lord Hokage is going to have a baby!"

"Birth? So soon? Whose?"

"Fart, where did you hear it? It is said that the Senju clan wants to revive Yamato, so they need to increase the population, so that Lord Hokage takes the initiative to take responsibility."

"Ah? So direct?"

"Quickly tell me, who is Master Hokage going to have a child with? It can't be from the Commons, right? I haven't heard of anyone getting close to Master Hokage.

"Who else could it be, that Qianqianyuan?"

"Senju Yuan?"

"Hiss...he is only twelve years old, Master Hokage is old..."

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, think about Master Hokage's temper, and Senju Yuan's horror, you'd better not say that.

"Oh, yes, it's almost finished, it scared me to death."

"But is it true?"

"Of course it is true. I heard that the news came from the Hokage building, and no one has come to refute the rumors.

"Is there no one to take care of this kind of thing? I heard a lot of people on the street talking about it."

"Control? How? We are the guards, and we didn't listen to anyone's orders."

"What did the Patriarch say?"

"The Fugaku patriarch is eating melons with other high-level officials."

The Hokage building, the special conference room, is already full of people, but they are all silent.

Most of the people in the meeting are members of Konoha's upper-level ninja class, the patriarch of the ninja clan, and people from other departments.

"Has the message been confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed, Master Hokage said it himself."

"Ah... is this really Yuan-jun?"

"What should I do? If this kind of thing gets out, it will be laughed at by other villages."

"Yeah, Yuan-kun is only twelve years old now, Mr. Hokage, um, Mr. Hokage is fine, but if the other party is Mr. Yuan, no matter how you look at it, this kind of thing is not normal, right?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Master Hokage also agrees, there is no other way."

"Ahem, why don't you stop it?"

"Are you going to stop it?"

"Well, forget it, I still want to live a few more years.

"Then what should we do? Just default?"

"Do you have a better way?"

"Did everyone forget that this kind of matter is the private matter of the Senju family after all."

"What's a private matter? It can't be a private matter if it concerns Hokage-sama."

"Yeah, twelve years old, having a baby with Hokage, ahem, ahem, I'm sorry it's not that my imagination is lacking."

"Everyone, the discussion of the villagers outside has exceeded the limit. Now there seems to be a voice saying that everything is the meaning of Master Hokage. Someone is deliberately leading the topic to Master Hokage. We need to check... .”

"There is such a thing? Then go and investigate it quickly, where is the guard? Chief Fugaku, you have to take responsibility."

Uchiha Fugaku's complexion is very bad, and he has been the head of the family for only more than two years, and he also knows that his position as the head of the family was given up by others, so he used to be very cautious and conservative in his behavior. Unwilling to show up.

But now that he was named, he couldn't run away, so he could only say: "I have ordered the guards to pay attention to the public opinion in the village. After all, this kind of thing is too special, and the guards can't arrest people at will, so ..."

The meaning is obvious, the guards can take care of it, but it is not good to let the guards arrest people.

The situation of the Uchiha clan in the village is much better now, because Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen retired, Fourth Hokage Tsunade came to power, and the targeting of the Uchiha clan was also cancelled, plus the rise of Senju Yuan and others, including Uchiha Guangxi’s Appeared, so that the overall environment of the Uchiha family has been improved.

So at this time, Uchiha Fugaku naturally didn't want to force himself to stand out. If he really wanted to do that, he would be a real fool.

"Then what should I do? Is it really like this?"

"Does anyone have a better idea?"

"Otherwise, go to 3.3 and ask Mr. Yuan?"

"Hehehe, I'm afraid you didn't drink too much wine, did you?"

"Then Hokage-sama has no other orders?"

"No, Lord Hokage is normal, uh, seems quite happy.

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Yuan is really amazing."

"Who said it wasn't?"

"Since this is the only way to do it, let's just ignore it. If other villages like to make jokes, let them laugh. With Mr. Hokage around, it's not a big problem."

"It looks like that's the only way to go."

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened, and an Anbu ninja walked in, saying: "Master Hokage ordered, don't worry about this matter, everything will be as usual. 11

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