Red Alert 1895

Chapter 289: I only know that there is a king, but I don't know that there is an emperor (Part

"Let Mr. Wang be the emperor!" "Yes! Mr. Wang be the emperor, that would be the best!"...

With these words in that Yu Geng's ears, he almost fainted immediately. These words are simply outrageous, which makes Yu Geng feel like he is going crazy. This group of people actually betrayed the imperial court so much, they even uttered such outrageous words, wishing Wang Guorui to be the emperor. And Yu Geng was so angry that he really couldn't say a word, and Yu Geng then pointed at those people, trembling with anger, not knowing what to say. But Wang Guorui saw something wrong with the atmosphere. If these people petitioned on the spot to make him emperor, then Wang Guorui would be in trouble. When the time comes, will Wang Guorui be the right one? I am afraid that if you become the emperor, you will face pressure from various countries, and then it will be difficult to fight back to the mainland. So for now, this emperor is not worthy of being an emperor!

"Let's go, let's go!" Wang Guorui shouted hastily.

Soon, various policemen dispersed the people to prevent them from petitioning on the spot to make Wang Guorui proclaim emperor, which would be a big trouble. But Yu Geng saw those people scattered, and gradually recovered his whole body, and stopped trembling.

"Rebellious, really rebellious! The imperial court has raised them for so many years, and they have raised a group of white-eyed wolves, who are so rebellious! There are also some people who were not born as Jinshi, and became officials with such a small amount of money. This is What a kindness, but he didn't think about how to repay the emperor's kindness, but he actually thought about separatist rule here, plotting to rebel and claiming the emperor, it is really unreasonable!" Yu Geng couldn't help cursing in front of Wang Guorui.

"It's really pointing at Sang and scolding Huai in front of me. If it wasn't for your daughter's sake, I would have fed you to the sharks long ago!" Wang Guorui hummed inwardly.

"Director Yu Geng, where do you want to go next?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Let's go to the army. Look at those warriors who opened up the territory for our Qing Dynasty!" Yu Geng said.

Yu Geng also wants to visit the army. In the past, Yu Geng had no chance to know what the army thinks. Now Yu Geng wants to go to the army to see how many loyal officers and soldiers there are in the army. If there are more officers and soldiers loyal to the imperial court in the army, then the Manchus may let them go anyway, and then take refuge in the Manchus. And now many military officers in the Manchu Qing Dynasty have been poached by Taiwan, since Taiwan can poach them. The mainland can naturally be dug back. If you can recruit all the subordinates of those officers, then you will really make a lot of money. After all, Taiwan's military equipment is powerful. If the officers and soldiers can be dug here together, I am afraid it will really be of great benefit.

But Yu Geng didn't know at all that there were many Red Police soldiers in Taiwan's army, and they couldn't take away these Red Police matters at all. And with the deepening of the political system at the grassroots level. It was impossible for Yu Geng to poach those officers and soldiers. After all, even if he could poach an officer, he would not be able to take away the soldiers. If they wanted to bring soldiers to the mainland, it would be impossible. After all, the political and engineering system is not a decoration, and there are still a large number of Red Police soldiers serving as grassroots non-commissioned officers such as squad leaders. And many of the officers were Wang Guorui's students, which made it impossible for them to poach their students away.

"Who will feed us?" an officer shouted to the soldiers of the local garrison.

"Wang Guorui!" The soldiers shouted together.

"Who put it on for us!"

"Wang Guorui!"

"Who are we going to protect and obey whose orders?"

"Wang Guorui!"

"To whom should we be loyal?"

"Wang Guorui!"

And those new soldiers shouted together, apparently preparing to shout Wang Guorui's name. Then let these soldiers understand that Wang Guorui is the one who buys and distributes her military salary. And this made Yu Geng's face very red, Wang Guorui obviously regarded these troops as his own private army, and actually made the soldier Gao Hu and the others loyal to Wang Guorui. To know in the past. If someone dared to shout that, An would definitely lose his head. But now Wang Guorui shouted so loudly to make the soldiers loyal to him, which obviously made Yu Geng very angry. This is not rebellion, what is it? In Yu Geng's eyes, this is definitely an out-and-out rebellious behavior.

"Director Yu Geng, now our soldiers shout these words three times every day before breakfast, before lunch, last supper and before going to bed," Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui was actually using a so-called method of psychological suggestion to fool, and then allowed those soldiers to produce psychological hints during the process of shouting. Why did later generations shout slogans loudly for a period of time, and then the whole country went crazy? Shouting slogans is actually a kind of psychological suggestion, so if you keep shouting according to a slogan, it can often really achieve a lot of effects in the end. So Wang Guorui also learned this experience, allowing those soldiers to shout slogans of support for him, and then make them loyal to him.

This method was learned by Wang Guorui from Lao Yuan of the Beiyang New Army, and Lao Yuan also used this method to make soldiers loyal to him. The soldiers must know who pays them, and then they can be loyal to him. And Wang Guorui wanted to be like this, and coupled with the role of those military and political personnel, they were able to keep those soldiers completely loyal to him, which also allowed the soldiers to recognize Wang Guorui's rule one by one, Then he completely became Wang Guorui's diehard loyalist. These methods have a lot of experience in later generations, so Wang Guorui directly used them. These are all feasible methods in history, and there is no need to use them in vain.

Yu Geng was very helpless about this, and Wang Guorui almost raised the banner of rebellion. As long as Wang Guorui is willing, he can raise the banner of rebellion and self-reliance at any time. But because Wang Guorui wanted to attack the mainland, he didn't immediately set up his own country and proclaim himself emperor. And the Manchu officials didn't know this, but they could only swallow this bitter wine. After all, after the unification of China by Qin Shihuang, the status of great unification has been implemented in it, and although they knew that Wang Guorui had bad intentions, they did not dare to take the initiative to drive Taiwan out of China's scope. If Taiwan immediately attacks the mainland at that time, they will lose more than they gain. Even if it is drinking poison to quench thirst, it must not be so fast. If you don't drink it, you will die of thirst immediately, and if you drink it for a while, there is no hope. This is the reason why the Manchus are willing to tolerate Taiwan.

"Hello everyone, this is the envoy sent by the imperial artillery to inspect our army!" Wang Guorui said.

"The imperial court? What are you doing here to inspect? Is it the imperial court that has repeatedly fought and failed against foreigners? They still have the nerve to come to inspect us?" an officer asked.

"Yes, yes! We beat Japanese pirates and the Dutch to the bum, and now there are more than 200,000 people helping us build roads in Nanyang, and the imperial court was driven away by tens of thousands of troops by less than a few hundred foreigners. This Do you still want to come and inspect us?"

"Hmph, it's not bad if we don't bring down our army."

Everyone started to "spray" for a while, so that Yu Geng, the director of the Taiwan Office of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, was not annoyed. Anyway, this is still the world of the Qing Dynasty, but these officers and soldiers are so rude, they directly sprayed on Daqing for saving them. And Yu Geng has nothing to say about this issue. After all, the imperial court is really ashamed, and the war against foreigners has never been won. So Yu Geng has nothing to say about this, after all, the army pays attention to the winner. If you can't lead the army to victory, then what you say about loyalty and righteousness is bullshit. If the army cannot win for a long time, then he will not obey the general's command. Although the so-called soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, if a general cannot win victory all year round, even if he obeys the order, he is passively executing the order. Only a steady stream of victories can make soldiers feel satisfied with this general or leader, not those generals and leaders who often fail. People are willing to follow the winners, and it is doomed to have no future to follow the losers. Man Qing is also a loser, they can't lead everyone to victory at all, so they can't gain the morale of the army.

And then Yu Geng started to check the situation of these troops, but the current situation made him very disappointed. Originally, he thought that there could be a few officers in Taiwan's army who were willing to love the Qing Dynasty, but now he saw that none of these officers had a heart for the Qing Dynasty. The Manchus let them down, they beat the foreigners here, they beat the foreigners to hell, and on the other hand, the Manchus actually lost the land and won the same compensation, which is simply speechless. With such a weak court, what future is there? In the Qing Dynasty, if a soldier lost a battle, he would be punished. But after winning the battle, under the persecution of those foreigners, Manqing himself would betray the victorious general to the foreigners, and then let the foreigners deal with him.

What kind of prestige can this kind of government that can't even keep its own heroes have? Who is willing to sacrifice their lives for such a person! It is not once or twice that the Man Qing betrayed heroes, so if they lose, they will lose their heads, and if they win, they will also lose their heads, so it is strange that these generals are willing to follow the Man Qing.

"Hey, these rebels have already forgotten the great grace of the emperor for hundreds of years, it is really unreasonable!" Yu Geng sighed helplessly in the guest room.

"Father, don't you actually see it? The Qing Dynasty is already exhausted!" Yu Deling said.

Yu Geng immediately said angrily: "De Ling, what nonsense are you talking about?" (to be continued)

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