Red Alert 1895

Chapter 254: Surrender of the Dutch Army (Part 2)

Soon, the Taiwanese army also sent troops to **** the envoys of the Taiwanese army to the headquarters of the Dutch army, preparing to persuade the Dutch to surrender. And this is actually forcing them. Now the general headquarters of the Dutch army can no longer directly control the army under it, because the Taiwan army has cut off their connection. The Dutch army's general command can control only six artillery regiments, but these six artillery regiments have no close combat capabilities at all. If Taiwan sends a special forces brigade, they can easily deal with them. Therefore, Taiwan's Special Forces Brigade quickly escorted Chen Lie, the Liaison Minister of the Political Department of the Nanyang Military Region, to the general headquarters in the Netherlands.

"Commander Bruce, you have fulfilled your obligations as a soldier, and you are all able to do your best for the country. As for the rest, you should minimize losses as much as possible, and then ensure your own domestic security!" Chen Lie said.

Chen Lie then explained the theory that surrender was to better protect the country, and many noble officers also nodded silently, which obviously made them feel good. And human beings are hypocritical, even if most people want to do bad things, they will find a reasonable reason for themselves. These high-level commanders of the Dutch army also thought that they could surrender, but they couldn't hold back their faces for a while. However, if the Taiwanese army helps them find a reason that seems reasonable, they all hope that there will be a step down, so that they can surrender safely. When there is a suitable reason, the surrender will be much smoother, after all, they will be able to comfort themselves in their hearts.

"General Bruce. I think it's better to surrender!" said a senior officer.

And Bruce glared at him immediately, obviously Bruce didn't want to surrender so easily. Because if Bruce ordered the surrender, although every soldier who surrendered in the country may not be held accountable in the future, he, the commander who ordered the surrender, would also be held accountable! Bruce would be a noble after all, if he ordered the surrender. At that time, I am afraid that he will be deprived of his title and will be tried by a military court. If he did not surrender, most of the responsibility for the defeat would be borne by that Adenauer, but once he surrendered, Bruce would be even more responsible. Bruce is a very calculating person, of course he knows that this kind of thing is a pit, and he can't easily jump into it!

So naturally Bruce knew this. Of course he didn't want to order surrender, after all, this kind of thing didn't sound good. But a large group of Dutch officers also looked at Bruce, obviously hoping that Bruce would take the lead in ordering the surrender, so that they all "followed the crowd" and surrendered. Anyway, in the eyes of these subordinates, they are also calculating Bruce. Of course they dare not take the initiative to order the surrender alone, they all hope that Bruce will carry it. At that time, the scapegoat of surrender will be resolved by Bruce, so at that time, Bruce also carried the scapegoat alone, and then took the scapegoat for everyone.

Now both sides are silently calculating each other, but no one wants to compromise, which resulted in a stalemate. And Chen Lie saw this, of course he understood very well, and he wanted to speak up on his own initiative. Otherwise, they would not be able to negotiate a good result at all.

"Everyone, I think everyone should sign together. At that time, we will get a relatively good surrender package, and then let all your officers above the division commander level come to sign. At that time, all officers above the division commander level will sign. Well, it won’t be easy to pursue it in China. There is an old saying in China that the law does not blame the masses. As long as your officers above the division commander level have signed it, and you already account for almost 70% to 80% of your Dutch seniors Officer, will you in the Netherlands still pursue it to the end? I'm afraid that time will pass in a daze, and no one will punish you!" Chen Lie said.

And everyone heard it. Can't help but nod. If officers at the level of division commander and above have signed it, will the country still be able to seriously pursue it? It's time for everyone to unite. To mobilize their respective relationships to resist the domestic government's investigation, then the country can only fool around. After all, they are also about 80% of the senior military officers in the Netherlands. And it also involves many wealthy nobles in the Netherlands, so if they really want to pursue it seriously, I am afraid that the Netherlands will be subjugated at all, and this kind of mentality that the law does not blame the public also makes them feel at ease.

"Then what should we do? I want to know, if we surrender, what can we do? Enter your prisoner-of-war camp?" Bruce asked.

After Chen Lie heard this, he knew that Bruce wanted to surrender, but he was worried that he would not be able to adapt after entering the prisoner-of-war camp. But for this point, Chen Lie had already been authorized. Since those officers were worried about this, they had to be appeased. After all, if you want them to order, it is necessary to give them some preferential treatment. After all, there are still more than 200,000 Dutch people. It is not worthwhile to force them to jump over the wall. Therefore, it is still possible to give these senior officers some preferential treatment.

"We in Taiwan can give you the treatment of the corresponding military rank according to the status of the visiting military officers. However, those ordinary officers below the regiment level will not have these preferential treatment, and they must participate in labor with the soldiers. But don't worry, we will follow normal work to arrange the workload for them, and will not abuse them or use them as slaves. However, you should also know that we are not a hotel here, and they are not uncles. We can only give them certain appropriate treatment. As for Don't even think about too much benefit." Chen Lie said.

Chen Lie's statement is very straightforward, that is, ordinary junior officers and ordinary soldiers must work for Taiwan before they can get food. However, Taiwan will not treat them as slaves. After all, behind them is the entire Western world. It is not easy for Taiwan to directly treat them as slaves. Taiwan can treat indigenous people as slaves, but it absolutely cannot treat these Westerners as slaves. This will inevitably cause serious backlash. Therefore, certain preferential treatment is still required, and Taiwan gave them a so-called visiting military officer treatment.

The so-called visiting officers, that is, officers visiting from foreign countries, such officers are not prisoners of war, so the treatment is relatively high. The status of prisoners of war officers is very low. Not only do they have no personal freedom, but the food they eat is not very good. As for the visiting officers, they live in restaurants and inns, but they have a lot of personal freedom. If they go anywhere, they must be watched by someone, and they cannot wander around.

"However, there is one thing that is not included. Don't try to escape. If you try to escape and get caught, you will not be able to enjoy the treatment of visiting officers. In serious cases, we may even kill you on the spot. Do you understand?" Chen Lie said.

"Got it!" Bruce said.

What Taiwan has done is benevolent and righteous, giving them the last trace of pitiful dignity so that they can enjoy the treatment of visiting military officers. And then they can also enjoy higher treatment, without having to live the life of prisoners of war. As for the low-level officers and soldiers, they don't care if they can't enjoy such good treatment. Because they also planned to sell those officers in exchange for their own favorable treatment. And most of these high-ranking officers were from noble families, and those officers from poor families also agreed with the idea that dead friends would never die poor.

Therefore, under Taiwan's preferential treatment order, those senior officers of the Dutch army also chose to sign and surrender.

And as the order was sent to the various units that the Dutch had been divided and surrounded, the Dutch put down their weapons in dejection, and then accepted the arrangement of the Taiwan army one by one to live in a prisoner-of-war camp. And those officers above the regiment level are also thankful that their boss has not forgotten themselves and gave themselves better treatment. You can enjoy the treatment of visiting military officers Then you don’t have to go to a POW camp as a prisoner of war, relying on labor in exchange for survival. And they also completely forgot about those low-level soldiers temporarily, after all, those soldiers were considered unlucky for them. Without his labor, where would one enjoy life? Now this war has nothing to do with them. They just need to hang out in the inn and guest house of the Taiwan army. After the war is over, they can all return home. As for the victory or defeat of this war, it depends on domestic arrangements, and they don't want to care about it.

"Okay, this war has come to an end. You have completed the things on the battlefield. Then there are political issues. We will wrestle with Western countries, which is the most important thing. Especially It is immigration work, and we must bring in immigrants from the country as soon as possible, so as to form a de facto occupation, so that our advantages will be very huge." Wang Guorui said.

Moreover, Wang Guorui went on to say: "Next, after the immigrants from the mainland come over, we will carry out the next round of military expansion. By then, the commander of the First Army should be you if nothing happens!"

And Chen Liyan was also very happy when he heard this. Because the army will be expanded after the war, although everyone has guessed this, but now that Wang Guorui said so, it is certain. And the commander of the first army is his own, so I am afraid that he will soon become the third major general in Taiwan. (to be continued)

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