Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 326: Has it started yet?

"That's right." Su Ze smiled bitterly: "Now I have a monopoly on the supply of the entire Beiyuan No. 3 Middle School. It took almost three years to reach this point, and I can bring huge amounts of money to those people every day. Even if I wanted to quit, those people would not agree. And I am too weak in front of them, so I can only survive today by pretending to be a scum and hanging out with them."

"Those people?" I asked doubtfully.

"Hey, I seem to have talked to you too much." Su Ze shook his head: "This is the first time we met, I really shouldn't have talked to you so much."

"That's true." I shrugged: "Actually, I don't like to meddle in other people's business. In short, thank you for motivating He Juan and making me feel that you are a good person. Then, I will leave."

"Goodbye." Su Ze leaned against the wall and lowered his head. I couldn't see his eyes clearly.

As expected, He Juan didn't wait for me. From Beiyuan No. 3 Middle School to the bus stop, I didn't see her figure along the way. I thought to myself that this woman is really ruthless. She can do things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges very neatly. But I had no choice but to take the bus alone. After sitting for only two stops, I suddenly noticed that on the sidewalk outside the car window, under a long row of willow trees that had sprouted green buds and were swaying gently in the breeze, a plump figure was running forward, with large swaths of trees like River-like sweat flowed down her cheeks, and she didn't care about the surprised looks from passers-by. Her eyes were full of perseverance, unyielding, and patience!

"Has it started yet..." I smiled slightly. The bus soon left her behind, farther and farther, farther and farther...

Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School.

In a classroom in the third year of high school, Hou Shengshuo was thinking about a math problem with his head down when a student suddenly came over.

"Boss, Dafeng He Juan did not have class this afternoon."

Hou Shengshuo's eyelids twitched, but he still said lightly: "Oh, maybe something happened and I didn't come."

"Wang Hao doesn't seem to be in class either."

Hou Shengshuo couldn't sit still anymore, straightened up suddenly, and asked gently: "Is there any inevitable connection between these two things?"

"I don't know." The student said honestly, "I'm just telling you what I saw."

Hou Shengshuo nodded: "I understand." After the student left, he suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart, and his pale hands slowly began to tremble. Probably... not, he thought, and at the same time decided to speed up the progress and find a suitable opportunity to announce the matter to gain more support...


The next morning, I sat on a stone step in the playground of Beiqi University and watched a plump figure sweating profusely on the track.

The sun shines on her body and on me.

After running two laps, He Juan ran towards me panting. I smiled at her, and He Juan stood in front of me, pointed at me and said, "Tell you, don't think that helping me will make me show mercy to you! I am still a person from the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes, and I am still with You are irreconcilable!" After saying these words, she headed towards the runway again and ran into the sunshine with great strides.

"Whatever!" I yelled at her: "As long as you can cheer up, everything else doesn't matter!"

"Really?" Ye Zhan's voice came from behind: "You have worked hard on her for so long, but in the end you failed to win her over. Are you really willing?"

"I'm really willing." I said seriously: "As long as I can help her, I'm satisfied. Sometimes we shouldn't do things with too many goals. If there is no hope, there will be no disappointment. The result is already very bad. Makes me happy.”

Ye Zhan also smiled, and he looked even more handsome and charming under the sun: "As I said before, you are a hero who does chivalry and justice. Since you are a hero, how can you expect to be rewarded by others?"

"Don't praise me, I will be proud." Then I really smiled proudly.

"Of course, it can't be said that it is completely useless. The cause you sow will definitely reap the results, but we haven't seen it yet." Ye Zhan said, "Okay, let's get serious. Next we will Who are you going to deal with?”

"Three dragons and four dragons." I said confidently.

"The two of them?" Ye Zhan frowned and said, "They are not easy to deal with. They cannot be brought together, defeated, or separated. Moreover, they are closer than brothers. They broke bones and connected tendons, and provoked one. The other one will fly into a rage, even more angry than if he offended himself. The two of them are famously and recognized for their good relationship, and they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for each other. To use a very apt description, they are actually the same person. , there is no distinction between them at all, the combined power of the two people is always very powerful. I always thought that you had no plan to attack them at all, at least you would regard the second dragon Hao Lei as your next target, right? Hao Lei is honest, straightforward, and easy to deceive. He can make him leave Hou Shengshuo by just using a trick..."

"No." I shook my head: "The easier it is to deceive someone, the harder it is to deceive. People like Hao Lei have deep loyalty to Hou Shengshuo. I have checked Hao Lei's experience and found that although he is strong He is big and can fight, but because of his poor brain, he has been laughed at by others. This is different from Brick. Brick doesn't care at all when he is laughed at. Instead, he will think that others are too stupid for living in his own world like Brick. On the contrary, people are the happiest. But Hao Lei would feel sad and sad because of others' ridicule. His self-esteem was extremely frustrated, and he even suffered from depression at one time..."

"Yes." Ye Zhan nodded: "It was Hou Shengshuo who gave him warmth and confidence, and promoted him to the second dragon as an exception."

"When everyone was dismissive of Hao Lei, Hou Shengshuo's behavior was undoubtedly a timely help. Moreover, Hou Shengshuo was the boss of the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes, with a distinguished status and aloof status. Such a person took the initiative to contact Hao Lei and asked him to do something Can Hao Lei not be moved by his second dragon? Can Hao Lei not be loyal? Even if Hou Shengshuo is the worst person in the world, Hao Lei will not change his mind because of this. Unless Hou Shengshuo takes the initiative to drive him away, Hao Lei will never leave him. .”

Ye Zhan nodded: "That's true. My previous thoughts were too shallow."

"It's because you have never thought about Hao Lei." I smiled and said, "In the hearts of ordinary people, Hao Lei is just a dull-minded person, and no one will think about what he is thinking."

Ye Zhan breathed out: "Mouse, you are still very good, you can analyze people so thoroughly! From this point of view, Hao Lei is the most difficult one to deal with." I nodded: "Isn't that right? This is a pretty good deal. What a difficult role!”

At this time, we didn't know that within a few days, Hao Lei, who we had concluded would never leave Hou Shengshuo, had actually left Hou Shengshuo, and it was this guy Brick who had made it happen. It can only be said that things are unpredictable and should be. The old saying goes, "Plans cannot keep up with changes." Of course, this is a later topic, let’s not mention it for now, let’s get back to the business.

This morning, Ye Zhan and I were sitting on the stone steps of the playground, looking at He Juan sweating profusely on the track, and discussing the next plan. There's no need to worry about being attacked, because it's still early and the students haven't arrived yet.

"So." Ye Zhan said, "How should we deal with the three dragons and the four dragons?"

"Everyone knows that they are a pair of brothers who are close to each other in life and death. They are willing to sacrifice everything for each other, even their lives. In other words, they regard each other as more important than Hou Shengshuo and the Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes, right?"


"That's right." I smiled. Ye Zhan was startled, then smiled and extended his thumb: "High!"


In a classroom in the second year of high school.

The weather has been very good these days, the sun is warm every day, and several peach trees downstairs are already in bud.

Hou Shengshuo was sitting by the window, tapping the math book on the table. Looking at He Juan who was sweating profusely next to him, he smiled and said, "Why do you think of losing weight so much?" He Juan gasped and said, "Don't you also advise me?" Have you passed me many times?" Hou Shengshuo nodded: "That's why I'm curious. I've tried to persuade you so many times without success, who is so powerful that I persuaded you?"

"No one." He Juan said, "I want to lose weight myself, but I just feel that I can't go on like this."

"It's good. I'm really glad you can cheer up." Hou Shengshuo suddenly asked casually: "Didn't you have class yesterday afternoon?"

He Juan was startled for a moment, with an unnatural look on her face. She nodded and said, "Yes, I went to do some personal business."

"Oh, you went with Wang Hao?" Hou Shengshuo looked indifferent.

He Juan took a breath. She didn't know how Hou Shengshuo knew about it, and she felt a faint fear in her heart. She felt as if she was being watched at any time. In fact, Hou Shengshuo just asked casually. He really wanted to hear He Juan say the words "how is it possible?" But when he saw He Juan's expression, he knew he was right. Hou Shengshuo's heart was suddenly cast into a shadow, and he suddenly felt a sleepy and helpless feeling all over his body. That person... was eating away at his strength little by little, making him slowly fall into a state of isolation and helplessness. What kind of magical power does that person have that makes all his men leave him? why why? Hasn't he done enough? Why can't you win people's hearts?

Could it be that you chose the wrong opponent from the beginning?

Hou Shengshuo suddenly clenched his fists. Impossible, no way, there is no opponent he can't defeat!

"Boss..." He Juan said suddenly: "It's true that I went out with Wang Hao, but I assure you, I don't have any thoughts towards him! I always remember that I am a person of seven dragons and six phoenixes, and I always remember I want to be at odds with Wang Hao!"

After hearing this, Hou Shengshuo felt relieved and said with a smile: "Of course I believe you."

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