Record of Chaos

Chapter 805: Don't want to live forever, but treat the soldiers and puppet soldiers

(805  I don’t want to live forever, but I’m waiting to save soldiers and turn puppet soldiers)

   When Lan Ruoshuang heard the words "worries of subjugation", he couldn't help but sneered and laughed.

  "This so-called subjugation of the country, it is the land that is destroyed, what does it have to do with your King Yun? Does your Royal Highness still think that the Hou Tu Dynasty, does your Highness still have your share?

   "In the future, Emperor Kun Yuan will control Shiyu, will he visualize his shameless son of the Hao Clan bloodline and be laughed at?

  "Your Highness, you just sit in Jinyu City, on the Qingliang Mountain, and watch me perish that dirty dynasty. Isn't it better?

   "The slave family only needs to live forever, and has no interest in that throne in the Hou Tu Dynasty. In the future, if your Royal Highness wants to be a big treasure, it is also a matter of you and me.

  "Furthermore, the Slave Family is not as picky about the bloodline as the Hao Clan. Although His Highness is a waste of veins that cannot be cultivated, he looks a little bit deficient in blood and energy, but the bones are clear and clear and the temperament is outstanding. You dad mind, the Slave family doesn't mind.

"After the catastrophe, the Nujia will visualize His Highness again, and let you sit firmly in the country and bless the people, why not? But the surname is changed to Hao," Lan Ruoshuang smiled shyly, "Where is your Highness? position?"

   Lan Ruoshuang said the more he said his face, the closer his face was to King Yun, and he almost climbed up. Du Li could not bear it for a long time, and kicked it over.

   She was kicked and rolled and fell to the ground, but there was no attack. Instead, she turned her head and continued to say to King Yun:

   "His Royal Highness can't make up his mind. You can think about it slowly, there is some time. The slave family is infatuated, and will always wait for His Highness's answer.

   "It's just for this Northern Expedition. Please wait a few days for your Royal Highness. When the slave family sends a message to His Royal Highness, your Royal Highness will go to erect the tower and everything will be fine."

   King Yun knew that what Lan Ruoshuang said was true. No matter what Emperor Kun Yuan treats him, as a waste vein, it is absolutely impossible for the Hao Clan to survive after re-creation.

   The thing Lan Ruoshuang designed for him is also very simple for him, and it seems to be extremely reasonable.

  Because it has taken him more than three months to travel north, there was no time limit. It is also impossible for the Privy Council to control the deadline.

   If he spends a few more days, Lan Ruoshuang has already obtained the inheritance and left. He will go to erect the Zhenyuan Tower again, and he will really have his place. No one can question him.

   In the future, Lan Ruoshuang will go south to attack the Houtu Dynasty. He doesn't have to blatantly cooperate with Lan Ruoshuang, he only needs to sit in the back and watch the fall of Houtu City.

   Lan Ruoshuang's purpose is only the beginning of the jade from the chaotic origin, and he will leave if he takes this thing. It is impossible to continue to attack the two states of Jin and Jade.

   But he is not a monk, he is a scholar. Confucianism does not pay attention to the afterlife. Confucianism only pays attention to the world.

   Mortals are alive, just less than a hundred years old. After these hundred years have passed until they have a clear conscience, they have done everything they want to do and avoided everything they don't want to do, and they think they have done it.

  Hao's family are Xuanxiu, but they govern the country with Confucianism. This is probably because they hope that others will not seek longevity, but only let them live forever. But it has nothing to do with King Yun. He studied Confucianism and has since taken Confucianism as the foundation of his life.

   He neither seeks for the afterlife, nor for longevity, let alone whether the self after the catastrophe can still exist.

   "You can't tell me. I will only follow the original plan. You can go."

   King Yun reached out his hand and made a gesture of seeing off the guests, and stopped talking.

   Lan Ruoshuang seeks longevity, this is not surprising. It is not surprising that he follows his way. But the two are irreconcilable, and they are destined to have only one battle.

   It is not easy for him to come here. The monks who participated in the Happy Fighting Society and the army he brought came here after a number of **** fights. The closer he gets to the real snow country relics, the stronger the opponent's resistance.

   The real snow country remains must be in front. Otherwise, the orphan of the Snow Country, the Witch Sorceress would not condescend to appear.

   Lan Ruoshuang didn't make any further efforts, but looked back at King Yun with a little reluctance, then took an elegant step and turned around out of the cabin, turning into a blue streamer, cutting through the dark wind and snow.

   Whether King Yun will accept her agreement to join her, she has already calculated in the universe. The possibility of her success in this trip is almost negligible.

   But for these things, she didn't need King Yun to agree directly. As long as her words are spoken and the facts are clarified, a huge change will be buried in the opponent's camp.

   Whether it is for her to obtain the inheritance of Xuanwu, or to kill Emperor Kun Yuan to seize the beginning jade of the Chaotic Yuan in the future, this will have a great effect.

   At the same time, in the south, in a snowy field about a thousand miles away from King Yun’s flying boat.

   is approaching dawn. Although the northern Xinjiang has extremely long days and short nights in winter, the sky in the southeast here is still slightly white.

   Such a faint morning light looked like the dark night in the eyes of mortals in the south, but in the eyes of the monks, it was enough for them to see the tragic scene around them.

   Five monks with different costumes were sitting back to back in a simple pure sun formation they had built temporarily, looking at the messy snow around them.

   The snow is covered with the corpses of various weird beasts. There are small white foxes, white bears that are as fat as a mountain, and more monsters that can't tell what they are. The stumps were everywhere, and the blood ran into rivers.

   There was snow at this time, and the mess was soon covered with a layer of ice and snow like a tulle. These five people all know that they can't hold on for long.

   They are all Xian Xuan who participated in the Xiaoyao Fighting Fa meeting, and followed King Yun's army northward. For the sake of safety, they did not go forward bravely, but were still thousands of miles away from the front line and stationed in a nearby camp.

   They usually only patrol around the camp, slaying some dust people and war beasts who came to harass to obtain record points.

   But this time, in order to hunt down a wounded Dust Clan war beast, they pursued them all the way and gradually relaxed their vigilance. As a result, they fell into the ambush of Dust Clan people and a fierce battle occurred.

   All five people were seriously injured and unable to move, and they had already left the camp for hundreds of miles, unable to transmit their voices back.

   In this case, the only thing they can do is to wait for the pure Yang Pill to run out, and then slowly freeze to death in the snow.

   "A flying boat!" At this desperate moment, someone slowly glanced at the sky. It wasn't that he was not excited enough, but he really didn't have the energy to raise his arm.

   Another person trembled and escaped from a bamboo tube. There is gunpowder in this signal tube originally used by mortals. As long as the wax seal is removed, the white phosphorus that ignites in the air will ignite the gunpowder and launch it.

   The signal flare exploded in the air, emitting a bright red light. The flying boat passing by did not fly over, but circled away, and then landed, but did not land on their side.

   This is not surprising, because the area where they are located is ups and downs and the ground is rough and uneven. The small open area near them is not suitable for flying boats to land, but rather suitable for the dust tribe's beasts to ambush.

   After a full half an hour, their pure sun formations have become useless, and they are only one step away from a complete collapse. All five of them were cold, and even their eyebrows were covered with ice flowers. Finally, a few people came.

   These people are all wearing black leather straight bodies and white hooded cloaks. When several monks trapped by the snow and ice saw them, they felt an ominous premonition.

  The person here is not Xian Xuan, nor the army of King Yun or Feng Guo, but Xuan Tiewei!

   In the entire area controlled by the Hou Tu Dynasty, Xuan Tiewei is almost But Xuan Tiewei is the most difficult yamen to deal with. Because no matter what other yamen do, there are still regulations to follow. Xuan Tiewei didn't need to talk about any rules.

"Several Taoist leaders, you have suffered such severe injuries. Even if we save you, we won't be able to bring you back to the flying boat." One of the Xuan Tiewei said as soon as they saw them, "Why don't you activate the token? The molten gold body on top?"

   The five people on the verge of life and death looked at each other a little. What Xuan Tiewei said was true. With their current physical condition, if they escaped from this precarious pure sun formation, a few breaths would be frozen into ice corpses.

  The molten gold body has a powerful power to restore the body. Once activated, although they will not be able to fly hundreds of miles back to the camp, they will temporarily rest on this Xuan Tiewei's flying boat, and it will not be a big problem to take the next step.

   But everyone knows that something like a molten gold body is not a serious magic weapon, but a method of fusion of the Xijia people. Who knows the side effects of something that can be directly integrated with the flesh?

   There has always been a rumor among the cultivators of the Xiaoyao Fighting Law Society, that is, the fire-melted gold body is actually controlled by Xuan Tiewei. Once used, he would fall into the shackles of Xuan Tiewei forever.

   The five people hesitated for a few breaths. One of them gave a dry cough and said: "I heard... the fire molten gold body... originally called the fire molten puppet..."

   A Xuan Tiewei sneered: "This is the life-saving thing that the court has equipped you with Xian Xuan. You like to use it or not. If you are sure you don't use it, I will use the wooden kite to carry a few on the flying boat."

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