Red Alert 1895

Chapter 248: 2 sets of plans

"Dutch warriors, charge me and defeat these Taiwanese natives!" Emmons shouted.

"Come on!"

Although Emmons does not think that the Taiwanese army is all indigenous, but in order to boost morale, it is necessary to belittle the Taiwanese army so that they can feel that they have hope of victory. This means despising them strategically, but paying attention to them tactically. Although the foreign devils have not been able to say such classic words, many people understand this truth both openly and secretly. After all, as a veteran, although he may not be able to put forward so many military theories, he can understand some things through his usual experience.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The artillery fire sounded, but these artillery fires were not the cannons of the Taiwanese army, but the cannons of the Dutch army.

"Damn it, what's going on, why is the Dutch's artillery fire so fierce?" The head of the 202 regiment shouted.

The head of the 202 team felt that it was really terrible. These Dutch artillery fires were so fierce. This is simply too cheating. So he didn't know what to do, why did the Dutch fire so violently now!

"Commander, this is wrong! Why did the Dutch fire so fiercely? Don't they only have six artillery regiments? This is only one division, which is more than one-twentieth of their troops. How could they have such fierce firepower? ?” someone asked.

"Damn it, there seems to be a problem!" said the head of the 202 regiment.

"Taiwanese, you are going to be unlucky this time. We have concentrated three artillery regiments to suppress your firepower for our division this time. Can you hold your head up? Hahahaha!" Emmons Ha ha laughed and said.

The reason why Emmons dared to attack like this this time. That's because the Dutch army can have a very strong strength. They have three artillery regiments responsible for suppressing the enemy. However, all the artillery in the Netherlands adds up to only six artillery regiments, and Taiwan currently has only four artillery regiments. Although Taiwan's artillery is relatively powerful, it cannot hold back the large number of Dutchmen. So now they are concentrating three artillery regiments to storm a point in Taiwan. This firepower has been so fierce that the Taiwan army cannot raise its head.

"Rush! The Taiwanese can't hold their heads up anymore! Hurry up and rush at this time!"

These Dutch soldiers are local troops brought from home, so their military quality is stronger than the original Indonesian colonial army, so they can still do infantry coordination. Now it is really possible to achieve infantry coordination very smoothly, so that the Dutch can charge to the front of Taiwan.

"Reporting to Mr. Tan, the heads of the 202nd and 203rd regiments sent a telegram together, hoping that we can agree with them to use the second plan! This time the Dutch artillery fire was too fierce. We were completely suppressed. Let's get started," said the communications officer.

And Tan Xiao looked at the report, that is to implement the second set of plans. The second set of plans is a trump card in the Taiwan army, and it is a very powerful method. However, any tactic can only be used once in many cases, and it will be very difficult to use it next time after it has been used. Therefore, when the 202 and 203 regiments want to use this tactic, they must ask Teacher Tan Xiao for instructions, so that they can use the new tactic.

"Can our division artillery suppress the enemy?" Tan Xiao asked.

"Mr. Tan, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. We currently only have one artillery regiment, and we estimate that the enemy has at least three artillery regiments to suppress them. The artillery regiments of our troops were also brought in, but the speed was too late. Therefore, it is understandable that the 202nd and 203rd regiments requested to use new tactics."

"Okay, approve them to use the second plan!" Tan Xiao said.

The head of the 202 regiment received this telegram. Then he laughed and said, "Okay, this time we must teach these Dutch people a lesson and let them know that our Taiwan is definitely not the aborigines of more than two hundred years ago!"

"Retreat! Retreat to the second set of trenches!" The head of the 202 regiment shouted.

soon. The heads of the 203 regiment also gave the same order and began to retreat into the second trench behind. And they quickly retreated from the traffic trench, while another group of people came up. This group of people is also a group of engineers, and no one knows what these engineers are doing here.

"Everyone settle down, and then leave quickly. Be careful, otherwise it is not the Dutch who are unlucky. It is our unlucky!" said the company commander of the engineering company.

However, the engineering soldiers quickly retreated to the second trench, and then they watched the enemies in the distance charge towards them step by step.

"Blow up the traffic trench!"


There was a loud bang. Communication trenches were blown up, and the route to the second trench was blocked. It is impossible to continue from the first trench to the second trench.

"The Chinese have retreated, let me occupy their trenches!" Emmons shouted excitedly.

Emmons saw that the traffic trench in front was blown up, which already showed that the Taiwanese army had already retreated, which meant that there was no one in the first trench. So this made Emmons see a great opportunity. As long as he can seize this opportunity and directly occupy the first trench, he can create a bulge in the formation of the Taiwan army. And the follow-up troops of the Netherlands can take the opportunity to use this as a springboard to continuously attack the trenches of the Taiwan army.

"Is Taiwan's army really that weak? I overestimated the Taiwanese?" Emmons was a little surprised.

Before departure, Adenauer made repeated orders, and nothing should be underestimated by the Taiwanese army, and Edmund also attached great importance to it. But now that I have just attacked for the first time, the Chinese actually took the initiative to retreat. This is simply incredible. And at this moment, he doubted whether Adenauer's calculation was wrong, Taiwan is not so powerful!

"Come on!" The Dutch soldiers began to charge, and then hoped to charge to the trenches left by Taiwan as soon as possible.

And more than 10,000 Dutch troops began to rush forward, and then they jumped into the trench one after another, hoping to occupy the trench. The Dutch army jumped into the trench to command, and immediately began to prepare to use weapons to fight back. Because the Taiwan army has just retreated, of course they have to use this already occupied trench as a basis, and then continue to open up to attack the second trench of the Taiwan army. Even from this as a bulge, soldiers are continuously sent to occupy this place, and then continue to occupy those trenches in Taiwan.

"Master Edmund, we have occupied this place! We have defeated those Taiwanese natives!" A Dutch soldier immediately shouted excitedly.

And Edmund also smiled and didn't say much. This time it is not so much that the Dutch defeated Taiwan, but rather that Taiwan voluntarily gave up the trench. And the Dutch easily occupied this trench, and then the next step is to gradually expand the results of the battle. As for Taiwan voluntarily giving up, this Edmund will never admit it. After all, this kind of behavior that damages morale cannot be said at all.

"When the soldiers in the rear began to walk into the trench continuously, and then a large force of about 10,000 people from the Dutch infantry division entered this trench, and this trench, which can only accommodate two regiments, was a bit crowded. And when Egypt Demon also took the initiative to walk in, and then looked around the trench position.

"Taiwan's army still has a certain strength, and this trench is well repaired. Look at this artillery hole, it is very strong. I am afraid that it will not be easy to destroy a heavy artillery with a thickness of more than 100 mm!" Edmund stroked the defense Cannon hole said.

In the second trench, the head of the 202nd regiment began to ask: "Is everything ready?"

"Get ready, just touch it lightly, and those Dutchmen are going to meet their god!" said the company commander.

"What's going on with the 203 regiment, let's press this button together, don't let those Dutch people find out the smell, and run away immediately!" said the 202 regiment leader.

And soon, the engineer company commanders of the two regiments discussed together, and then pushed towards a button with a wire.


There was a loud noise, and the first trenches of the 202nd and 203rd regiments exploded in front of them, and the Dutchmen inside were immediately blown up by the explosives buried under the course, In order to keep the trenches undamaged as much as possible, the power of the explosives is not great. However, although the power of the explosives is not great, there are a lot of broken iron nails buried under these trenches. Once the explosives explode, the broken iron nails will be shot out immediately and start killing and wounding the Dutch soldiers.

"Oh my God!" Adenauer sat down on the ground.

Adenauer never dreamed that Taiwan would be so ruthless that explosives were buried under the trenches, and then exploded suddenly when the enemy occupied the trenches. Then this is also very dangerous. After all, when my soldiers are fighting on the front line, they also have to step on explosives to fight. Is this not dangerous? But is this the case?

"Hahahaha, thanks to the guys in the equipment department who developed the technology of explosive emulsification, we can not be afraid of the sudden explosion of explosives! With these insensitive explosives, we can all step on the explosives to fight. Necessary At that time, it only needs a detonator tube to detonate it." said the head of the 202 regiment.

"Order the 202nd and 203rd regiments and tell them to quickly take back their positions. The explosives this time are not very powerful, and they will not destroy the trench structures on a large scale at all. They only need to clean up the corpses and do simple maintenance. !” Tan Xiao said. (to be continued)

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