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Chapter 245: Digging the wall, looking for death (Part 1)

When Natasha left Wang Guorui's office with a flushed face and some disheveled clothes, and then she returned home to take a shower and change clothes again, and walked around the street alone with her super sniper rifle. And all the soldiers are used to the image of Natasha, so there is nothing strange about it. Anyway, everyone has heard that Natasha killed more than 20 enemy generals, which made everyone feel convinced. After all, the most obedient and strong in the army, if you have the strength, then you are the one who can convince everyone. Now Natasha has killed more than 20 enemy generals, this is simply amazing! You have to know how many soldiers have served for more than ten years and have experienced countless big and small battles, but they have never killed the enemy's general. This kind of thing is hard to come by. It requires not only strength and courage, but also luck. But Natasha was able to kill more than 20 people at once, which is enough to show that her strength has surpassed luck and reached a very surprising level.

"Miss Natasha!"

A burst of English came, and Natasha couldn't help but look back. And Natasha saw a man in his thirties who still had such a high-level appearance. And Natasha immediately knew who this guy was. This guy was also the secretary of Henry, the British mediator, and also belonged to a diplomat. After all, there will never be ugly men and women among diplomats. If ugly men and women are ashamed, it is not themselves, but the image of the country. So if you want to get involved in the diplomatic world, even if you are not a handsome guy, you have to clean up your face. That kind of slovenly person, then you don't want to be in the diplomatic world.

"Mr. Lewis, do you have anything to say?" Natasha asked unhappily.

And Lewis immediately laughed and said, "Miss Natasha, let's sit down and talk!"

"Miss Natasha. Judging from your full name, it should be Russian, right?" Lewis said.

And Natasha nodded. Her name is indeed a characteristic of Russians, so many foreigners know it and will not hide it. And Natasha's full name is Natasha Volkova. Few people know this name, but if you add the word "baby" after the name, most of them are Russians. But this Lewis was able to inquire about his name, and he must have inquired about it. In Taiwan's military, many people know that Tanya and Natasha are Wang Guorui's women, and they are also the two most powerful warriors around Wang Guorui. Although everyone doesn't know how Wang Guorui subdued them. Many low-level soldiers regarded them as idols. And Wang Guorui also touched the glory of his own woman and gained some military spirit.

"Miss Natasha, why did you come to help Governor Wang of China?" Lewis asked.

And Natasha replied directly: "I like someone, do I still need a reason?"

"Well, let me change the subject. Miss Natasha. What did you do in the past? How did you have such good marksmanship? This time you killed more than 20 Dutch generals at once, which is really amazing Ah!" Lewis said.

"I used to be a mercenary, and I have lived in a mercenary since I was a child, so I have learned such a good marksmanship!" Natasha said casually.

Natasha's answer is not a secret, because this statement has already been circulated in the Taiwan army, as long as you want to inquire. It's easy to find out. Natasha can be sure that this Lewis already knows these things, so what Natasha said is useless, and it is useless to help Lewis at all.

"Miss Natasha, you are a European and American, why do you need to work for a Chinese? Of course, you said you like this Governor Wang, but he doesn't seem to like you very much! There are still a lot of women around him, you see There are several Chinese people around him, even another woman named Tanya who is also a Westerner. How can you bear it?" Lewis said.

And when Natasha heard about other Chinese women, she didn't change her color too much, but she heard the name Tan Ya. Immediately said angrily: "Don't mention this **** to me!"

Lewis didn't know why Natasha was so angry, but he immediately knew that this was definitely a weakness in Natasha's heart. Immediately continued: "Why, do you have a festival?"

"That **** was my biggest enemy back then, but he even came to grab the commander from me!" Natasha said angrily.

Lewis did not expect that he actually found out a secret, this is really amazing! This is not heard in the Taiwan army. You must know that the news in the Taiwan army is that Mr. Wang's family is like a family, and there has never been any legendary "Gong Dou". But no one thought that there was a deep conflict between Natasha and Tanya. Whether it was the positions of the Allied forces and Soviet Russia in the past, or the relationship between their rivals in love, this caused them to have irreconcilable conflicts. As a qualified diplomat, Lewis naturally knew that he should take advantage of this opportunity to dig hard and dig hard.

And Lewis' task is to poach people, of course, this poaching is not the kind of poaching of men and women, but to poach talents! Now almost the whole world knows that Wang Guorui has two brave generals under his command. Natasha is good at precise shooting. It is even said that she can kill the enemy several kilometers away. Whether this news is true or not is unknown. And Tanya has a lot of news. For example, Tanya went to the battlefield a few times, but the results were very brilliant. No less than 3,000 people died under Tanya's hands. You must know that the strength of this woman, Tanya, is really against the sky. With more than 3,000 lives, most soldiers will not be able to do so much until they die. You must know that it is very good to be able to kill a hundred people on the battlefield, but it is almost impossible to kill a thousand people, or even to kill ten thousand people.

Both Natasha and Tanya are the top elite soldiers in the world, and they can even be said to be the king of soldiers. And Lewis is here to poach the wall. He thinks that since Tanya and Natasha are both Westerners, they should naturally be closer to the West. Since ancient times, poaching has been a low-cost, quick-result, good thing that harms others and benefits oneself, so it has been repeatedly banned. According to Westerners, if Taiwan lost the two women Natasha and Tanya, the overall military strength would be reduced by one-third. And if it can be dug out, then if the strength of the British army is increased by at least one-fifth. So how could they miss this good thing of weakening the enemy and improving themselves? So Lewis took the initiative to poach the wall, and then hoped to poach Natasha away.

But now it seems that Lewis feels that he is still very promising. After all, looking at Natasha, she has a deep conflict with Tanya. She is not only a competitor in the past, but also a rival in love now. So this made Lewis feel hopeful. As long as this Natasha can be poached away, the loss to the Taiwan army will be huge. And at that time, he, Lewis, would definitely be reused, and even get promoted and make a fortune. If the two women can be poached away together, then maybe they can get the title of knighthood! This is definitely not nonsense, it also shows that Tanya and Natasha must have this value, after all, Tanya's power has been demonstrated. Now in Japan, who is the person most feared by the soldiers at the bottom of the Japanese army? That was definitely not Wang Guorui, but Tanya. Killing more than 3,000 enemies by herself, such a powerful strength is enough to make her the person who killed the most enemies in the world.

From this point of view, Tanya alone can be used as a regiment-level infantry. Moreover, Tanya's benefits are far better than that of an infantry regiment. After all, an infantry regiment has too many people and needs too much supplies. And Tanya is just one person, how much can she spend? Even if Tanya is only one person, she can use the effect much more powerfully than infantry regiments, such as infiltration and sneak attacks, etc., and the effect can be great. As a military strategist, it is impossible not to know the role of Tanya. He can put her at a certain point when needed, and can even completely change the outcome of a battle. If it can change the outcome of a battle, it will greatly promote the As for Natasha, she is also good. If there is no problem with the legend, she can shoot accurately from several kilometers away and kill the enemy general . This can cause panic among the enemy generals, and even if dozens of enemy generals can be killed on the battlefield, the command system of the enemy's theater or front army will be paralyzed. At that time, the army would be doomed, and a huge battle might change the outcome of the war, so Natasha's role was no less important than Tanya's. So this Lewis knew that if he could poach them away, it would be tantamount to greatly increasing Britain's national defense strength, which can be said to be a huge help. When the time comes, he will be promoted and reused, and even won the title, that will be the real power.

"Miss Natasha, since this Governor Wang doesn't pay much attention to your affection, and then he is still promiscuous, and there are more and more women around him. From now on, it is nothing at all when you are by his side, so you see Seeing that you may wish to find another job, so I think we will attach great importance to you. Unlike our British Empire, our British Empire is the most powerful empire in the world. If you are willing to become a citizen of our British Empire and join the army Serve, then we are willing to give Miss Natasha the rank of major general, and if necessary, Miss Natasha can also be canonized as a baron. Moreover, there are many excellent men in our British Empire, and they are much better than the Chinese Governor Wang , not only handsomer than him, but also a Westerner of the same language and race, which is easier for you to accept!" Lewis said. (to be continued)

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