On the vast lake, a fierce battle is going on.

The traversers were covered with golden rays of light, and a pair of wings could be vaguely seen fluttering at their ankles. They didn't wear any special equipment, but they ran and jumped on the water and moved freely. Although it was already late at night, the thin clouds dimmed the originally not bright moon to the point of being almost invisible, but at a height of about 30 meters above the lake, there was an "artificial sun" floating, constantly emitting a strong and hot breath. The light illuminated the lake as bright as day.

The lake was tumbling, and the BOSS, who was called "The Sage of the Swamp", used various means, the sharp teeth in his mouth, the sharp scales on his body, the poisonous needles on his tail, and from time to time venom was sprayed out to launch long-range attacks.

However, these attacks did not work well for the traversers. They were all carefully selected combat experts, and each of them had experienced an unknown amount of battles. As soon as the boss made his move, they saw the clues. The attack was not only futile, but every time they attacked, they found flaws and seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Of course, their counterattack effect is also very limited. The solid scales on the "Swamp Sage" have strong defensive power, and the effect is not significant whether it is physical attack or magic attack. And it also has a strong recovery ability. After the traversers create a wound on it, if they can't seize the time to chase and fight hard, the wound will heal naturally in about half a minute at most. In another two or three minutes, even the scales will heal again, leaving no trace.

"I hate this thick-skinned monster!" He waved his mace and smashed it on the head of "The Sage of the Swamp" that was rushing out of the water, knocked it back two steps, and took the opportunity to take a side step to dodge, the werewolf Gerald Complained, "I feel like I can't see the effect when I hit it!"

"The effect is still there." The voice of the commander of the battle came from the sky. "From the battle to the present, its health has lost about 7%, and the effect is quite obvious."

"God! It took us almost an hour to beat him to seven percent of his blood?" Panda exclaimed, "Wouldn't it take fourteen or five hours?!"

"Fourteen or fifteen hours is still an ideal situation." The Lion Man Redding said gloomily, "I'm afraid that it will hide in the water and wait until it recovers... Then I don't know when it will hit! "

The transmigrators couldn't help but sighed.

I don't know if it's because the farther away from Raccoon Town the boss is, the stronger it is. Anyway, until now, the bosses they encountered are indeed getting stronger and more difficult to deal with.

"I really miss that big toad back then!" Pratt couldn't help sighing, "If every BOSS was like that, it would be great!"

Compared to others, his job is a little easier - because of his weak output ability, his main task is to frequently use taunt skills to attract the boss's hatred, and by the way add various abnormal states to the boss. I don't know if this boss doesn't eat sarcasm? Or weird thinking? In short, no matter how Pret mocked it, out of its ten attacks, only four or five times at most fell on Pret, and the others would still attack others.

Maybe that's what it's used to.

This style of boss has been seen in the game by the traversers. Although it is not easy to deal with, if it is not the kind of land reclamation and challenge level, the daily dungeon is a little easier than the kind of staring at the MT.

To fight this kind of boss, the nurses' operating fault tolerance requirements can be slightly lower, because they often do not attack the same target frequently, and it is too late to increase the blood.

And reality is not a game, and the behavior of "dodging" is much easier than in the game. When I played the game, I relied on the keyboard and mouse. No matter how fast the response is, there will always be a delay, not to mention that many action games do not support it. When you see a monster breathing fire, you can only choose to run away, not to lie down. Cover your body with a shield on the ground.

When the game becomes a reality, the operation becomes very free, which brings great convenience to the traversers. There are only various tricks you can't think of, and there's nothing you can't do - for example, just now, "The Sage of the Mire" spewed a large mouthful of venom, but Gondor directly took out a magic crystal bottle and collected the venom in the air.

It's absolutely impossible to do this kind of **** in the game.

It's completely at the level of a cutscene CG!

Relying on these various tricks, the traversers are far more handy when facing the boss than in the game.

However... the boss is also more cunning and more difficult to deal with than in the game.

After playing for another period of time, after finding that they were at a disadvantage, "The Sage of the Mire" changed their strategy and tried to find a way to break the game.

Its intelligence may not be very high, but at least it is enough to see that the current situation is unfavorable. In order to change the unfavorable situation, it is determined to change its approach.

The icy snake eye looked around, and soon found the key - at least, the key to what it thought it was.

That glowing thing in the sky!

In its impression, these tiny creatures are all dependent on light. When there is light, he is strong and calm, and when there is no light, he panics. It is night now, there should be no light, and the small creatures can fight only by relying on the light in the sky to illuminate.

Well, just wipe out this glowing thing!

It floated out of the water again, its mouth wide open, but this time it was not attacking the passers-by, but at the fiery ball of light in the sky, spewing a mouthful of venom.

The figure of Gondor appeared in front of the ball of light, the crystal bottle swung in one fell swoop, and the menacing venom made a sudden circle in the air, turned into a small vortex, and flowed into the crystal bottle.

This bottle was jointly created by the traversers of the Eastern Earth System. Although it is not as powerful as the purple gold gourd and the mutton fat jade bottle in Journey to the West, it can also collect water and is specially used to restrain those monsters that spit venom.

Seeing that this trick didn't work, "The Sage of the Swamp" hesitated for a while, but made up his mind.

After a while, its whole body was out of the water, and its two frog-like hind legs gathered up their strength, let out a sharp roar, and rushed towards the ball of light in the sky.

If spewing venom is ineffective, use your body to attack! There's no way that tiny creature could put it all away!

Of course, Gondor couldn't do such a thing, and the traversers couldn't create magic items that could receive bosses. But...they can design traps and let the BOSS deliver them to the door!

"Swamp Sage" slammed into the light ball in the sky, but found that it was not a physical existence as he imagined, but just a mass of gas.

Inside this cloud of gas, there is a small portal.

It's not big, it's roughly equivalent to half its head.

It's not strong, it just smashed into it halfway, and it was smashed by it.

With a loud bang, the body of the boss, who had lost half of his head, fell from the sky to the lake, and scarlet blood gushed like a spring.

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