Red Alert 1895

Chapter 244: european tease

"Okay, I killed those twenty-four Dutch generals, how are you going to reward me!" Natasha said coquettishly.

Wang Guorui took the initiative to take Natasha into his arms, then smiled evilly and said, "Now that I'm free, I will reward you well now!"

"Hate!" Natasha said shyly.

Just as Wang Guorui was about to have a French wet kiss, someone walked in immediately.


Wang Guorui cursed inwardly: "Who has no sense of price, come to disturb me at this time!"

Wang Guorui immediately straightened his body, and then Natasha stood beside her seriously, looking like a dog.

"Come in!" Wang Guorui said.

"My lord, Henry, the British mediator, and Frings, the Dutch diplomat, are asking to see you!"

"Hmph, two old bastards, come to bother me at this time!" Wang Guorui cursed in his heart, but he still said, "Please come in!"

"Wang Guorui, you despicable, shameless bastard, you actually used this sneak attack method to assassinate more than twenty generals of my great Dutch Empire, you are really despicable and shameless! You really have no chivalry, and even This kind of despicable and shameless sneak attack is used!" Frings said angrily.

When Frings received the news from the army, his lungs were about to explode. More than 20 generals had already died before the official battle started. At that time, how do foreign countries look at the Dutch army? If the battle has not started, it will be a blow to the head, and if you can't even protect your own generals, then people will doubt your combat effectiveness! But when Frings saw that all the generals on his side were killed with long-range rifles, this made him feel even more angry. This is absolutely despicable and shameless sneak attack, actually firing cold guns from a distance to kill the officers on his side. This is so un-chivalrous. In the Western world, there are many unspoken rules in war. As early as in the era of queuing for shooting, there was an unwritten rule that soldiers with waist drums should not be involved, because they were the signal for other soldiers to step on the drums.

However, there are still many stinky rules in Western wars. What kind of chivalry do they pay attention to. Pay attention to frontal combat and despise those who attack secretly. This is the so-called chivalry handed down from the Middle Ages. But the East is different. The East pays attention to using everything on the battlefield. As long as it can defeat the enemy and force the enemy to submit, it can be used. There are no express rules, and there are not even many unspoken rules. Whether the unspoken rules are followed or not depends on the thoughts of the generals concerned.

"Natasha, what is chivalry?" Wang Guorui pretended to ask.

Natasha shook her head and said, "I don't know either? Since Mr. Frings wants to talk, you should ask him. He should understand what chivalry is."

"Mr. Frings, what is chivalry? Can it be eaten?" Wang Guorui asked.

Frings almost fainted, and Wang Guorui actually asked if the spirit "can be eaten". This is simply belittling the spirit of chivalry, which is unreasonable. As a descendant of a great knight, of course Frings sternly refuted.

"The spirit of chivalry is justice and mercy... so you must abide by the spirit of chivalry. You cannot use this kind of backstabbing on the battlefield to hurt people. In the future war with our Dutch, you are prohibited from using this kind of thing that violates the spirit of chivalry. weapons!" Frings said righteously.

Wang Guorui sighed. He turned his head and asked, "Mr. Henry, are you Europeans all this funny?"

After hearing this, Henry wished to find a rope to strangle this Frings to death. This Frings was too shameful, too embarrassing for the Western world. This guy actually came to this age, and he still said that he was very slow chivalry. Is this outdated? In this era, the West also pays attention to using everything in war. As for what chivalry is, it has been fed to the dogs long ago. But Frings, this funny guy, actually asked the enemy to abide by some kind of chivalry. Not to mention that there has never been chivalry in the East, even if this is said in the world of Westerners, it is enough to laugh out loud. But this Frings actually said it so righteously, can it prevent people from vomiting blood?

"Governor Wang, there are very few people like us in Europe! But our European chivalry still exists, and many people also believe in it. However, not all of us in Europe are so funny... It's funny." Henry said.

Henry wasn't very familiar with the new word "Doubi" invented by Wang Guorui, so he was very uncomfortable saying it, but he finally said it.

"I understand, I can create a world where crossbows are banned, how can I not understand that sniper rifles are banned?" Wang Guorui said.

While Henry was speechless, Wang Guorui actually brought up the funny history in Europe again, which made Henry also a little speechless.

When European knights ruled the battlefield, there used to be a weapon called a crossbow, and this crossbow was so powerful that even a slightly trained farmer could easily end the life of a knight who had been training for many years. In the East, countless famous generals have also said that strong crossbows are an important means of restraining nomadic cavalry. Regardless of whether it is the East or the West, there have been cases of using strong crossbows against cavalry knights. However, the strong crossbows in the East have been vigorously developed, but the crossbows in the West have not been developed much. There is a very funny allusion in this.

Westerners discovered that a slightly trained farmer could use a crossbow to assassinate a knight who had been trained for many years, and this made the knights of the ruling class feel threatened. Not only did they not think about how to defend and crack the crossbow, but they even made a convention that everyone forbids the use of the crossbow, and they cannot continue to study the crossbow. As a result, European crossbows have not been developed very well. Until the era of firearms, European crossbows were not very advanced.

What a funny behavior this is, but it is completely different in China. If someone in China invents a powerful weapon to fight, even if the enemy suffers a loss, they will not agree to say that it cannot be used. In the East, if you suffer from a certain weapon on the battlefield, you will never find a way to prohibit the enemy from using it, but to find a way to crack this weapon and create countermeasures. But Europe is so funny, knowing that knights can't beat strong crossbows, so they actually use the privileges of the ruling class to limit the development of crossbows. This is actually the same reason as the Manchu Qing banned the development of muskets. They were all afraid that this kind of weapon would threaten their rule, so they banned the use and development of it politically. It's just that the foreign devils were lucky and completed the industrial technology revolution ahead of schedule, while China was ruled by the barbaric and backward Manchu Qing.

At that time, the Japanese also had several generals killed by Natasha, and the Japanese did not say that there was no chivalry. Not only did they not look for the reason from the enemy Wang Guorui, they only looked for the reason in themselves. If you fail on the battlefield, it is ridiculous to find the reason for the failure from the enemy! It’s no wonder that once Europe falls, it won’t be able to rise. Not only will they not find the reason for their own failure when they suffer setbacks, but they will simply think that it is the enemy’s reason. How can such a country that cannot introspect itself be able to rise again? ? And they say that China is like an ostrich, but in fact China is not an ostrich at all. Every time in troubled times, many insightful people will stand up to find the reasons for the country's backwardness and failure, and find ways to revive the country and nation again. But this group of Western devils actually found the reason from the enemy. It is conceivable how stupid they are.

"Okay, I don't know much about the chivalry you are talking about. I don't like this kind of stuff that can't be eaten or drank. So, I don't know what chivalry is. I don't know this kind of chivalry." Obey it! What a piece of crap!" Wang Guorui snorted.

"How dare you insult chivalry, I want to challenge you to a duel as a descendant of the great knight xxx!" Frings said angrily.

Frings threw his white gloves in front of Wang Guorui, and Wang Guorui had also heard of Western warriors and knights throwing white gloves in front of each other, which meant to challenge each other. And if you pick it up, it means accepting the challenge.

Wang Guorui, who has small arms and legs, will naturally not accept this guy's challenge. After all, Wang Guorui is also the leader of a force, so how could he fight in person? The risk is too great. That's why Wang Guorui didn't accept the challenge with his head getting So he already made a decision in his heart.

"Natasha, see off the guests! Hurry up and send the guests away, and then we will have a good time." Wang Guorui said.

"Gentlemen, please get out!" Natasha said.

Natasha took her large-caliber sniper rifle and pointed it at Frings, and Frings sighed silently when he saw the sniper rifle. He knew that he was definitely not an opponent of this rifle, so he quickly chose to leave. However, that Henry did not choose to leave, but looked at the sniper rifle and Natasha, a woman who was obviously European, with interest, and then frowned.

"My lord, see you later!" Henry said.

"Finally send this Europe away, Natasha, come and sit in my arms, let's have a good time and make out, this time I will reward you well." Wang Guorui laughed.

And Natasha also took the initiative to sit in Wang Guorui's arms, hooked Wang Guorui's neck with both hands, relaxed her body, closed her eyes, and looked like she was in a hurry. Seeing this, how could Wang Guorui be able to bear it? (to be continued)

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