Record of Chaos

Chapter 904: Lin Meier reluctantly ascended the throne, and the Taoist people waited for the rabbit

   (904 Lin Meier barely ascended to the throne, and the Taoist people waited for the rabbit)

   It's only a pity that this **** enthronement ceremony turned her into a puppet on the stage.

   She wanted to slap her **** and leave, she never came back from staying at Cuiyu Peak. But she was afraid that Lin Han, who had already soared, would change her mind in the sky and could easily catch her.

  According to the immortal encyclical left by Lin Han that year, Lin Meier would inherit the crown of crane from Taibailin as long as she achieved the golden core. The monarch Lin Zhuo will abdicate and become the Supreme Elder.

   But the supreme elder Lin Zhuo neither mastered the crown of pill, nor did he have the cultivation base of golden pill. He just held an order to ask immortals that he didn't usually use, and naturally there was no real power.

   In terms of real power, he is probably not as good as the Taishi Qingpingzi and Prince Lin who have the strength of the golden core.

   So Lin Zhuo has been trying to delay, and Lin Meier is also delaying. But this day will come after all.

   Lin Meier's appearance is a bit like that of the widely respected crane and has risen into a fairy. The statue of Lin Han remains on the top of Taibai Peak and is worshipped daily.

   Therefore, she only showed a face when she returned to Tianchi City. It was like the idol had come back to life again. How could she not immediately conquer the hearts of the whole crane tribe, and it would be impossible if she didn't ascend the throne.

   And Goujiu and Lian Ling not only need to use their strength to help her ascend to the throne, avoid extraneous branches, but also stare at another major event that happened at the same time and in the same place. That is the League of Demons.

  The League of Demons is an ancient tradition in the demon world. As long as the three clans of the demon world and the three strong clans, namely the tree man, the ghost owl, the dream raccoon, the spirit ape, the demon fox, and the crane, the clan king of any clan changes, it will be held by the clan that replaced the clan king. .

  Since Lin Meier wants to ascend the throne and become the Crane King, she must organize the Alliance of All Demons together.

   This is also the only opportunity for the demons to sit down and negotiate a series of covenants and delimit the sphere of influence. Because these big clans usually meet each other with teeth and claws, they rarely have the opportunity to sit down and negotiate covenants.

   No matter what covenant they have made before, as long as any clan king changes, they will assume that all covenants have expired and must be renegotiated.

   The last time the League of Demons was when the new Tree Emperor ascended the throne. But at that time, the coalition forces led by the Night King had just attacked Mian'e Mountain, and the two sides had a deep hatred, so naturally they were not in the mood to talk.

   Now that the war has subsided for many years, there are only some conflicts of interest and small conflicts between the races. It is time to have a good talk and redefine the sphere of influence.

   In addition to the demon world clans, at this time, the major sects of the human world, even the forces secretly dispatched by the Hou Tu dynasty, will also receive a visit to the demon order on the grounds of celebrating the new King Crane ascending the throne, and can enter the demon world to participate in this alliance.

   Because of the vertical and horizontal integration of the demon world, it is directly related to the growth and decline of the major forces in the human world.

   For example, the Five Elements Sect hoped that the ghost owls would stop coveting the Night Blind Mountain. But King Yun, who controlled the two states of Jin and Jade, did not want the Southern Border Demon Realm to become his future trouble.

   The Emperor Kun Yuan, who controlled the Hou Tu Dynasty, had a headache. The relationship between King Yun and the clans of the demon world was too harmonious. In case he wants to clean up King Yun in the future, these big and small monster races will stand on the side of King Yun, and the trouble will be serious.

   The golden core monks of the two worlds of shemales are not allowed to cross the boundary at all. But during the time when the monsters were in the alliance, these people were given orders to visit the monsters one after another, and they could come and blend with each other with confidence.

  No one knows how many times these various forces will collude and talk to each other, and what agreements will be reached secretly. The only thing I know is that these people have now gathered in Taibai Forest.

   For the Crane Clan, this is simply a threat like Mount Tai. No one knows what will happen.

   There are no two golden cores, Prince Lin and Taishi, sitting in town, but Lin Zhuo, who can only do business, can't hold the scene at all.

   But this "Prince Scale" can't be moved by the Crane Clan.

   He traveled far and wide to return to his Royal Palace of Scales. In addition to helping Lin Meier, what he values ​​most is that he, as the leader of the Xiaoyao League, took on the most expensive task in the history of the Xiaoyao League.

   This single is worth two hundred thousand merit points, which is equivalent to two hundred thousand profound Yin pills and twenty thousand blood spirit stones!

  If Han Beizi can recover, with these twenty thousand blood spirit stones, maybe he can directly use this divine stele to advance to double spend.

  The one who can come up with such a large sum of rewards is naturally the big gold master Yunwang. The mission that King Yun secretly released was very simple. It was to keep an eye on the Night King and prevent the Night King from reaching any alliance agreement with the court.

   After using Concubine De to hold King Yun to miscalculate, Haoming realized that he was impatient about this matter, and began to prepare for the complete eradication of King Yun. In addition to recuperating and rejuvenating, it is more straightforward to draw in all forces to prepare for a war.

   This is actually not difficult. You only need to secretly promise to surrender King Yun, and then part of the land division of the Jin and Jade states will be transferred to allies.

   Although he guessed from Haohan's memory that the new tree emperor's Jade Palace is related, he still sent an envoy to the tree clan unwillingly.

   It's a pity that the tyrannical Muluo didn't understand the saying that "the two countries fought the soldiers without cutting them", and directly gave the envoy sent by Emperor Kun Yuan a "five-tree division" and packaged it back.

   The result of the negotiation with Ghost Owl is much better. But the further exchange of interests will involve too many secrets. If it is accidentally spread, it will become a serious handle. It is impossible to decide without the direct meeting of the big guys.

   Gouzhuo is not as complicated as they do. Success is not enough and there is more than failure. He only needs the night king and the people from the court to talk about it, and he can laugh at King Yun's 200,000 Profound Yin Pills.

   This day is the day when the Dark Night King arrived in Taibai Forest. So Goblin is not staying in the Linwang Mansion, but going out to "greet" the ancient power of the ghost owl tribe in secret.

   "How can Wu Yu talk to the court, the best way to fight?"

This is what    is thinking about over and over in his head.

   Many poisonous schemes flooded his mind, such as going to beat the messenger sent by the court, severely humiliating and lied that he was sent by the Night King?

   Impersonating, doing evil, these small actions are exactly what he has been good at since the era of eating tea on the bluestone street.

   But now the entire Taibai Forest is full of foreign monks, some who cultivate and demons. He didn't know the whereabouts of everyone, nor did he know who among them would be the envoy entrusted by Emperor Kun Yuan.

  According to the rules of the Crane clan, there is a powerful alien who comes to Taibailin and must stay at the incomparable Baiqing Post.

   It's a pity that this restraint is limited to the Jindan monks. The cultivators of Xudan and Zifu level are not subject to this restriction, they can enter and leave freely in Taibai Forest. In this way, wanting to directly find someone sent by the court is like finding a needle in a haystack.

   Fortunately, no matter who Emperor Kun Yuan sends, he has to contact the Dark Night King. The Heiyewang lives in Baiqingyi and cannot leave without permission. So as long as he watched Baiqingyi staying on the ground, sooner or later he would be able to see the people he wanted to teach.

   So he used his authority and connections in the Crane clan early, and planted his own people everywhere in the Baiqing Post. Not only the premises for the night king, from the guard to the maid, were all sent by him, but also the sound transmission interception was prepared early.

   You can kill a thousand by mistake and don't miss one. As long as any race tries to get in touch with Wu Yu, he is ready to ask people to humiliate those people so badly that they will go back to their hometown with unparalleled hatred for the ghost owl tribe.

   Of course, this may accidentally hurt some forces that have nothing to do with the court. But it is the ghost owl tribe who bears the blame, which has little influence on him.

  He was ready for even the real hands-on people, and he lurked in a secret place near Baiqingyi. It was a group of extremely vicious bandits carried by this fiendish bandit. These demons all took the pill that Lian Ling refined and disguised as ghost owls.

   Everything is ready, just waiting for the night king to come.

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