Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 729: dead but not dead

"Nice job!"

"This trick is really a hundred attempts!"

"I love this portal trap!"

Seeing the body of "The Sage of the Swamp" slumped down on the water, the blood flowed like a fountain, the passers-by all laughed.

Of course they had already prepared this trap!

Many bosses in this world are huge, thick-skinned and long-blooded, and they are quite difficult to deal with. Therefore, the traversers have developed a series of lore methods specifically for this type of monster.

Portal trap, is one of them.

Prepare a small portal, lure the boss to open his mouth to bite, and then the portal collapses, and half or even the entire head can be cut off in one fell swoop.

This method can be described as a sinister trick of "invite you into the urn". The inventor is Xingzhao, who is thinking about problems in Raccoon Town all day.

The little girl - oh, can't call her little girl now, it's a big girl - she has a very good brain and is very good at using her brain to change her mind and find different solutions to problems, so in a battle summary meeting, she proposed this plan.

Facts have proved that the effect of this kind of portal trap is really good, not ordinary, but beyond imagination!

No matter how powerful the boss is, as long as he hits a move, even if he doesn't kill him, he will lose his arms and legs, making the next battle much easier.

Not to mention those who are so smart like "The Sage of the Swamp" and even take the initiative to send their heads to the door.

After the passers-by laughed, they began to clean up the corpse of the boss. The blood of the boss has to be collected, the body has to be dragged to the shore as much as possible to decompose, the essence of the monster has to be extracted from it, and the valuable parts of the body have to be cut off and taken away, which is a lot of work.

The Lion Man Redding put away his battle axe, walked to the BOSS's floating corpse, reached out and grabbed its tail like a scorpion, and dragged it hard, trying to drag it to the shore.

Probably because this guy is too heavy, he has used force several times, but the effect is not obvious.

"Someone help!" he turned his head and shouted to his companions.

However, he saw the surprised expression on the panda's face.


Redding was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously flashed to the side, but it was still a little late.

The tail with the black light suddenly swept across his waist, tearing the Berserker leather armor on his body, with a large piece of flesh and blood, and a tragic rain of blood, and suddenly exploded. .

Redding screamed and staggered back to one side, but the tail of "Sage of the Swamp" turned in the air again, and attacked again with a whistling.

"Wang Cha changed position!" Armor Master Pret roared, his figure suddenly blurred, and in a blink of an eye, he had appeared in Redding's position, but Redding appeared in his original position.

The chief armored man among the traversers erected a heavy shield, blocking the front of the boss's sharp tail.

There was a loud noise, and the hook tail, which was almost bigger than others, bounced, but he didn't move at all, as if roots had grown under his feet.

Reloading skills - solid as a rock!

The hook tail was shaken back, turned in a circle in the air, and whistled towards the other passers-by.

This time, the panda stood in front of it. The holy light all over his body burned like a flame, and the weapon in his hand was replaced by a two-handed giant sword wider than his arm, which slashed fiercely on the hook tail.

There was another loud noise, and the hook tail was bounced off again, but the panda was shocked to retreat one after another, and the water surface under his feet was continuously rippled. Go out at least ten meters.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

"It's not dead yet?!"

"Impossible! You can't die without half your head?"

"Probably because of low-level creatures, the lower-level creatures seem to have no concept of 'vital'..."

"Don't be an afterthought! Hurry up!"

The traversers hurriedly adjusted their posture and re-entered the battle while chattering.

One after another, weapons and magic, one after another, smashed towards the boss who was still lying on the lake with only one tail dancing fast.

That boss is indeed very strange. If it is dead, that tail can still fight, and even almost sent Redding back to the city for free. But let's say it's still alive, it's clearly lying there motionless, the whole body doesn't even tremble at all, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it's completely dead.

This made the traversers puzzled. Fortunately, they don't need to think a lot now, just stare at the boss's tail and hit it.

Can't you move your tail? Then hit until you can't even move your tail!

However, the scorpion-like tail of the "Swamp Sage" is really not easy to deal with. It is completely covered with a thick carapace, and all kinds of attacks have no significant effect on it. Instead, its swing attack is very powerful. , except for Pret, who has special skills, there is no way for others to block it head-on.

Needless to say, the crispy skin is of course. If you touch it in ordinary melee combat, even if you block it with a weapon, you will be shocked by a large amount of blood. Only the paladin Panda and the blocking warrior Io can withstand a little, plus a Pret who can resist the front, the three of them form a frontal line of defense.

The rest of the people naturally retreated to the back and attacked by various means to provide them with support.

Unconsciously, this battle has become a pattern that the traversers are accustomed to.

It's just that as time goes by little by little, the traversers are getting a little bit overwhelmed.

This guy's tail is really hard to deal with!

"It doesn't make sense! There's only one tail left, why is it harder to hit than just now?" Ai O was smashed by the tail again, and while running back quickly, he yelled, "It's a dog!"

"God knows, could it be that the tail is the body?" Someone guessed.

"Yao Shou! The tail is the body, is such a big body just fat?" This speculation was immediately complained.

"Whether it's fat, try it and you'll know!" Raymond, the evocative mage floating in the air, said angrily, "Give me cover! I'll throw an extreme fireball!"

He took out another consumable wand and used his usual "extreme fireball".

After a while, the valuable wand turned into molten glass juice, and a fireball so large that it was frightening slowly rose, drew an arc in the air, and landed on the BOSS's body floating on the lake.

The tail that had been fighting all the time suddenly shuddered, and it twitched as if it had been severely beaten.

This made the traversers immediately realize the crux of the problem, and quickly changed their policies, all attacking the BOSS's body.

I don't know how long it took, until the eastern sky saw some dawn, and the scorpion-like tail slumped into the water and didn't move again.

Seeing that the experience points in the system log were in hand, the traversers finally breathed a sigh of relief, showing a happy smile after the harvest.

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