Record of Chaos

Chapter 795: For a long time, swords have been cast as plows, but now they have become nightmares

(795 It has been a long time since the sword has been cast as a plough, and now it has become a nightmare.)

  In the Zhufeng Tribe, the nineteenth they are in a luxurious tent.

   Although most wind chasers live in bark houses, they have vacated the largest and most luxurious yurts for the "gods" from the south.

   There are partitions in this tent. There is a hall separated by seven or eight bedrooms that are not connected to each other. There was a charcoal fire in the hall, and the carpet was filled with wine and food.

   Gouzhu and Lin Meier had just entered the tent, when an old man from the Wind Chasing Department bowed at the door and said:

   "Honorable god, our tribe has just returned to the old place. The worship is too simple, so please bear with the gods."

   Gouzhu glanced back and said, "We are not gods, but monks. Your hospitality is already very good. You can go back to sleep. We will only stay for a few days."

   There seemed to be hesitation in the old man's eyes. But seeing the sly eyes, he bowed again and left.

   Hook and Zhuo's consciousness swept around, and there were several competitors within a hundred steps, but they were not very close.

   He whispered to the people: "The old man at the door just didn't trust us very much. Don't touch the food here, and be careful."

   With his Zifu spirit, if you look at the other party's emotions, you might know more. However, this is also quite overbearing and not necessary.

   For Goujiu, as long as he sees the other person's eyes, he can detect a lot of things. At least the old man didn't trust them.

   No matter what, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years. He would not be surprised at all if the Zhuangfeng tribe guarded them carefully. He did the same with each other.

   It's just that this makes him faintly worried. If such a huge tribe is unstable and is used by the dust tribe, King Yun's rear may be in danger.

   At the same time, in a cave a few miles away, a dozen people were sitting around the cave. The bonfire lit outside the cave was projected in, scurrying among the figures, projecting a few twisted weird figures on the cave wall.

   The people here are clearly divided into two groups.

   There are seven or eight people in the group, headed by the old patriarch of the Zhufeng tribe, Kangbai. Most of these people have old faces, rickets, and thick deerskin robes.

  The other group is three or four young people, headed by the young patriarch Kang Duxi. They are physically strong, even in this mid-winter season, they are nothing more than a thin gray and white cloth robe, half of their shoulders and arms are exposed.

   It's just that many of them were wounded, wrapped in a wide leaf, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

   After a while, a white-haired old man bowed and walked into the hole. His name is Luo Gai, and he is one of the most qualified elders of the Zhanfeng tribe, and he is the right-hand man of the patriarch Kang Bai.

   When Luo Cai came in, in the dim hole, the fire was beating, and everyone could not see clearly. He only heard Combai lowered his voice and asked:

   "How about, are the southern gods all settled?"

   "My lord, don't worry, they are all settled. They are all in the main account. People have been arranged around. If they walk around, someone will report it immediately."

   Kangbai nodded. If these southern gods were walking around in their camp, he would not dare to speak at all. No one knows if they would say something wrong to anger these gods.

   These patriarchs and elders could have lived in a warm and comfortable main tent for meetings, but now they can only ensure privacy in this cold cave.

   "How many casualties?" Kang Bai asked suddenly.

   "It has been counted. Thirty-one people died and one hundred and two were injured."

   Kang Duxi had planned to speak long ago, but Kang Bai kept asking them to wait until Luo Gai came back: "There is no problem with the sentry post. These nightmare beasts are actually not strong. It was just suddenly released to us..."

   "I don't need to talk about what has happened," Luo Ge said hoarsely, interrupted Kang Duxi's defense a little bit, and then turned his face toward the patriarch's profile.

   "Master Patriarch, hurry up and order the release. Think about it fifty years ago, who dared to attack our tribe with nightmare beasts? It is the nightmare masters of the dust tribe, who didn't learn the rebellious spells of our family?"

   "Unblock? Unblock what?" Kang Duxi felt bad instinctively, but he didn't know what Luo Ge was making.

   The art of nightmare beast is indeed the method of taming beasts from the Wind-Zhufeng tribe. Hundreds of years ago, when this tribe was still a dust tribe, it was not called Zhufeng tribe, but Zhuyan tribe.

   This is a tribe crazy chasing terrifying nightmares.

   At that time, their children would be subjected to all kinds of intimidation and torture from the beginning. This is to give them a psychological shadow of terror, and their nightmares will be more terrifying.

  Only in a terrible nightmare can a terrifying and more powerful nightmare be born.

   Belong to the Wind King. After they became the Wind Clan tribe, domesticating and selling reindeer brought them wealth and a generous life. Feng Guo's army guaranteed the safety of Dongdu Mountain.

  With a comfortable and peaceful life, fewer and fewer people are willing to practice nightmare beasts, and the torturous tradition of domesticating nightmare beasts has gradually disappeared. Gradually, there are only some old people who stick to the tradition.

   About fifty years ago, the King of Wind decided to end the brutal tradition of **** beast taming and ordered all tribes to seal the beasts and no longer use them. The use of war beasts within the scope of the wind country is considered illegal.

   War beasts, including nightmares, cannot be destroyed. Once completely eliminated, then the cultivation base of the animal master who tamed them will be completely finished, and even their life span will be greatly reduced.

After    is sealed, they can still continue to practice, extend their lifespan, and the cultivation of the beasts can continue to improve. It's just that the laws of the Wind Kingdom prohibit them from using war beasts to fight.

   Most of the young generations in the tribe now learn the exercises brought by the "Southern Gods", especially the physical exercises of the Jiwu Sect. Condussi is one of the best.

   But for hundreds of years, someone from their clan defected to the dust tribe, so the nightmare technique still exists in the dust tribe. That's why it happened that their tribe was actually attacked by nightmares.

   "Unblock our nightmare!" Luo Gai's eyes flickered in the firelight, and his expression was excited, "Feng Guo cannot protect itself now, and he has no power to control our life and death.

  "The reinforcements from the Tuguo country have gone north, and they will definitely fight the dust clan people on the snow country, and lose both.

   "As long as we release the nightmare, occupy Dongdu Mountain and stand on its own, we will be the third largest force in Northern Xinjiang from then on!"

   When Luo Ge said these words, everyone including the young Kang Duxi was shocked. Zhufeng tribe occupy Dongdu Mountain to stand on its own? Being a country by itself is a tempting thing for anyone.

   But once they become self-reliant, they are equivalent to abandoning the identity of Fengguo, and the qualifications to trade with the thick soil empire, which is equivalent to losing a rich and prosperous life.

   This is undoubtedly treason, and the army of Feng Nation is the first to spare them.

   Followed by the Chen people, they have been watching them. Without the protection of Feng Nation, can they resist the invasion of the dust people?

   There is also the mighty thick soil empire in the south, how would they treat this? Will they tolerate the emergence of a new country to the north?

   In an instant, enemies on all sides. Is it worth it for an illusory ideal of self-reliance?

   "You are crazy!" Kang Duxi was silent for a few breaths before blurting out, "This is treason. We can't be the opponents of those southern gods, nor can we beat the crazy dust race."

   "Young man, your mind is too simple," Luo Ge suppressed his excited expression and sneered.

  "The gods from the south sealed our nightmare and established the wind country, saying that their army can protect our pasture from generation to generation.

  "The result? They were a complete defeat and almost perished, even the King of Wind died.

  "As for the dust clan, they are busy fighting with reinforcements from the earth country, how can they come to fight us?

  "If we raise our troops and stand on our own, we can occupy the entire Dongdu Mountain. Regardless of whether the wind country, the earth country, or the dust people, we have to come to court us. Otherwise, we may throw in their enemies.

  "The people of the tribe were corrupted by the fabrics and porcelain from the south, thinking that we should be born to live a comfortable life. That's why we have the fiasco of being driven everywhere.

  "We are the beasts on the grassland. We want to restore the name of the Nightmare We want to build a country, safeguard our own interests, and never listen to anyone's bewitched.

   "This is the best opportunity in hundreds of years. Once lost, you can never have it again!"

   Luo Ge seemed to have a strange power in his words and words, which activated a certain kind of blood in the hearts of these old people and young people. Everyone fell into silence again.

"The gods from the south are now in the main account." After a long silence, as if after a long period of thinking, the patriarch Kang Bai whispered, "If the nightmare beast is unblocked now, it is very likely that they will be detected. Wait a few days for them. After leaving, we will unseal again."

   "No!" Luo Ge interrupted the patriarch's words excitedly.

   Before the Nightmare was sealed, he was one of the strongest beast masters in the clan. After the Nightmare was sealed, he was nothing more than an undead old man who lived longer than a mortal.

   He is more eager than anyone to unblock his nightmare quickly. How could he just let it go with such a good opportunity?

   "The seal must be unsealed immediately! These southern gods came here to regain control of us. They will never leave until the wind country's army controls Dongdu Mountain again.

  "Now go and release all the nightmare beasts and surround the main account. If they are willing to let the Memories Eater swallow all the memories they saw on Dongdu Mountain, let them go.

   "Otherwise, leave them all here!"

   In the beating flame, Luo Gayan's eyes reflected bloodthirsty light.

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