Record of Chaos

Chapter 796: The praying mantis catches the cicada in winter

(796  The praying mantis catches the cicada in winter, the oriole is in the back of the wind capital)

   "Rogge, are you crazy? This is rebellion! And they just saved a lot of our people's lives!"

   Kang Duxi is not opposed to self-reliance, but what he cultivates is the physical cultivation techniques taught to him by the southern gods, and he also has a certain understanding of Qi cultivation.

   In his opinion, the cold monk who killed the white-headed nightmare tonight is definitely not so easy to deal with. He is absolutely unwilling to conflict with it.

   The so-called erasing of memory is just an excuse for starting a war. Those southern gods would never obediently let them erase part of their memories.

  "The release of the Nightmare itself has violated the Wind King’s animal prohibition order, and it is already a rebellion.

  "Do you still want to tell those southerners? Don’t forget that we were an independent tribe five hundred years ago. Isn’t it because they invaded our land to establish the Feng Nation?

   "Do you think they are here to save us? Don't be foolish! They just want us to be their vassals for generations."

   Luo should refute strictly.

   "Don't fight!" Patriarch Kang Bai made the final decision.

  "Remember, we never thought of treason and self-reliance. We are still Fengguo people, and we will always be Fengguo people!

   "But now the situation is critical, we are attacked by the dusty nightmare, so we must have the strength to protect ourselves.

   "Elder Ango, you and Kang Duxi, together with five hundred warriors, guard around the main tent, please stay in the main tent for the time being. I will personally negotiate with them later and ask for their approval.

   "Luo Gai and the other elders, you immediately return to your family, let the elders in the family take everyone to evacuate deep into the mountains in the winter.

   "After ordering them to evacuate, all the elders and beast masters will gather in front of the main account!"

   Kangbai also wanted to unblock the Nightmare in his heart. Because although his life is still long, he is still getting older and older. Unwilling to exist for a long time as a weak old chief, he yearned for power.

  The Nightmare of the Wind-Chasing Tribe is not just the strength of their generation of old people, but has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times.

   Many of the terrifying and evil beasts from the nightmare of the ancients have been passed down, and they still exist now, but they have been sealed.

Once    is released, he can once again possess incomparable power. Thunder can't cover Dongdu Mountain, and they can stand firm.

  He will not only regain his own power, but also make the tribe's eternal tribe.

  The reason why the Wind King ordered all the nightmare beasts to be sealed is obviously also afraid of the nightmare beasts of their tribe.

   In the past, they have benefited greatly from the identity of the wind clan. Since they want to have these benefits for a long time, they can't directly violate the wind king's ban.

   But now, the King of Wind is dead, and the King of Wind is crumbling. This benefit no longer exists, and they have been attacked by the Nightmare of the Dust Race, which is simply an incomparable excuse.

   He had already made a decision in his heart. It can be seen from the meeting place he chose. The cave they were in was called Zudong, and only he and a few elders knew that this was the sealed place of the nightmare.

   The only uncertain factor is the unexpected arrival of the southern gods.

   The so-called "request for approval" is nothing more than his perfunctory remarks.

   Even if the other party can recognize it, once these so-called gods realize that they have unsealed the Nightmare, then at most one or two days, the news will spread throughout the entire Feng Nation.

   The garrison of the Feng Nation in Fengdu is very likely to take action. What's more terrible is that other tribes on Dongdu Mountain will immediately be on guard, and even unblock the beasts just like them.

   They will not be able to incorporate the entire Dongdu Mountain into their new territory at the fastest speed. The benefits he can get by taking the risk to do this will drastically reduce.

   There is actually a more important point, that is, the complete awakening of these terrifying nightmares is not without cost.

   They need to devour the energy of living beings to recover faster. If it were the gods from the south as the first round of sacrifices, it would be best.

   He has evacuated all the people, not many people will know what happened here.

   When these gods are missing, the people of the real wind country will find out, and he can also push to the dust people who attacked them.

   Watching everyone walk out of the hole, he took out a small object. It was a beast head carved in stone the size of a walnut.

   He squeezed hard, and the weak beast head split in half. There was a slight vibration from the ground, as if something broke.

  The horrible spirit wave flashed out from the ground, but then disappeared.

   On the other side, Luo Ge held a torch and walked through the silent forest.

   Their ancestral cave is not a short distance away from the tribe’s camp. Only young people such as Kang Duxi have cultivated qi and blood and can walk quickly. He is nothing more than a trembling old man here.

   A black moth flew from nowhere, and then circled his torch twice, then slapped it, bursting open, and turned into a black mist in front of him.

   A cold spirit came over, making him feel like he was falling into the water and fighting like a cold.

   "Rogge, this is not the same as what you said. Didn't you say that you just returned to your homeland without any precautions, this attack will never be dangerous?"

   Luo Kei forced his body straight up and said, " was...not dangerous. It's just that a few monks from the country came to support me by accident today."

   "Huh! Do you know, because of your so-called accident, old Mkun is dead!"

   "Mkun is dead? How is this possible? How did he die?" In Luo Cai's mind, Mkun was his envy. This guy is the same nightmare master as he used to be.

  Mkun’s nightmares have corpse wolves that win with a group of attacks, and earth dragons that can swallow themselves and drill into the depths of the soil, hiding and defending the thick soil. Who can kill him easily?

   "He died at a depth of thirty feet, and it took me a lot of effort to dig him out. He was frozen to death until the ground so deep was frozen into solid ice."

   Luo should think of the monk who was suspended in the air, wearing a dark blue robes, and shooting icy light all over his body. He couldn't help muttering: "Is that person? He is so strong?"

   He was just an ordinary old man, so when those monks appeared, he could only use the mortal sense to perceive them, and could not understand the strength of those southern monks.

   The fact that the opponent killed more than a hundred corpse wolves in one move did not surprise him too much. Because he believed that if he unblocked his nightmare, he would have similar strength.

   But Mkun was frozen to death in the ground, which was a bit beyond his imagination.

   At this moment, he suddenly felt as if a beacon lighted up in his heart, and his consciousness extended into the surrounding night like this light.

   What he saw in his eyes became clearer, and the entire range of miles in the dense forest seemed to be under the control of his sight and hearing.

   That was his nightmare was Once these sealed nightmare beasts are unsealed, they will quickly enter the nightmare of the original owner and connect with his divine consciousness. So the psychic fluctuations they caused only lasted for a moment and disappeared.

   Although he doesn't cultivate qi and blood, his body can borrow part of the nightmare's power. This made his body no longer rickety, his waist straightened up, and his whole body was as full of strength as when he was young.

   "Although Mkun is dead, it does not affect the overall situation."

   he said with a sneer.

   "Kangby is more eager for power than I am. He unblocked the nightmare, and will surely treat the monks from the south as the first wave of sacrifices. There will soon be war between the tribe and the wind country.

  "You only need to send Mkun's head at that time, and the tribe will definitely form an alliance with you. There are hundreds of nightmare beasts, plus tens of thousands of mortal cannon fodder, are you afraid that you won't be able to get it?

   "You have all the people ready and ready to support us at any time. When the time comes, I will send you a message."

   At the end of the explanation, Luo Gai paused, and added: "The cold monk from the earth country, I will solve it myself."

   "I hope as you said. Otherwise you know what will happen!" The man snorted coldly, and the black shadow of the human form disappeared.

   Luo should raise his head and smile. When his nightmare exists, he always feels that nothing can stop him from achieving his goals.

   gently lifted his foot, and his figure had turned into a series of void afterimages, disappearing in the dense forest.

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