Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 134: Stupid angler and witty fish

In any case, Tang Su finally made Su Tang happy.

In fact, this matter is not complicated at all, that is, the little girl has to get rid of the horns. As long as she flicks (crossed out) and sorts out, she will naturally restore her mentality.

And Tang Su, after coaxing Su Tang to cheer, asked sideways about the reason for her sudden unhappiness.

The result--

"It's just to see you apologize to them, saying that you made dinner by yourself and it was late, and then I thought it was my cause. I didn't know how to cook at all, and I wasted your time. Otherwise, you can definitely make a long time in advance. ... Then I thought about the'Watermelon Brother Incident' again. Looking at the comments on the Internet, this incident seems to have caused some bad effects on you, but the cause of this incident is also completely related to me, so I just... "

Looking at her looking down at her shoes, and listening to her quietly broken thoughts, Tang Su smiled comfortably on his face, and sighed in his heart.

I don't know how the changes formed. Su Tang, who was originally outgoing, outgoing, and always optimistic like a little idiot, has become a little concerned about gains and losses.

"Tangtang, do you really want to learn cooking?"

Tang Su asked seriously: "If you really want to learn and are interested in cooking, then I am happy to teach you, but if you only want to learn cooking for a certain purpose... I don't think it is necessary. .

In this era, the catering industry is very developed. It is no longer uncommon for young people to not be able to cook. Some people are lazy, and some people want to spend their time on more valuable things, so you don’t have to do it for ' Who can help? For such a trivial purpose, you choose to do something you don't like...

Rather than you can help me, I hope you can accompany me when I cook, then look at me with admiration and encouragement, and praise the delicious dishes I cook... Then I will feel more meaningful . "

So affectionate!


It's a sign of confession already!

Even Su Tang, who has never been in love, even if she has only gained experience from idol dramas/romantic novels, was enough to instantly realize the ambiguity in Tang Su’s words, and immediately, the little girl's face blushed. stand up.

Unlike the past, this time it’s not the ‘gradual red’ that starts from the base of the ear, but the kind that is very sudden. When I feel a ‘flutter,’ my cheeks become red, as if I have a cold.

This is not shy, but the heartbeat is too fast!


Su Tang's head turned sharply, and then his inspiration flashed, and he quickly stood up and said in a panic: "I almost forgot, there is still work to be done today, so what... The studio seems to be sending me a design drawing, I have to go back. Let’s see if it’s posted. Let’s stop talking for nothing."

She casually ridiculed a reason that she didn't believe in herself, and prepared to run away quickly.

Su Tang felt that if he didn't run again, he would definitely make a fool of himself based on his heartbeat frequency?

Maybe it will kill her... it's terrible to think about it.

This guy is also true, not playing cards according to common sense at all.

Under normal circumstances, the protagonist and the protagonist have to get to know each other slowly, go through some misunderstandings, contradictions, etc., and then develop a good impression of each other, and finally after a toss and toss, they can formally be together and get together perfectly. Officer...This guy is so good. He has only known each other for a few days, so he said this kind of strongly suggestive sultry words...

Su Tang complained that Tang Su's offensive was too fierce, and he was always caught off guard.

But then, she couldn't help complaining to herself again, feeling that she was too spineless and unworthy.

According to the development of the plot, even if the heroine is tempted by the hero, she will definitely not be as soft as herself. There is no counterattack. The heroine should give a proud and contemptuous grunt to express her disdain for the hero. , And at the same time successfully aroused the curiosity of the male protagonist...

Oops, there is a mess in my head.

In short, it’s all right to blame Tang Su. This guy has a bad mentality. He has to take his time to chase girls. He can’t eat hot tofu if he is impatient. He is not only impatient but also superficial. Every time he praises her, he says that she looks good. As if she had nothing but good looks, just...huh.

Su Tang ran away.

Run off with a mess of thoughts in his head.


Tang Su shouted to her from behind: "Do you want to learn or not? Is it okay to say something pleasant? Don't run so fast, beware of falling at night..."

However, Su Tang ran fast, Tang Su shouted again, presumably even the shadow could not be seen, there was no way, he had to catch up.

Until the two ran back to the door of the hut, Su Tang was still in good condition. It should be due to regular exercise, and Tang Su was a little out of breath.

"No? Are you imaginary?"

Su Tang turned her head and saw Tang Su panting. He was a little surprised at first, and then pretended to be contemptuous: "You don't have a physique like you to run as fast as a girl, so how can you chase a girl."

"You don't need to work hard to chase girls..."

Tang Su shook his head: "Moreover, I have been sitting in the office for a long time. I usually lack of exercise. I haven't exercised for a long time. It's a bit uncomfortable to run so fast suddenly. It's not really empty."

He is also very helpless.

Although at the beginning of the game, the system king added 10% of his omnipotent attribute, but the foundation of this body is too bad, and the effect of 10% is not very big. The appearance value is slightly improved, and the physique is...nothing. obvious improvement.

"With so many explanations, you still can't cover up your false facts."

Su Tang shrugged. After running for so long, she was no longer as shy as before. Moreover, after seeing that Tang Su's physique was not as good as herself, she felt a rare joy, feeling that she was finally at something. After surpassing him, there was an urge to get overwhelmed and weep with joy for a while.

"Void is void."

Tang Su was too lazy to argue with her, rested for a few seconds, and said casually: "If it takes physical strength to chase a girl, then I won't chase it. Calm down and think about it. It's actually good to be single."

Of course, this is not a real idea, just fishing with a hook.

The method of putting the hook is very crude. Smart fish will definitely not be fooled, but some stupid fish... maybe.


"How about that?"

Su Tang suddenly came to his spirits and resolutely said: "Long time non-exercise will lead to sub-health and great harm to the body. If you are so depressed at a young age, you will get sick all over your body when you are older... Well, from tomorrow At the beginning, you and I will run in the morning. There is a gym in the small house. Later, I will take you to exercise. As long as you stick to my method, you will be rejuvenated for at most one month!"

Her tone is very firm, beyond doubt.


The stupid fish was taken the bait, but Tang Su was not very happy, even a little depressed, feeling that he was simply fine looking for trouble.

It could have been lazy, but now it's all right.


Tang Su still felt at the beginning that this little girl seemed to be doing everything for three minutes, and every time she thought about it, she would soon forget this matter as long as she didn't mention it.

But reality slapped his face.

While Tang Su was sitting in the living room and chatting happily with Li Shuyao, Zhao Xiaowen, Zhou Huayu... and Liu Xinjie, Su Tang walked down the stairs briskly, holding an A5 notebook in his hand.

Tang Su saw her approaching, and quickly gave up her position next to her, indicating that she could sit here.

But Su Tang did not sit down, but handed the notebook in his hand to Tang Su: "I just asked the company's fitness coach, who worked out a set of practice methods according to your situation, and then wrote them all in the notebook. From tomorrow …Oh no, from tonight, you will work out with me."


Looking at the pink notebook in front of him, Tang Su's head went blank.

What about the three-minute popularity?

What if I think it’s a good idea?

Why are you real?

Ignoring the strange eyes of several guests around, Su Tang directly grabbed Tang Su's hand, pulled him up hard, and dragged him towards the gym.

"Wow, they all held hands."

Zhao Xiaowen blinked: "This progress is too fast, right."

"It's really fast."

Zhou Huayu nodded in agreement, thought about it, and said: "The progress of the love period is a little faster, and it feels quite normal."

He was not surprised.

Today's young people are generally more open-minded. They only know that they have reached the ‘negative distance’ intimacy value within a short period of time, not to mention just holding a small hand.

But for the two young people Tang Su and Su Tang, the progress is indeed... Is it a spark of friction?

Thinking of this, Zhou Huayu turned to look at Li Shuyao.

If I remember correctly, Li Shuya also seemed to have a good impression of Tang Su, and she was leaving today and having dinner together at noon. She didn't know how she would feel when she saw this scene.

"Why do you see me?"

Li Shuyao casually said: "I'm here to make friends. You have the mind to gossip. Why don't you think about how to make an invitation card."


Zhou Huayu smiled awkwardly, turned his head, and didn't talk to her again.


the other side.

Tang Su, who was dragged to the gym by force, was forced to start training according to Su Tang's method.

According to Su Tang, warm up in the first few days, stretch and stretch the muscles and bones, and wait until the body is ready, and then put in energy to train.

"By the way, is your fitness coach a man or a woman?"

Tang Su asked curiously while being forced to warm up.

"Women, but the fitness coaches in the company are both men and women."

Su Tang casually said: "There are more trainees in the company. In order to ensure everyone's physical condition, the company hires a lot of coaches. Male coaches are responsible for training boys and female coaches are responsible for training girls. He said that the effect would be better."

"That's it."

Tang Su nodded and understood.

"Why are you asking this question suddenly? Are you jealous?"

Su Tang asked suddenly.

"Why am I jealous?"

Tang Su felt baffled.

"Come on, if I say that I am a male coach, and I am handsome and good-looking... then you must be unhappy."

Su Tang said lazily.


Tang Su didn't know what to say for a What she said was quite true, and if she said that, she wouldn't really be very happy.

"How did you know?"

Tang Su asked curiously.

"Listen to the female artist of the company."

Su Tang casually said: "Before some newcomers were curious and asked why the company had to vacate the space for the gym, and the boys and girls were trained separately. Then there were female artists who talked to us about the gym. There are often students and coaches. Get it together or something... If this kind of thing happens to an artist, and then it is exposed, it will be a devastating disaster... That's why the company has very strict arrangements in this regard."

"Your boss is very foresight."

Tang Su nodded in agreement.

In a place like a gym, students and coaches go couldn't be more normal, although most of these things are yours, but it is not a good thing.

For ordinary people, this can be regarded as a scandal. Put it on artists... Once caught by a competitor, you will lose your reputation and ruin your future in minutes.

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