Red Alert 1895

Chapter 249: How many families are happy and how many families are sad

When the explosives exploded, the Dutch soldiers were also shot to death by the broken iron nails on the explosives. Most of the soldiers in the Netherlands who entered the trenches lacked arms and legs. After all, no matter how powerful the explosives were, they were still explosives. When they were blown away at such a short distance, the power was enough to blow them up without arms and legs. Add those nails and it's even worse. As for those who died on the spot, they were considered lucky. If they didn't die on the spot, they would have to suffer. And many people have no need to rescue them, so they are just waiting to die.

"Hurry up, go and send the wounded Dutch soldiers out, and send the corpses back, and then notify the Dutch to come and pick up the corpses!" said the head of the 202 regiment.

The corpses of these Dutch people have also been cleaned up, and even the wounded soldiers from the Taiwanese army are more benevolent, actively dressing them with medicine, as for whether they can survive, it depends on their own fate . Of course, this is also because the Dutch and Chinese have not had large-scale blood debts in the past hundreds of years, and this time they are only fighting for their own interests, and there is no deep-rooted hatred. So everyone is willing to help the Dutch with these wound medicines.

In the camp of the Dutch, the Dutch were in the midst of a loud noise, apparently very discord internally.

"General Adenauer, is this Emmons the level of the general you chose? Could it be that this is the quality of the general you chose, and he ruined a division at once. A division, more than 10,000 People, just disappeared in such an instant. You are committing a crime. Our great Netherlands trains a teacher. Is it easy to train a teacher? Now, more than 10,000 people have lost their lives, which means that more than 10,000 families have lost their lives Hope, even 10,000 pairs of parents without a son, such an important responsibility. Can you afford it?" a noble officer scolded angrily.

This noble officer, don't look at his righteous words, but he doesn't really care about those soldiers who lost their lives, and those parents who lost hope, and his real idea is just to take the opportunity to criticize those Poor military officer. In the past, Adenauer pushed many humble officers to the positions of senior officers against all opinions, but now this kind of oolong unexpectedly happened. Those humble officers had a bad start and were directly defeated, and all of them were wiped out!

This is to give those noble officers the opportunity to criticize those humble officers, and this is also to allow those noble officers to take the opportunity to criticize, anyway, this opportunity does not need to be used in vain. What is there to say? Anyway, the lives of those ordinary poor people are just a number in the eyes of these nobles. As for this opportunity, it is better to take the opportunity to criticize their opponents. So they have already begun to attack Adenauer, so that they can force Adenauer to give up this promotion appointment.

"This time it's the Taiwanese who are too cunning, and we didn't expect that they would actually put explosives in their trenches, and all of this is because the Taiwanese are too cunning!" Adenauer shouted.

Under such circumstances of being besieged by noble officers, Adenauer also had to expose his national characteristics. He actually shifted the responsibility to the cunning of the Taiwanese instead of looking for the reason from himself. Although there are certainly reasons for Taiwan to adopt new tactics this time. But on the battlefield, everything is used to the extreme. Isn't it absurd that he actually blamed the Taiwanese army for being too cunning? Adenauer would actually shirk responsibility at a critical moment. And it's still a shirk to others, and it won't find the reason on itself, so it can be regarded as letting them imagine what is going on.

"Hmph, you are making excuses. How can the Taiwanese be so powerful? Isn't it because you people are incompetent? You have been studying for a few years since you were young. Have you ever gone to college? None of these. It is the reason for your failure!" said the noble officer.

These aristocratic officers have finished comparing their status and education. After all, in this era, only a small number of countries can popularize compulsory education. Even compulsory education is only six years of elementary school, which is completely different from the nine years and twelve years that are common in later generations, and even the compulsory education that is popularized to universities. During this period, only Germans were able to universalize compulsory primary education, while other countries were preparing for it. And many countries can go to elementary school, that is already a good intellectual. Middle school students in this period are almost equivalent to at least masters in later generations. And if you can go to college, it is already the best of the best. In this era, there are probably not many doctoral students in the world, and there are probably only tens of thousands of people in the world.

Ordinary civilians want to go to university, no matter whether it is behind the nobles in the admission order, or even economically, it is an important burden. The nobles not only have an easier admission order, but even have good teachers to lay the foundation for them since they were young, and it is not too difficult for them to go to university step by step. And now these aristocrats have begun to despise those ordinary poor military officers. If they haven't gone to college, they can't be regarded as outstanding talents at all. Anyway, the vast majority of ordinary military officers have never gone to college, and they are indeed inferior to nobles in terms of academic qualifications. The nobles also grasped this point, obviously wanting to use this as evidence to criticize them for being poor, not talented, and not qualified for the post, so they will be counted by the Taiwan army.

Next, the aristocratic officers and the humble officers began to expose each other's old truths. Anyway, any shortcomings of both sides were exposed by others and criticized vigorously. In the end, both sides were arguing red-faced. However, the two sides began to argue, and as a result, the meeting on how to solve the problems after the failure and how to boost morale turned into a process of both sides exposing each other's old truths. This result was unexpected by many people. And after a day of wrangling, both parties did not make any noise, so they both ended up with nothing.

"Deputy Commander Chen, according to our informant, the Dutch are now fighting very hard. They lost a division this time, which can be said to have completely intensified their internal conflicts. Now the morale of the Dutch army is low, not only There is no morale booster, but those high-level officials are just talking about it. In this way, the Dutch have no fighting power at all now!" said an intelligence staff officer.

When Chen Liyan saw this situation, he also took the initiative to smile, obviously he was not surprised by this result in his heart. The soldiers have just been attacked, but the officers cannot unite and raise morale to resist the enemy, so I am afraid that they have no combat effectiveness at all. Their morale has fallen to the bottom. After all, the upper-level officers are busy with political struggles, while the lower-level soldiers have nothing to think about. They wait for the higher-level officers to take command. However, the superior officers did not encourage morale, and did not discuss how to fight. Can the soldiers have morale like this? Now the soldiers are also in a daze, or they don't know what to do. Their rank is too low, and they are not qualified to participate in political struggles, but they are the bargaining chips in those political struggles. This made those soldiers feel sad and insulted for a while.

The morale of soldiers is very sensitive. Soldiers originally existed to defend their homes and the country, but now some people regard them as bargaining chips in political struggles. This seriously hurts the morale of soldiers. If it was the kind of army that worked hard for food in the past, then maybe there is nothing. However, nationalism is prevalent in this era, so soldiers all have some relatively lofty ideals. However, those high-ranking military officers actually dismissed their ideals and completely regarded them as bargaining chips in political struggles, so that the soldiers' morale was very scattered. At that time, I am afraid that the morale of the army will collapse, and finally there will be no morale.

"Okay, let's launch a general attack immediately, and launch a fierce attack on the Dutch army this time, trying to solve this battle!" Chen Liyan said.

Chen Liyan immediately sent the outline of the battle plan to Dongwanlu, and then asked Wang Guorui for approval.

"Tan Xiao, the second division, fought well this time. He was officially promoted to the rank of colonel. The commanders of the 202 and 203 regiments also fought well this time. I received a second-class merit. I hope everyone will continue to work hard and fight for the expansion of China's territory. !"

Wang Guorui then took a look at Chen Liyan's battle and then learned that the current situation of the Dutch is very bad. Not only is there a lot of infighting, but they have just experienced a failure. It is conceivable that their Fighting power again. This situation is very fatal, so Chen Liyan believes that he should seize the opportunity to attack violently, so that he can deal a complete blow to the Dutch. As long as the Dutch can be defeated this time, the next Nanyang area will be Taiwan's world.

"I agree with Chen Liyan's battle plan, and you can play it freely!" Wang Guorui said.

After Wang Guorui signed the contract, he felt like he had nothing to do. This is like a general commanding an army. Once he signs the battle plan, he is actually much more relaxed. After all, he has already stood at the highest position. Once the plan is made, the rest of the execution plan will be completed by the army and staff below. He doesn't need to do too much. He just needs to look at God's will. After all, it's up to man to make things happen. All he can do is wait for the result.

And after the end of this war, the Dutch rule in Nanyang will be shaky, and it will fall with just a slight push. And all of this means that Taiwan's development of Nanyang will come to an end, and then it will take a good rest, which can be regarded as the start of further work of rule and immigration. (to be continued)

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