Record of Chaos

Chapter 903: Kun flew away in the cold early winter, the crane returned in the scorching summer

   (903 Kun flew away in the cold early winter, and the crane returned in the scorching summer)

   The monk can avoid kneeling, but respectful etiquette is indispensable. Generally speaking, the monk first held his fists and bowed his hands and greeted them in honorific terms. Then the royal bowed or returned the gift.

   Huang Musheng behind He Wuji felt particularly absurd. Knowing that this concubine in front of you is a paper substitute, don't you go up and beat up the liar?

   In fact, this is not good. What if this is just a paper man? Do you dare to be disrespectful? If you are strong enough, you will pierce the paper man when you go up, and take down the little thief who is deceiving the fox and the fake tiger. It is up to you to say it.

   The problem is that you have no chance. The monk Sanhua hangs above his head. You may not be able to fight with your hands. In the end, you will be accused of disrespecting Concubine De, why bother?

   Therefore, He Wuji sternly pointed at the paper man, with his sleeves hanging down to the ground, and said: "He Wuji of the Poor Yin and Yang Sect, lead a group of disciples, please respectfully invite the concubine de consort Shengan."

   The paper man was made by Su Long himself, infused with her own spirit, and her personality is exactly the same. She didn't respond, just rolled her eyes, and replied: "Stop talking nonsense, and pass it on if you have a purpose."

   He Wuji took out the imperial edict and passed it on. The imperial decree is naturally to order the Concubine De to return to Kun Ligong to see her at once without any mistake. After hearing the decree, De Fei said: "Okay, I know. You can go away."

   Even He Wuji, who was expressionless and emotional, couldn't help but lower his head and Huang Musheng looked at each other. They didn't reply for a while, but they heard Defei urged:

   "You are not going to go? Are you trying to hold me back to the palace? This matter has nothing to do with you, I will naturally go back and explain to him!"

   Yes, even if it is against the decree, it is also the Defei resisting the decree. What does it have to do with them?

   The original plan, they really wanted to "respectfully invite" Concubine De to return to the palace, and they had to talk to the hook, and scrap him back. But He Wuji glanced at the dark airship that was always greeted with a smiling face in the night sky. He had already changed his plan.

   Even if Emperor Kun Yuan made the decree himself, he still excluded the situation of directly confronting Monk Sanhua.

   If this happens, he can only go back and tell Emperor Kun Yuan that they are beyond reach. After all, this is not the time to really start a fight with King Yun.

   Besides, my Yin-Yang sect dispatched so many people, but your Qingxiao Mountain frontier defense can't even temporarily prevent other monks from passing the barrier. What's wrong with me? It's because your Hao family's army is not strong.

   After He Wuji, Yin Yang Zong and others worshiped again, they flew back to the Yunhai Kunzhou a little bitterly. After a while, the flying boat, which was as flexible and soft as a fish, disappeared completely in the night sky, as if it had never been here.

   At the end of the 40th year of Kunyuan, the Houtu Dynasty ushered in the most peaceful period in history after the concubine De Fei moved to Jinyu City.

   Northern Dust and Wind are both peaceful and fine, the Demon Realm has the tree emperor in control of everything, and both sides of the border are all innocent. Even the Sea Molong Clan, who often makes trouble in the East China Sea, is quiet.

   This is actually because all parties have lost a lot.

   After the Battle of Mian E Mountain, the demon world suffered numerous casualties and casualties. The **** battle between the dust and wind tribes settled down after the corpses had accumulated like a mountain. The army and monks of the Hou Tu Dynasty have been worn out in the turmoil of the northern Xinjiang for more than ten years.

  East Sea Dragons are even more dumb eating huanglian, and they were swallowed by several elders and tens of thousands of soldiers by Beimingyou acupoint.

   It's time to take a breath, Dongsheng Shenzhou finally stopped.

   Whether it is the mining and artifacts of the same state, the porcelain and wheat of Guizhou, the rice and silk of Jinzhou, and the caravans from various places, they are all prospering at an amazing speed. Even the population of the entire Middle-earth has increased.

   The closer the spirit is to the chaos of the heavens, the more aura of heaven and earth will be, and it is simply the last meal before the end. In all major sects, there are many elders who have realized the Taoism and the talented young people who are prosperous and vigorous.

   The vegetation of the demon world in the southern border grew wildly in the thriving aura, giving birth to more wild demon. The wave of beasts was violent. The blood spirit stone industry of the monster race is becoming more and more prosperous, and the strength of the major monster races is also growing.

   Five years have passed, and it is the midsummer season of Kunyuan’s forty-five years. Now the climate in Dongsheng Shenzhou is getting warmer, and even the summer is hotter than the previous summer.

   Although it is in southern Xinjiang, the Tianchi City composed of small islands in the Taibai Forest Tianchi was not so hot in the past. Especially in the evening on Jinlin Island in the lonely lake, the golden waves are rippling, and the evening breeze is the coolest time.

   Now Lin Meier feels that the afterglow of the setting sun rippling on the water is like a flame jumping on the water. The lake breeze that blows is warm and hot.

   Even if the most high-end and thinnest white tulle from the Song Family Qingluofang in Yuntian City is draped on the body, it is hot and irritating. If she didn't care about appearance, she would really like to soak naked in the lake.

   She wants to use a knife to force the hook to expand into the mysterious cold domain. But the two people, Goujiu and Lian Ling, stayed in the room all day, and no one knew what they were doing.

   "Tomorrow I will go to Lingbo Island to get a Xuanming cold stone." She muttered.

"Your Majesty!" A large group of maids followed her. One of them was a slender female official of the Crane tribe in a round-necked blue robe, holding a jade slip in her hands, and chasing after her, "This is the content of tomorrow's ceremony, please Read it carefully!"

"I know, I know!"

   It's impossible to go tonight, which makes her heart burst. Although the jade slip was only the size of an ordinary jade slip, it would be more troublesome to read out the contents one by one than the most complicated exercise she had ever cultivated.

   What’s more terrifying are all meaningless red tapes, every detail of her ritual to become the King of Crane. And this is not the first day of the ceremony, it is already the fourth day, a total of seven days.

   This kind of thing is nothing to gouge He only needs to glance at it, and he can remember it verbatim. In the rituals a few days ago, I had read these contents, and then secretly transmitted the voice to the side, and she just did.

   But not today. It seemed that Lian Ling had deducted the deduction and didn't go out all day. Then she can only memorize these things by herself. Thinking about it, she felt like fainting.

  After repatriating all the attendants, she walked alone to the underground of the Linwang Mansion. She thought of a cool place, that was the underground secret room she used to practice in the Linwang Mansion before. No matter how hot it is outside, it is always shady there.

   The long dark corridor was obviously no one had walked through for a long time, and the ground was covered with a uniform layer of dust.

   There was a faint white aura from her body, like a beautiful fairy with a gleam of light illuminating the dark corridor. All the dust wherever she went was naturally removed by her body protection mana, everything became neat and clean as before.

   There is a table at the end of the corridor. There is also a somewhat old jade slip on the table. That was the message Lian Linghe Gou left her when she first left the customs many years ago. The two went to Mian'e Mountain without a word, and she chased them all the way unceremoniously.

   When this jade slip fell into my eyes, many memories came to my mind. Whether it's the first sight on Lingbo Island or the death in the sea of ​​flames that seals the mainland, everything is vividly visible, just like yesterday.

   The magic is that this guy will really marry his master, so they will not be able to become Taoists after all. But since he has entered the profound gate, it doesn't really matter whether he is a Taoist or not. As long as you can follow the left and right, you can see by raising your eyes, that's not bad.

   And the most important thing in the spiritual realm is not to lag far behind. Otherwise, she will stay on the ground if she is soared, and it will be a distance between heaven and man.

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