Red Alert 1895

Chapter 250: tear the gap

On the front line of the battlefield, Yang Wanchun, director of the Taiwan Army Special Operations Command, is testing his troops. Then this time the Taiwanese army went to battle, and they were the main force. According to Taiwan's infiltration tactics, a group of infiltration troops should break into the weak point of the enemy's formation, and then be able to tear a huge gap, and finally the soldiers poured in.

"Listen up, you will go to the assault with Mrs. Tan Ya, and then tear a gap to charge for our follow-up troops. And then you will be on the front line of the charge, so you are our Taiwan's most Elite special forces, you have a heavy responsibility, do you understand?" Yang Wanchun shouted.

"Understood!" shouted the special forces of the eight battalions.

"Okay, let's go!" Yang Wanchun shouted.

"Everyone, follow me!" Tanya yelled.

This assault is still led by Tanya, and Tanya is still wearing those pistols, submachine guns and shotguns, and then they will break through the enemy's trenches, and then clean up the soldiers in those trenches to expand the battle. This will allow them to tear apart the enemy's formation step by step, and finally form a collective breakthrough.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The four artillery regiments of the Taiwanese army started bombing together, and began to suppress the middle of the formation of the Dutch army, and then they began to be suppressed so that they could not lift their heads. Next, they all called out in the trench one after another.

"Support, the natives of Taiwan have started bombing, hurry up and support!" Someone shouted.

But no matter how much the Dutch shouted for support, there was no one in the rear to support them. And now those senior military officers don't have the heart to support them, because they are busy fighting now. They all said in one sentence, ordering the front line to stand up.

certainly. The Dutch also thought that the frontline firepower was enough to withstand the Taiwan army, because the frontline troops had dozens of machine guns, which should be a very powerful firepower in their eyes, and there would be no problems. But they don't understand Taiwan's infiltration tactics at all, so they don't know that Taiwan will have infiltration tactics. And Japan would not continue to speak at that time. After all, Japan also keeps a hand, and it is impossible to tell those foreign devils everything. And even if the British, Germans and French knew about Taiwan's infiltration tactics, they would not take the initiative to tell the Netherlands. Therefore, the Netherlands will not know that Taiwan will still have infiltration tactics.

"Rush with the old lady, and the mortar and submachine gun will be suppressed by the old lady!" Tan Ya shouted.

"Papa papa..."

At this time, the suppression of heavy artillery has stopped. Mortar suppression and support also began, ensuring that there was not a missing firepower network. As long as the continuity of firepower can be guaranteed, this will also make it impossible for the troops in the enemy's trench to raise their heads.

"Come on, shotgun!" Tanya yelled.

"Crack, crack!" "Crack, crack!" "Crack, crack!"...

The fire suppression of the mortars also stopped, and Tan Ya led the troops to charge to the front of the trenches of the Dutch army, and Tan Ya directly let the soldiers use shotguns. This kind of shotgun hits a large area, and it is completely a sharp weapon for blocking the trenches in the trenches. Most of the Dutch also used those single-shot rifles, so they couldn't fight back effectively at all. The Dutch mother and the Japanese are similar. They all face a situation of backward weapons and relatively backward tactical thinking, and they are not able to study seriously and humbly. So the Dutch suffered a big loss.

"Jump!" Tanya yelled.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The soldiers of the special forces jumped into the trench one by one, and then Tan Ya led some people to shout: "Clean up those Dutchmen with me!"


A fire dragon flew out of Tanya's hand, and dozens of Dutchmen in the distance were burned all over their bodies. And they were all set on fire. And some of them wanted to use water to extinguish the fire, but they found that ordinary water could not extinguish the fire at all. They have never experienced it, so they naturally don't know that the flames ejected from this flamethrower are all ignited with gasoline, so once it is sprayed out, it will stick to the soldiers, and water cannot be extinguished at all. Flame caused by grease.

"Less, give me less!"


Tanya squirted hard. Then there were Dutch people who were burned to death. As for the next step, they will continue to use various weapons to start cleaning up the Dutch. If there are too many enemies, they will use flamethrowers and submachine guns. If there are few enemies, it is responsible for using shotguns and pistols, and then start attacking in a steady stream. The long gun in the Dutchman's hand could not be fired at all. Even at most, he fired a shot, and he was killed. And whether the shot can hit or not depends on God's blessing.

"Give it to me! Let me see, how powerful you are!" Tanya shouted.

And the soldiers next to him all had to admire Tanya, because Tanya was very powerful, but she charged at the front every time, and didn't hide behind just because he was Wang Guorui's woman. And Tanya's fighting madness is stronger than those of the veterans, so Tanya is very much regarded as an idol among the soldiers.

"Okay, give me the flamethrower!" Tanya said.

"Okay!" said one of the soldiers.

In order to take care of Tanya, Wang Guorui even sent a company to carry ammunition for Tanya. This can be said to be a combat team composed of Tanya as the core. And this combat team only has Tan Ya as a combat member, but Tan Ya's strength is worth hundreds of people. And those other people are people who transport ammunition, specially delivering ammunition to Tanya, and are generally not in charge of combat.

Of course, Wang Guorui won't worry about Tanya's safety, because Tanya has a bulletproof sports bra on her body, so it can guarantee the safety of all parts of Tanya's body. Therefore, it is impossible for the rifle bullets of this era to hurt Tanya, so Wang Guorui is the reason why Tanya can go to the battlefield with confidence. If Tanya didn't have these, then he wouldn't let Tanya go to the battlefield, just let him make a vase by his side.

"Mrs. Tan Ya, you have already killed more than five hundred people!" Someone exclaimed.

"Hmph, what are more than 500 people? I will strive to kill more than 10,000 enemies as soon as possible!" Tan Ya said.

And everyone had to accept that everyone set killing more than a hundred enemies as the highest goal, but Tanya wanted to kill more than ten thousand enemies, this was simply amazing. Even those brave generals in the past could not have killed more than ten thousand enemies, but Tanya actually wanted to kill more than ten thousand enemies, this is amazing.

On the Dutch side, they are really in a dilemma.

"General, that woman is terrible, she killed hundreds of us by herself!" said a Japanese orderly.

And the Dutch teacher also touched the cold sweat on his forehead. He never thought that a person, and a woman, would be so powerful. And she seemed to be invulnerable, because this woman was not only hit by this point once, but the teacher and teacher also saw this point very clearly. But in the end, Tanya seemed to be fine, and continued to fight. And this made them all feel like devils, because it is impossible for normal people to be invulnerable. It is really terrifying that Tanya can do this.

"Hold me, I'll ask for support from the rear!" said the Dutch army commander.

Soon, the Dutch division commander immediately turned around and asked the headquarters of the Dutch army to go.

"Commander-in-Chief, we can't stand it anymore, hurry up and send reinforcements! If we don't send reinforcements, then we really can't stand it anymore!" shouted the commander of the Dutch army.

However, Gao Shen, who was born in a noble family, immediately said, "It's all because of your incompetence. If it weren't for your incompetence, how could it be so? So you humble officers, all of you have high-mindedness and low-handedness, and you haven't received much education. How could you possibly be able to fight?" What about victory?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? This time, Taiwan's army is too powerful. It is impossible for us to defeat it easily." Someone immediately retorted.

"Taiwan is just a group of aborigines. It's because you guys are so incompetent that you can make the aborigines of Taiwan so arrogant!"

The teacher almost fainted when he saw this situation. This group of high-ranking military officers is really top-notch. They didn't forget to fight here when this matter came to an end, and they still regarded internal fighting as more important than defeating the Taiwanese attack. This is almost driving him crazy, these senior officers are really top-notch.

" Hurry up and send troops, or we will all fail!" said the Dutch division commander.

But the poor Dutch officer immediately said: "Send troops quickly, or we will all be unlucky if we fail!"

"Hmph, how can you blame us for this? It's because you guys couldn't stand it that you ended up like this!" said the noble officer.

"If you don't agree to send troops, that's your responsibility." The humble officer said.

"Why is it our responsibility, you..."

That Dutch teacher really wants to die, and these guys actually stop doing business and talk about it here, as if they want to shirk responsibility. At this time, they are still calculating each other to shirk responsibility, so what hope can there be for this war! And now he can easily calculate that the Dutch may not win this war, because the Dutch army has a lot of internal conflicts and serious internal conflicts. How can it be possible to unite against the enemy? They took credit when they won, but now the situation is unfavorable, so their first thought was not to turn the situation around, but to shirk responsibility, this is simply looking for death! So in this war, I am afraid that the Dutch will really lose, and there is no hope at all. (to be continued)

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