Red Alert 1895

Chapter 290: I only know that there is a king, but I don't know that there is an emperor (Part

When Yu Geng heard what his daughter said, the anger in his heart became even worse. Because if someone else said that, if it was a Han person who said that, then Yu Geng would not be so angry. But this is his own daughter, a bannerman, but they are all here to curse that the Qing Dynasty is exhausted, how can Yu Geng bear this? As a father, as a Manchu, how could he tolerate the demise of the Manchus? If the Qing Dynasty is gone, what will happen to these bannermen who have no livelihood skills? You must know that the banner people have not worked in person for hundreds of years, and they have long forgotten the ability to work, and they all rely on the banner salary to obtain living conditions. As a bannerman, he was either an official or a soldier, and there was no other way to go.

If the Manchu Qing Dynasty is over, it means that the end of their banner people is coming. At that time, without political privileges, economic privileges, and other special rights and privileges, how could these banner people survive? If it's those low-level bannermen, maybe it can be solved, but for those bannermen who are officials, Encore is really troublesome.

"De Ling, do you know what you are talking about? You are a big treason! You are definitely a big treason!" Yu Geng said angrily.

But De Ling said very calmly: "Father, so what if I am rebellious? Although I am only ten years old, I can see clearly than you. I grew up with you in a foreign country, and I have learned a lot of foreign things. .Which change did not come with bloodshed? From the Glorious Revolution in Britain, the Great Revolution in France, to the Meiji Restoration in Japan. Which one was not a **** revolution? Although the Glorious Revolution in Britain seems to have no bloodshed , but before the Glorious Revolution, I don’t know how much blood shed. And I won’t say much about the French Revolution. As for the Meiji Restoration in Japan, didn’t you shed blood?”

"However, the Meiji Restoration in Japan was led by the king himself, not by those rebels. Couldn't it be the case in our Qing Dynasty? Japan's reform did not change the dynasty!" Yu Geng said comforting himself .

"Father, could it be that you were the minister to Japan for those years. Don't you even understand this? The emperor of Japan has lost power for almost a thousand years, and Japan is ruled by the shogunate. The shogunate is the real king. Rather than saying that the Meiji Restoration was dominated by the emperor, it is better to say that the imperial family that has lost its rights is restored again, which is tantamount to a revolution. It is just that Japan is lucky, and the Meiji Emperor was born in the imperial family. If Japan is not lucky Good. That leader was born as an ordinary person, so I am afraid that the change of dynasty has become inevitable." De Ling said.

"Could it be that my Qing Dynasty can't let the royal family do it?" Yu Geng said stubbornly.

"But father, can our royal family of the Qing Dynasty take on this burden? You are just a fan of the authorities, and I have been watching from the perspective of a bystander. Naturally, I can see clearly that we are exhausted early in the morning. Even the Queen Mother, Lafayette, is just lingering. I have been in Taiwan this year. I have read a lot of books. There are many foreign historical masterpieces, and history is a mirror to show the gains and losses. After I entered the customs in the Qing Dynasty, Massacred tens of millions of Han people. Since ancient times, the world has been smoother than my Qing Dynasty. And my Qing Dynasty was actually lucky to be able to capture the Central Plains. There are too many coincidences in it , and there is too much blood in it. The ancients said that the Ze of the Gentleman will be beheaded for the fifth generation. Can we expect the Great Qing Dynasty to be passed on from generation to generation? There was so much bloodshed back then. Sooner or later, there will be retribution." De Ling said very bluntly.

"You—" Yu Geng was too angry to speak.

"Are you still a banner man?" Yu Geng scolded angrily.

Yu Geng was so angry that he couldn't speak at all, because his daughter, as a bannerman, actually satirizes his own nation so much, this is simply a great irony. The **** massacre when the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, these can't be changed by them as future generations, but isn't that what they are most worried about? If the Manchus were lost, how would the Han people treat them? Especially those Manchu nobles, they refused to admit that they were Chinese and refused to integrate into China, so they were also very afraid that the Chinese would counterattack them. At that time, it was the saddest thing.

"Father, it is precisely because I am a bannerman that I think it is a good idea for Wang Guorui to change the dynasty!" De Ling said.

"Is it okay?" Yu Geng asked with a very angry smile.

De Ling said very calmly: "Wang Guorui promised everyone long ago that if he can seize the world, he will not massacre the banner people, and he can give the banner people a way out. So it may not be wrong for Wang Guorui to change the dynasty. A good thing, at least we Bannermen can survive!"

"Wolf ambition, really wolf ambition! He has long been thinking about my Daqing country, and he has long thought of taking over my Daqing world. Wolf ambition!" Yu Geng said angrily.

Now everything about Wang Guorui has shown that he wants to seize the Qing Dynasty, but the time has not yet come. As for when to seize the Qing Dynasty, it depends on when the time is right. And with Taiwan's military strength, it is completely possible to clean up the corrupt troops of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and then directly seize the capital. But now Taiwan has not done this, and Yu Geng, an old diplomat, of course understands the tricks in it. It is because foreigners' fists can be thrown down at any time, so Taiwan dare not take a step beyond the thunder.

However, the so-called asking for others is not as good as asking for oneself. The Manchus can't all rely on foreigners, can they? If one day the foreigners doze off for a while, or if there are some factors that cause Taiwan to seize the opportunity to seize China, then they will be doomed. Therefore, it is impossible to rely on others to be completely stable. Of course, Yu Geng knows that these are what the Manchu Qing lacks most. If it was possible, Yu Geng would definitely persuade the Emperor and Empress Dowager of the Manchu Qing Dynasty to cheer up. But now that the Qing Dynasty has decayed, the interests of the aristocracy and the interests of reform are completely in conflict. The Manchu Qing inherited too many decadent things, which is different from Japan. Although the emperor of Japan is a monarch in name, he has not been in power for almost a thousand years, and the emperor who is not good at all has nothing to take into account. He can completely risk everything and start over. But the Manchu Qing was different. The emperors of the Manchu Qing accumulated too much ruling class, that is, the Manchu nobles. But Xiao He was successful and Xiao He was defeated. Now these Manchu nobles have become the biggest vested interests. If we say that the biggest opponents of the reform are none other than them.

This is also the situation of the central government of the Qing Dynasty. If reforms are desired, the emperor will stand on the opposite side of the ruling class. And Guangxu once thought about reforming the law, but he was quickly dealt with by those royal nobles and Empress Dowager Cixi. Now for any emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he was also faced with a situation. If he reformed, he would die immediately. If he did not reform, he would wait for death. So they are completely caught in a strange circle!

"Father, calm down. The current situation is very obvious. Taiwan has been waiting for an opportunity. If the opportunity comes, it will definitely take over China without hesitation. And now the foreigners' fists are hanging over their heads , but they are also a sword hanging over our heads. And even, not only is the sword above our heads, but even the undercurrents are raging under us, and there are various forces at work everywhere. So everyone The Qing Dynasty is no longer guaranteed, we must choose a way out for ourselves! We are not for the Qing Dynasty, but for our banner people to survive. Now only Wang Guorui is most likely to win the world, and Wang Guorui is also for our banner people The most tolerant, why do we have to destroy all our hopes? Could it be that in the future, when other people have a chance to destroy my Daqing, and then let them slaughter all the bannermen? Father, wake up Well, the Qing Dynasty is no longer guaranteed. We have to think about our bannermen, since the Aixinjueluo family cannot guarantee our bannermen, so why not find someone new to protect us?" De Ling Said.

"Then how can you be sure that Wang Guorui won't change his mind?" Yu Geng asked.

De Ling said with certainty: "Marriage?"

"Friendship? Who can Wang Guorui Is it possible to marry the royal family? If we marry the royal family, then our Qing Dynasty will die faster! At that time, he will directly force the Qing Dynasty to take the throne as a foreign relative. If you give it to him, I'm afraid he will die faster." Yu Geng said.

Yu Geng was right, if the Aixinjueluo family was willing to marry a princess and princess to him, then Daqing might die faster, because if Wang Guorui became the son-in-law of the royal family, then those Manchu nobles They can also accept Wang Guorui to a certain extent. At that time, once Wang Guorui became the son-in-law of the Manchu Dynasty, those high-ranking nobles of the Manchu Dynasty would have reason to betray the Aixinjueluo family. After all, once they became the son-in-law of the emperor, it would be easier to usurp the throne. Therefore, the Manchu royal family knew this deeply, and they would not be willing to marry Wang Guorui.

"That Wang Guorui, I can feel that there is something wrong with his eyes when he looks at me and my sister, and the two Li Li and Li Sha. In his eyes... Well, let's not talk about it, anyway, he is uneasy and kind to our sisters. That's right, if we become his wife at that time, wouldn't that be considered a marriage? At that time, I can try my best to ensure that he doesn't kill our banner people." Yu Deling said.

"What? He actually has...has...has..." Yu Geng was so angry that he couldn't speak. He never thought that Wang Guorui would be interested in Lori. (to be continued)

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