Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 730: sudden thought

It took a lot of effort for the traversers to drag the "Swamp Sage" who finally really died to the shore and start collecting the spoils.

"The reality is that there is a problem. You have to get the spoils yourself." The King of Black Hands, Gondor, who couldn't help, sighed, "If it's in the game, just collect it directly and it's over."

"Now you can also collect it directly," said Pret, who was tasked with "opening the treasure chest" because his hands were very red, "but you won't get a lot of things."

As he said, the traversers can of course also throw a collection command on the corpse of the "Sage of the Mire", which is simple and clear. But in that case, the loot obtained will be greatly reduced.

For example, if the boss in front of him is collected directly, it is estimated that some bones, some blood, some meat, and some key organs can be obtained—perhaps one or two pieces of equipment can be collected. But if you cut the dissection slowly, you get a whole set of bones, a lot of flesh and blood, all the undamaged organs - the only thing you may not get is the equipment.

In general, the two have their own advantages, but no matter from any point of view, a few pieces of equipment are not worth sacrificing a lot of materials for this.

The equipment that can be collected from monsters is generally not the "indispensable" type. With the materials, traversers can often make them themselves. Those really rare and powerful coveted equipment are basically already formed, in the hands of various masters, or hidden in some dangerous places, waiting for someone who is destined.

For example, Frost Sword.

"Our equipment is still not good enough." When cutting the boss's body, Prett suddenly said, "If there is a sharp weapon, it will be much more convenient."

Panda nodded: "That's true. If you can bring the Dragon Slayer Spear and Dragon Slayer Sword from the Crusader's Tomb, and have weapons with special effects on all huge creatures, it will definitely be a lot easier to fight this boss."

"I think, I should go to the tomb of the King of Knights and find the burial steel sword." Redding, who was laying hands on Prett, said, "That sword is the sharpest of all weapons, and it should be the best to use. "

"That sword has its own curse, and it periodically drops its luck value. If it drops to a certain level, it's worse than death. You use it for you, but I don't want to touch it!"

"...Then look for the Rock Crushing Sword, which has no side effects. The only disadvantage is that it has its own explosive effect, and it is easy to smash the target into a pile of minced meat."

"I think the 'Hundred Slash' knife is better, it's sharp, and it has an extra destructive effect on solid things."

Just as everyone was talking about it, Prett sighed: "Which of these you said can be obtained now?"

Everyone closed their mouths.

These equipments are all weapons of the 70th, 80th, and even 90th-level eras. Not a single piece of them exists on the Western Continent. on hand. There is no way to get it now, no matter how strong it is.

Pret smiled and said, "So let's start with the weapons we can get--I mean, if there is an ice sword, it will be a lot easier to cut the corpse of the boss."

Everyone was stunned.

"Ice Bingjian? You have to kill Frost Sword Saint to grab it..."

"That old guy is not easy to deal with!"

"If we can kill him, we can walk sideways in the human world, right?"

"It's as if we can't walk sideways in the world right now..."

"Since you say that... Then after we go out, let's go and kill him?"

"Good idea! I support it!"

"Just the few of us are not enough, we need to find some helpers."

"If you want to kill Frost Sword Saint, it is estimated that you can gather fifty or sixty people, maybe a little more."

"Thinking about it this way, that guy is dead!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, a wonderful idea suddenly flashed in Panda's heart. He couldn't help but said, "Since you're going to be killed horizontally and vertically, why don't you kill Richard and the Frost Sword Saint together?"

Loma immediately supported: "Of course!"

"Support!" Redding also supported.

Pratt nodded again and again: "It's better to kill them all, it's clean! Save me from worrying in the future!"

Companions support one after another, and one by one is elated.

Panda smiled and privately contacted Liu Daoqing, who did not participate in this pioneering expedition.

"Last time you said that the Elanz family is scheduled to declare independence in five months and establish the 'Principality of Elanz', right?"

Liu Daoqing replied quickly: "It's been four months now."

"According to your estimates, what will happen to the Thracian side?"

"It is estimated that King Richard will lead the army to attack - there may be a magnificent scene of more than ten legendary powerhouses fighting."

Panda smiled again and asked, "Help me ask Katerina, can you try to lure Richard and Frozen Juggernaut out separately?"

Liu Daoqing was stunned for a moment, and quickly guessed his intentions, and asked in surprise, "Do you want to take the lead against them?"

"That's right! Over the years, they have tossed too many things. And their existence is always a huge threat - Richard is too capable of doing things, Frost Sword Saint is too strong, they are immortal, we have never Peace of mind." Panda said, "Since this is the case, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity of the War of Independence in Ireland to completely solve them!"

Liu Daoqing showed an excited smile: "Then I'll go to Katerina to discuss it and give you an answer as soon as possible!"

"Well, I will also discuss with Sanyu, and then we will gather as many people as possible to ensure success... This time we must not let them run away again!"

After ending the contact with Liu Daoqing, the panda contacted Sanyu in the castle again.

When Sanyu learned that he was determined to take advantage of the opportunity of the Ayrantz War of Independence to solve Richard and the Frost Sword Saint, he was surprised at first, but after careful consideration, he also expressed his support.

"There are not many forces that can threaten us in the Western World now. As long as Richard and the Frost Sword Saint are killed, we are basically not in danger. As for the undead forces... From the previous exchanges with the group of zombies, it seems that, They are not even unified yet, and it is unlikely that they will start a war with the living in a short time... I support your plan!"

Seeing Sanyu's answer, Panda made up his mind: "If that's the case, I'll ask you to represent us and have a good discussion with the Elanz family."

"Ah? Why me? Shouldn't it be you?"

"I'm in the world of crazy gods. I can't leave things here and come back directly."

"Why not?"

"I'm the only paladin here. Are you sure you want me to leave?"

Sanyu was stunned for a while, sighed, and replied with a wry smile: "I understand, I will go to the Ailanz family to have a good talk... But you also have to talk to Xingzhao and the others, don't make any mistakes! "

Panda smiled again.

"Do not worry!"

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