Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 135: Heartbeat SMS-Boys

What about good fitness?

Half an hour later, Tang Su lay motionless on the floor of the gym, tired like a dead dog, ignoring Su Tang's ‘invitation’. He protested in this way.

"It's just basic training."

Su Tang turned off the treadmill, walked in front of him, squatted to look at him, frowning his good-looking brows slightly: "You are more imaginary than I thought."

"Don't do this, save me some face."

Tang Su sighed, "You have to take your time for things like fitness. How can you be like you? I feel that you are taking revenge on me."

"Be confident and get rid of the'feeling'."

Su Tang said lightly.


Tang Su didn't know what to say for a while. Why did this girl suddenly stand up and become so self-confident. She was not like this a few days ago. She has always been soft and arrogant. Now this is probably... …Regained confidence?

"In fact, there is no revenge. It's just a warm-up. It's obviously your own problem."

Su Tang stood up, turned his head to look at the fitness equipment around him, pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head and asked, "Tang Su, do you know how to do the splits?"


Tang Su couldn't lie down anymore, and quickly stood up: "I have something to do. Let's train next time."

With that, he ran away as soon as he turned around, looking very embarrassed from his back.

Too cruel!

Actually asked him if he could split, is it a person?

You are a wolf, four points more than a ruthless man.


At night, before going to bed.

It's the annual... once-a-day heartbeat texting moment.

"I'm home?"

Zhou Huayu saw Tang Su returning with a heavy step, with a smile on his face: "You really have to exercise well, boys, it’s not enough to be independent, to cook, and to speak, at least in terms of physical strength. It must be better than girls, otherwise, you will suffer a lot in the future."

‘I feel like you are driving, but I have no evidence. ’

Tang Su thought to himself, and responded calmly: "It's just that I usually focus on study and work, and some neglect to exercise. Sudden exercise will inevitably be a little uncomfortable. Just recover and recover. The problem is not big. ."

Zhou Huayu just smiled, then stopped talking to Tang Su, turned to look at Liu Xinjie who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, and asked, "It's been four days, how are you feeling?"

"Uh... okay."

Liu Xinjie didn't expect Zhou Huayu to talk to him, he was shocked, and then said with a smile: "In the beginning, it was really difficult to adapt, a little nervous, and some pressure. Now it's better."

Not only is the tension and pressure better, but the mentality is also much calmer.

Before coming, he felt that he was very good, better than many students in school, and better than many trainees in the company. Then he felt that there was no difficulty in participating in such a competition with his own abilities, so Without much preparation, he accepted the invitation to be a male guest.

But on the first day he came here, he was beaten heavily, whether Zhou Huayu or Tang Su performed much better than him.

He felt that he was very attractive to girls. In fact, it was not. In the face of Tang Su's absolute advantage and Zhou Huayu's mature and stable sense of security, the only appearance he could get was worthless.

He was a little confused at the beginning, but today after the sympathy and enlightenment of his friends, he has already figured it out and decided to study with Tang Su and Zhou Huayu in a correct attitude, instead of holding the air like before, bewildered and confident that there will be The girl took the initiative to strike up a conversation with herself...

Level your mind, lower your expectations, and then calm down a lot.

Regarding the matter of heart-warming text messages... he has no hope of recognizing the reality.

Among the three female guests, Zhao Xiaowen is obviously more interested in Zhou Huayu's mature and stable boys. The relationship between Su Tang and Tang Su is progressing, and he can't get involved. As for Li Shuya...people don't look down on him either.

Therefore, before the arrival of the new female guests, Liu Xinjie had no expectations for the heartbeat text messages. The only thing he wanted to do now was to adjust his mentality and welcome the arrival of the new guests. At that time, neither Tang Su nor Zhou Huayu would follow He argues, that is his chance to express himself.


The heartbeat text message arrived as promised.

First of all, here is the male guest-

Tang Su received the message first and opened it to view:

"Today I saw a person who is different from the past. It is not as perfect as I thought, but I am not disappointed. On the contrary, I find it very interesting. There is no perfect person in this world. It is because we are not so perfect that we can be human. , Not God, bold and do what you want to do, don’t worry, don’t hesitate, come on."

Tang Su hardly thought about it, and guessed the identity of the sender-Li Shuyao.

There were only two people who could text him, Li Shuyao and Su Tang.

Zhao Xiaowen definitely won't. She has more and more tacit understanding and common words with Zhou Huayu, but she has no communication with herself.

Among the two female guests, Li Shuyao and Su Tang, the latter’s text messaging style has always been very naughty and could not be so mature and elegant, so it can only be Li Shuyao.

This text message from Senior Sister Shuya...

It reminded Tang Su of a conversation in the office this afternoon.

Sister Shuya, who saw her heart clearly, decided to give up after she felt that he was not a good match, and then helped him sort out his inner thoughts, and finally encouraged him to be brave and don't back down because of anything...well, yes. What I said, I had already said it at that time.

Tang Su read this text message horizontally and saw an explanation:

Although Senior Sister Shuya is not interested in him anymore, apart from him, she doesn't know who to send the text message to.

Zhou Huayu will definitely not work. If you really send it to Zhou Huayu, it will not be troublesome for Zhou Huayu and Zhao Xiaowen. Those online ‘chasing drama’ viewers will also scold her to death.

Liu Xinjie can't do it either. Senior Sister Shuya doesn't look at Liu Xinjie, she has already clearly refused, so why would she send him the wrong signal?

After all, the "heartbeat signal", which involves a major thing in the "Heartbeat" program, is not a playful play.

Senior Sister Shuya seems to be gentle, but she is still very assertive and pursued in her heart. She is not willing to do inappropriate things on her own, including heart-warming text messages. Otherwise, on her terms, the suitor can really arrange one. The long line...


Just when Tang Su thought about this short message from Li Shuyao, another short message came in, clicked to view it, and suddenly his eyes went dark:

"Tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning, let's go for a morning jog together? You really have to exercise, and if you are lazy, you may not even be able to beat me in the future~ Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, are you going to see your elders tomorrow? Do you need to buy gifts? I have a lot of experience in this kind of thing, and I can be a consultant for you for free."

Tang Su was a little speechless, he wanted to complain about the other party.

‘Are you stupid? At 6:30 tomorrow morning, we have to make breakfast. How can we have time for a morning run? You really should be angry with yourself, you should really reflect on why your mind can't remember anything other than eating...’

Tang Su suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If Su Tang really couldn't remember anything other than eating, how could she forget to make breakfast tomorrow morning?

Well, it seems that Su Tang can't even remember things related to "eating"...

"Maybe you won't even be able to beat you in the future?" Why should I fight with you? Is it a sense of accomplishment to bully an idiot? Be free. ’

'Seeing gifts given by elders... This is a bit difficult. People are so rich and don’t lack anything. What can I give them? Expensive ones can’t afford them, and cheap ones don’t look down on them. The only thing that can be obtained. Just those few lines of code on the computer, can't you give this to others, right? ’

Tang Su frowned suddenly, a little distressed.

I learned from memory--

Although the relationship between ‘Predecessor Tang Su’ and ‘Aunt Li’ and ‘Uncle Su’ was very harmonious, they never took the initiative to visit them, nor did they visit their homes.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but everyone is busy...

"Predecessor Tang Su" is busy with his studies, and on Saturdays and weekends he is looking for opportunities to do part-time jobs. Most of the money he makes is spent on the children in the orphanage.

And'Uncle Su' and'Aunt Li' are both very busy businessmen. Hearing from the dean said that their business is very big and they are the top-ranked entrepreneurs in the capital city, the'predecessor Tang Su' will naturally not go. Take the liberty to bother, so as not to let others see it, and think he wants to curry favor with others.

What the "predecessor Tang Su" did made the "current Tang Su" feel a little headache.

For one thing, he couldn't understand why children with strong self-esteem like "Predecessor Tang Su" would be treated like "Uncle Su" and "Auntie Li" as their own sons.

Secondly, the memory of giving gifts to elders has never been in my mind, and it has caused a lot of trouble to the'current Tang Su', making him wonder how to prepare gifts for the other party.


"Predecessor Tang Su" can have today, the contribution of Su and his wife can be said to be a great contribution. Although I don’t know why he suddenly invited him to a family dinner, since it’s the first time to visit, I shouldn’t go empty-handed. It is normal etiquette to prepare some gifts.

The only thing to worry about now is...Is Su Tang really reliable?

From knowing her until now, the girl seems to be unreliable. Every time she pats her chest to say something, she will eventually be slapped in the face, but she still remembers whether to eat or not, even if she feels embarrassed at the time, but then I forget everything, and I won’t learn a lesson at all.

Just take a look at this text message, she is such a foodie, she can forget the important thing like'make breakfast together tomorrow morning'... Tang Su feels more and more that it might not be a wise choice to ask her to help choose gifts. .


Maybe you should ask Senior Sister Shuyao, or Zhang Yuning, a partner in the studio.

Among all the people he knows, these two should be considered the most reliable and the most able to advise him.

Senior Sister Shuya doesn’t know what her family background is like, but she is mature and has a lot of social experience. Gifts to her elders shouldn’t be bothering her.

According to Zhang Yuning, his family is quite rich, and his father seems to be a certain real estate tycoon from another province. This kind of child who stood in the'upper society' at birth should have experienced giving gifts to elders, even if he did not. However, there must be similar experiences and gossip at home, and I can always provide him with some suggestions.

As for Xu Huahua, the child of another rich family...

Forget it, she's not doing anything about her own affairs, she doesn't wear makeup every day, she wears a henhouse, and she doesn't look like a ‘good boy’ at all, ask her? It’s better to search for thousands of degrees.

turn off the phone.

Tang Su looked up and saw that Zhou Huayu had just finished reading the text message with a smile on his face. He didn't know what Zhao Xiaowen had sent him to make him happy.

As for Liu Xinjie?

When Tang Su turned his head to look around, he found that there was no one on the sofa Liu Xinjie was sitting on.

"He went to wash."

Zhou Huayu saw Tang Su’s doubts, shook his head, and said softly, “I feel that he is quite clear now, knowing that he will definitely not receive text messages, so I don’t want to sit here and be embarrassed... this kind of thing. In the future, let’s not pretend to be in front of him, so as to save some face to others."

Without receiving a text message for four days, Zhou Huayu thought he was very pitiful.

"Ok, I know."

Tang Su nodded: "I didn't have any interest in mentioning this kind of thing. My heart-warming text message is just a favor, something that may change at any time. There is no need to take it too seriously. Whether it is the same or not is not worth it. Proud thing, so there is no need to mention this."


Zhou Huayu didn't say a word, but the eyes looking at Tang Su were a little weird.

He thought to himself, that you can receive at least two text messages each time, and the relationship with Su Tang is warming up rapidly, so you feel calm afterwards. If you change it to you, you can’t receive one text message for four consecutive days. I’m afraid. You are more uncomfortable than him.

I really complied with the old saying: standing and talking don't hurt your back.

For a guy like Tang Su, who is a "little man," Zhou Huayu felt contemptuous in his heart, and nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes, You are right, it's just a goodwill intention. , Really can't explain anything."

Zhou Huayu also thought very openly, anyway, his heartbeat text messages were also stable, so that he would not be affected by Tang Su's Versailles, and he would not feel uncomfortable.

"I'm quite curious about one thing."

Tang Su didn't know the strangeness of Zhou Huayu's heart. He looked in the direction outside the bedroom door, smiled, and said softly: "Do you think...who will his text message be sent to?"


Zhou Huayu thought for a few seconds, frowned and shook his head, unable to guess.

Just think, it’s possible for Liu Xinjie to send this text message to anyone. He has been courteous to Su Tang, to Li Shuyao, to Zhao Xiaowen...

The result of the courtesy is:

Su Tang ignored him, Zhao Xiaowen politely refused, Li Shuya was kind on the surface, but in fact he hadn't considered him at all.

Under such circumstances, it is really hard to guess who Liu Xinjie will send this text message to...

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