Red Alert 1895

Chapter 255: Post-war summary

"Everyone, our war has come to an end. And we have now defeated hundreds of thousands of Dutch troops and wiped out all the prisoners. Next we will wrestle with the Dutch politically, and the rest will be political It’s the matter above, and everyone here must handle the security work well to ensure the safety of our Chinese in Kalimantan. And we will carry out domestic immigration next, so that we have formed a de facto occupation, so that foreigners are also In the end, we couldn’t do anything about it, so we had to accept the fact that we occupied it helplessly.”

"Next, after I finish this post-war summary meeting, I will go back to Taiwan. When I return to Taiwan, I will be in charge of arranging the immigration work, and Director Zheng is about to give birth, so my husband It's best to go back and be by her side!"

And everyone expressed their understanding. After all, now that the battle has come to an end, it is normal for Wang Guorui to go home to see his wife who is about to give birth. It has been half a year since Taiwan went to war. At this time, we must make good arrangements so that immigrants from Taiwan Island can be sent out as soon as possible, and then come to Kalimantan Island to form a de facto occupation.

"Next, who will report the results of the battle and the casualties?" Wang Guorui said.

"Reporting to Governor Wang, we have annihilated 320,000 enemies this time, and about 50,000 enemies were killed on the battlefield. It is said that less wins more." A deputy chief of staff replied.

But Wang Guorui said bluntly: "This is nothing. Our firepower is stronger than theirs, so it would be strange if we don't win. In this era, it is useless to just compare the number of people. It depends on the strength of both sides." The superiority of firepower cannot simply be based on manpower. Of course, I want to pour cold water on you now, because we actually have a great advantage in this war."

"First of all, we seized the advantage of time. That is to say, we seized the Riau Islands at the very beginning of the selection. In this way, we have seized the passage from the north to the Southeast Asia and mastered the command of the sea in that area. If we choose slowly , I am afraid that the Dutch will soon send troops from the colony to seize the Riau Islands, so that it will not be so easy for us to pass through the Riau Islands. At that time, we will have tens of thousands of troops, but we will not be able to pass. Occupation in this way Nanyang is also difficult."

"As of now, we still have a great advantage, that is, the serious discord among the Dutch. I have read the battle report. This time, the Dutch are divided into the native faction and the colonial faction. They compete for each other's interests. The native faction I envy the colonies for making money. The colonial factions have already regarded the colonies as their own territory and do not allow the native factions to intervene. And the colonial troops are also envious of the good future of those natives, so they are also full of internal conflicts. As for the latter At this time, the conflict between the poor family officer and the noble officer also broke out, and their conflict was very serious, causing the soldiers to have no fighting spirit, so this time it was too easy to be defeated by me!"

"So, this time, it's not that we are too powerful. It's that the enemy has committed suicide. If they can unite against us, what will our result be? If they can unite against us, then our result will also be the same. It is whether we can defeat them this time. This is still a question!"

It was only then that everyone noticed that the Dutch were actually not weak. The Dutch had an army of more than 300,000 troops this time. up. Their artillery has six regiments, while Taiwan has only four regiments. And their more than 300,000 troops are not weak in firepower. If used well, it is still possible to win. So now everyone knows from Wang Guorui's words that this Dutchman is actually not weak, but rather strong. But they still failed. Then they mean that they have too many internal conflicts, making it impossible for them to resist the attack of the Taiwan army. And not so much that Taiwan's military is too strong. It is better to say that the Dutch army is too brain-dead. And because of the brain damage of the Dutch army, there were many internal conflicts, and then the soldiers didn't want to fight, so they ended up with such a disastrous defeat. If they can unite as one and the morale of the soldiers is high, then Taiwan really cannot be defeated so easily, and even if they are defeated, they will have to pay a considerable price.

"Everyone, do you know why? The past is the teacher of the future. Of course, we must learn from the enemy's failure, otherwise we must be the ones who fail next. The mistake the Dutch made was that their officers interfered too much in politics. All the soldiers are thinking about political struggles, not wars. If they can put their time and energy into leading troops to fight, then we are not sure who will win this time! So all the officers present here must To be clear, as a soldier, you just have to obey orders, and don’t interfere in politics. This is an iron law that the military does not interfere in politics. Do you understand? If anyone touches it, it will seriously corrupt the military’s style of work. , can even put the country into crisis, do you understand?" Wang Guorui asked loudly.

"Understood!" Everyone shouted together.

If you don't understand at this time, then Wang Guorui will really suppress it with a heavy fist. None of them were fools, so Wang Guorui just told them not to think about meddling in government affairs, so as to avoid warlords. Civil and military division, this is an experience since ancient times, so whether it is the rule of casualties or superiors, or the stability, unity and harmony of the country, it is of great help. If anyone breaks this rule, then he will definitely be severely hit next, not to mention the future, even if he can keep his life, it is still a question!

Wang Guorui gave the soldiers a whip, telling them not to think about interfering in government affairs all day long. After all, the army is meant to fight, that is, it is a tool, but if the army has its own thoughts, it will be very scary. Therefore, these officers must be controlled, otherwise they will face very huge danger next. And if the military does not interfere in politics, it requires market education and market whips. If it's just a blind favor, it's better that they don't pay attention at all. Therefore, they should be whipped regularly to let them understand that Wang Guorui is the leader of the entire Taiwan. They are only guns under Wang Guorui's command, and the guns can only be commanded by Wang Guorui.

"Okay, let's talk about how many comrades and compatriots we have lost!" Wang Guorui said.

"Master Wang, we have now counted the total number of people lost. We lost 300 people in the special forces led by Mrs. Tan Ya. They were all killed by the enemy when they were responsible for tearing open the gap. The conventional troops lost one Fifteen hundred people."

And Wang Guorui also nodded helplessly, because he knew that not everyone was as strong as Tanya. And Tanya also has a set of bulletproof sports bra, which allows her to protect her own safety, even if she is shot, she will not die or even be injured. The ordinary bullets of this era cannot hurt Tanya. As long as Tanya can dodge the artillery bombardment a little bit, then she doesn't have to worry about being injured or killed in battle. Ordinary soldiers still have a lot of losses, especially special forces. These special forces are in charge of tearing buttons, and they are supposed to withstand the most violent firepower of the enemy, so they lost 300 people at one time, which is almost one-eighth of the special forces. The special forces are composed of non-commissioned officers, which is a very important force. Well, they are also the troops with the highest casualty rate, but they are also treated the best.

"About 321 Red Police soldiers were lost this time, which is not bad!" Wang Guorui had another account in his heart to estimate.

Because Wang Guorui had ordered the Red Police soldiers to protect them at all costs if they were natural soldiers who were in danger. In this way, many Red Police soldiers died to protect natural people, and these numbers were also counted in the statistics of the battle results. But no one knew that the other account in Wang Guorui's heart was provided by the Red Alert system. But this time the real one was about 1,500 which is not too many.

"These dead soldiers are all our elites. They died for the development of the living space of our Chinese nation. They died well, so we must remember them. We will immediately transport their coffins back to Taiwan and bury them in the martyrs' In the cemetery, every year during the Qingming Festival, the government will be allowed to make public sacrifices, and the common people will also be allowed to worship for a long time to enjoy the incense offerings of our Chinese people." Wang Guorui said.

"Follow your lord's order!" Everyone said together.

"Well, it's time for me to go back, so I can arrange immigration as soon as possible, and see the birth of my first child, so I invite you to drink a glass of belated full moon wine!" Wang Guorui said.

"Definitely, we must go if we have the opportunity!" Everyone said together.

After Wang Guorui finished speaking, he immediately came to the military pier, and then began to take a boat to return to Taiwan. He has also been out for almost half a year, and his child is about to be born. If there is no chance, then on the other hand, if there is a chance now, then naturally I have to go back and see my wife. After all, when a child is born, it is the time when a woman needs a man's love the most. At this time, hurry back and let her woman feel at ease and feel her love. (to be continued)

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