Record of Chaos

Chapter 804: Going through thousands of tribulations to seek chaotic origin, expedition to seal the

(804  After all the tribulations to seek Chaotic Yuan, expedition for thousands of miles to seal the ice cave)

   Lan Ruoshuang glared at Du Li in dissatisfaction, his heart burst into flames. This Highness King Yun is giving him dog food? But Du Li stared back at her coldly.

   "Hmph, I won't care about you for the time being."

   Thinking of the more important thing that came to be negotiated, she temporarily put this aside. With a movement in her heart, a blue aura flashed out of her eyebrows.

  The blue light shrouded both Yunwang and Du Li, and many spiritual thoughts, images and emotions appeared directly in their minds.

   Of course, these secrets are not what Lan Ruoshuang knew. But Lan Ruoshuang got Wen Ruxue's guidance, and only got it in the remains of Snow Country.

   The first thing that appears in the picture is Hunyuan Shiyu.

   Hunyuan Beginning Jade was originally a complete piece. As its name suggests, you can think of it as a perfect round. But that is just a concrete manifestation of it. Its body is limited and has a beginning, but it has no boundaries.

   It is complete because at the beginning of the world, there was only one consciousness. This consciousness is originally integrated. After it collapsed, it turned into the consciousness of all sentient beings.

   The most essential part of the consciousness of all living beings is divine consciousness. If the sentient beings with divine consciousness have the same heart, then the Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade can still maintain a complete piece.

   In the original primitive world, the six realms have not yet differentiated, and all beings are heaven and human beings. Heaven and man respect the emperor, so the first jade of Hunyuan at that time is complete.

   But after all, the heavens are divided into two points, and there is a difference between heaven and human beings and Shura. Shura has fallen into the human world again. The beings in the human world are divided into human beings and animals, and then there are creatures that have fallen into the way of hungry ghosts and even hell.

   All beings went their own ways, and the beginning of the chaotic origin jade also shattered into many fragments.

   How many times the universe has experienced chaos and tribulations in history, and how it was re-created, is something no one can tell.

   In this round of Heavenly Tribulation, since the Heavenly Court controls the heart of the most sentient beings among the six realms, the number of fragments of the Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor is obviously the most. But this did not meet the expectations of the Hao family to which the Emperor of Heaven belongs.

   The Hao Family's goal is always only one, that is, all the Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade must be kept in the Hao Family's hands. The Hao family has a blood contract method to control the re-creation after the whole catastrophe.

   They believe that this universe can only be created and controlled by a unified family, that is, the so-called "Chaotic Yuan". If there is another uncontrollable consciousness involved, it is "deficiency."

   If there are still imperfections in this world, that is the reason for the "deficiency". The creation of the past must have been "deficient", so this world is not perfect.

   There are struggles between sentient beings, there is hatred, there is no desire, there is separation of love, there are five Yin Sheng, there is birth, old age, sickness and death, there are all kinds of imperfect things.

   is not because of other reasons, everything is caused by the "deficiency" in the creation of Hunyuan Shiyu.

   Continuously pursuing the "Hunyuan", letting everything fall under the control of the Haojia, and achieving a truly perfect universe, this is the destiny of the Haojia.

  In their thoughts, beings actually don’t have to do anything.

   As long as you all obey the rule of my Hao family, let my Hao family control all the chaotic origin beginning jade, and re-imagine the creation of the world, then the world must be perfect.

   Even if there are still imperfect creatures or things that exist or arise, my Hao Family can easily eliminate them, and this world will be perfect.

   The Hao Clan lives from time to time, no matter how many calamities have gone through, it will continue this matter until the universe finally returns to the "Chaotic Origin".

   In this calamity, most of the Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade fragments were originally in the hands of the Hao Clan, but it was far from enough.

   In the heavens, in addition to Kilitian, the four great Shura heavens also gathered many creatures.

   Not only that, many "exotic immortals" in the Asura world, and even the earth immortals in the human world, have also received incense from many beings in the lower world. This has caused some Hunyuan Shiyu to recognize some non-Hao surnames as the master.

  In normal times, this kind of thing can be done slowly, once the chaos and tribulation are about to descend, it becomes urgent.

   Moreover, in the "calendar" that counts hundreds of millions of years, things that will come in hundreds of thousands of years are already very urgent.

   The curtain of the Celestial War opened immediately. Among the four great Shura heavenly kingdoms, the first one to perish was the strongest northern Xuanwu heavenly kingdom.

   After the demise of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the Heavenly Court did not find the corresponding Hunyuan First Jade. This piece of Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade seemed to have disappeared with the entire extinct race.

   This Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade is still there, and the blood of the Xuanwu royal family has not been cut off. Xuanwu fell into Beiming in the north of Dongsheng Shenzhou and changed his name to Xuanming. Xuan Ming has been lurking for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is said that he has blood in the human world, that is, the Snow Clan.

   In order to find the Hunyuan first jade left in the human world, Tian Ting focused his attention on the Dongsheng Divine Continent, and chose a descendant of the mortal world from the Hao family to establish the thick earth dynasty.

  During the long years, they did not find the Hunyuan Beginning Jade that Xuanwu had left in the human world. Therefore, although this dynasty has existed for tens of thousands of years, generations of emperors actually did not hold the first jade of the chaotic origin.

   It wasn't until more than 500 years ago that the Snow Clan suddenly rose up in the north and launched the war to unify the northern Xinjiang, and it accidentally exposed the existence of the Hunyuan Shiyu.

   So the Hou Tu dynasty at that time used all the power of the country to unite some dust tribes south of the Snow Clan to destroy the Snow Country in the Northern Snow Capital.

   In other words, the original Hunyuan Beginning Jade in the hands of Emperor Kun Yuan is actually from the Snow Country. They were snatched after exterminating the snow people, and they were stained with snow people's blood.

   Although the Xue people have been annihilated by the clan, there is still an orphan left behind, and that is the cold maiden in front of her, that is, Lan Ruoshuang.

   "How about it, as a descendant of the Snow Country, I went to the Snow Country to retrieve the inheritance of Xuan Ming. This is a matter of course and righteousness, right?" She blinked her eyes seductively and said, looking at King Yun softly.

   Both Yunwang and Du Li were shocked that this huge amount of information had not recovered.

   The power of the Chaotic Yuan Shiyu's creation alone is enough to shock them. Not to mention the great ambition of the Hao Clan to control the entire universe, and the history of the heavenly clan perishing and falling for it.

   After a while, King Yun gradually woke up like a person who had been hit hard and still staring at Venus. He solemnly said: "If this is the case, it is really not an exaggeration."

   "His Royal Highness is indeed a reasonable person. The slave family is asking for ancestors' inheritance under Xuedu, and please raise your hand high and do not hinder him."

   Lan Ruoshuang smiles intoxicatingly. Her long Danfeng eyes became narrow and slightly bent.

   "Zunjia wants to obtain the ancestral inheritance, in fact, this king has no interference." King Yun thought for a while, he only did the task assigned to him by the Privy Council, because the Privy Council believed that this matter was related to the survival of the Hou Tu Dynasty.

   "I was only instructed to erect the Zhenyuan Tower on the Snow Country Site and expand the formation. After this is done, I will return to Jinzhou. From then on, this Northern Xinjiang matter has nothing to do with me."

   "Zhenyuan Tower" is a huge mysterious tool, possessing the power to seal a vast land and isolate it from the world.

   There was originally a "Zhenyuan Tower" on the Snow Country Site. It's just that the formation key in the hands of Feng Wang Haojin was snatched by the Hanchen Witch, so this tower has lost its meaning.

   The solution given by the Privy Council is also very clear, which is to rebuild a Zhenyuan Tower to replace the old one that has been scrapped.

   But such a huge profound tool can't be installed into the space magic weapon. And there is no teleportation formation they can control on the Snow Country Site. So it can only be transported by manpower.

   The army of King Cloud transports the components of this King Cloud must transport them all to the Xuedu Ruins, and then erect them to activate the formation. This task is considered complete.

"Master, it will take some time for the slave family to obtain the inheritance under the ruins. If you seal the Xuedu ruins, wouldn't the slave family be trapped inside and unable to get out?" Lan Ruoshuang twisted and almost cried out Sound.

   King Yun said solemnly: "The ruins are sealed with extremely dangerous things. If it is not sealed as soon as possible, the Hou Tu Dynasty may be in danger of subjugation."

   The Privy Council never explained to him what was under the snowy field. But King Yun is now guessing that even if there is something terrifying under the snowy field, is there still this witch who has obtained the inheritance of Xuanming?

   The first thing this witch will do after she comes out is nothing else, that is, to kill Emperor Kun Yuan and take that piece of Chaotic Yuan First Jade.

   This Chaotic Yuan Shiyu originally belonged to her family, and it is understandable that she took it back. The problem is that Emperor Kun Yuan will obviously not take the initiative to return it, so the only way she wants to get it back is to kill Emperor Kun Yuan.

   If you want to kill Emperor Kun Yuan, it is useless to rely on mana to assassinate him. There is no possibility of breakthrough in the formation of the imperial city. Only to start a war, completely destroy the Hou Tu Dynasty, and then find a group of divisions to slowly dismantle the battle.

  You don’t have to think about it. This is another **** wind that will win the war in Northern Xinjiang.

   Therefore, the Privy Council hurriedly asked him to seal the Snow Country Relics. Whether there is any other reason, this reason alone is enough to make him obligatory.

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