Red Alert 1895

Chapter 299: Cooperation with Rockefeller (Part 1)

United States, New York, Rockefeller's estate.

"Mr. Rockefeller, there is a Chinese who calls himself Li Tao. He claims to be the director of the U.S. office of the Taiwan Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries, and he comes to us to represent the Governor of Taiwan to talk to Rockefeller. A deal," said the butler.

And Rockefeller Jr. immediately said: "What's so good about it? How can a Chinese do business with us? What's more, we don't pay attention to the whole of China, let alone just a local government?"

"John, didn't I tell you not to underestimate anyone? Since he has the guts to come over, then we should ask him what he wants to do. If you do this, you may push away a large business Get out! You despise others so much, how do you want me to retire and leave the business to you?" said the old Rockefeller.

"Yes, father!" said Rockefeller Jr.

And this year is actually a crucial year for Rockefeller's oil empire, and two months later this year, the old Rockefeller will officially retire and hand over the company to his son. And now everyone knows that the old Rockefeller is going to retire, but after all, there are still two months, so no one dares to underestimate him. What's more, even if the old Rockefeller retired, he only handed over the management rights, but did not hand over the ownership. He still holds most of the shares, so his words are still very useful.

"But, father, China is also an eastern country, and its national strength is not as good as that of the United States or even the second-rate countries in the West. Why should we pay attention to it?" Rockefeller Jr. asked.

The old Rockefeller immediately said: "Haven't you read the newspapers? Do you know what the newspapers say about China?"

"It's just an if, decadent, backward, and feudal. The economy is underdeveloped, and it's still an agricultural country, not civilized!" said Rockefeller Jr.

But the old Rockefeller said: "Housekeeper, go and get those newspapers I specially collect!"


Soon, the housekeeper took out some newspapers and handed them to Rockefeller Jr.

"Look at this newspaper, how do the articles comment on China?" Old Rockefeller said.

"What? You actually judge China as a giant with mud feet? Will he wake up sooner or later?" Rockefeller Jr. asked in disbelief.

Rockefeller Jr. felt incredible. Because this newspaper actually commented that China is a giant with mud feet, if one day they get rid of the constraints. That must have shocked the world. And this newspaper is not a very famous newspaper, and this newspaper is just a small newspaper, and the authors are not famous people. But he believes that China's potential should not be underestimated, it is a giant. But this kind of remarks. It was not able to enter the mainstream media, but was overwhelmed by various major newspapers.

"What did you see?" asked the old Rockefeller.

"Father, this is nothing more than some sensational articles in some small newspapers." Rockefeller Jr. said.

"No, the truth is in the hands of a few people. Although this content does not please us Westerners, it is a fact. Do you know? In Western countries, especially Britain and France, although they advocate that China is a decadent and backward country, But they are really wary of China, and they will never let go of any opportunity to suppress China. Do you know why? Because they all know the threat of China. Britain and France are not stupid, their politicians have been big countries for many years The accumulated essence is not stupid people. They are very aware of China's potential. That's why they suppress China hard. Don't look at what they say every time that China is weak and corrupt, but they are very wary of China all the time. And I think that the governor of Taiwan, China, already has hundreds of thousands of troops, so he can become one of the biggest candidates to rule China. Therefore, we might as well give him face. Besides, China has unlimited potential!" Old Rockefeller Said.

"But father, what can he bring us?" asked Rockefeller Jr.

"Mr. Rockefeller. Director Li Tao said that he hopes to purchase some things from us. Moreover, he can increase the value of our Rockefeller by more than ten times!" said the butler.

"What? Increased by more than ten times? True or false?" Rockefeller Jr. asked.

"Ask him to come in!" said the old Rockefeller.

Soon, Li Tao walked into Rockefeller's estate on behalf of Wang Guorui.

"Mr. Rockefeller, hello!" Li Tao said.

"Mr. Li, hello! May I ask you to visit our Rockefeller, what's the matter?" Old Rockefeller asked.

Li Tao immediately said: "I got a very long telegram from Taiwan. Our Governor Wang discussed something with me. That is, he hopes that we can buy some things with Rockefeller's Mobil Company."

"Do you want oil?" Rockefeller Jr. asked.

Li Tao shook his head and said, "I don't want oil!"

"Then what do you want?" Rockefeller Jr. asked.

Li Tao said in no hurry: "Mr. Rockefeller, I think that after you refine the oil, you will definitely leave a lot of residues. How do you deal with these residues?"

"Residue?" Little Rockefeller also frowned.

Li Tao's words really surprised Rockefeller, because Li Tao mentioned an important issue of Rockefeller. Because Rockefeller's Mobil Oil Company is the trust overlord of the oil industry, and oil has a problem, that is, it has been refined and distilled, so it can naturally produce gasoline and kerosene. But in the end, when there is really nothing left to distill, a large amount of residue will be produced, and there is no need for any good things at all. These residues don't seem to have any special purpose, and no one in this world needs these things, which makes them feel a little helpless.

So they can only build warehouses to store them, but there is no place to send these residues away, after all, this thing is useless! So they all felt incredible that someone actually mentioned the residue. Even, if someone asks Rockefeller to want these residues, maybe Rockefeller is willing to give them to him for free. After all, Rockefeller needs storage fees to store these things. So if someone wants it, they can even give it to him for free.

"You want this residue? What do you want to use it for?" asked the old Rockefeller.

Li Tao said directly: "I won't hide it from you. We can use these residues to build roads. After our research, these residues are good materials for road construction. We named these residues asphalt and used them for repairing roads." Roads can prevent dust, reduce noise, and increase driving comfort, so we plan to use them for road repairs. It also has another use, that is, when roads are repaired, if there is damage to the road, the It's very easy, it's not as complicated as concrete roads."

Li Tao's words surprised the two Rockefellers. They didn't expect this asphalt to be useful. As a later generation, how could Wang Guorui not know the function of asphalt? In later generations, many people have a lot of disputes about the advantages and disadvantages of asphalt roads and cement roads.

And after Wang Guorui saw the advantages on the Internet in later generations, the cost of cement roads alone is high, but he has a long service life, and some cement roads can even last for 20 years. But asphalt roads are obviously not good. Although it seems that the cost is relatively low on the surface, it needs to be replaced every three to five years, so the long-term use cost of asphalt roads is not low.

However, asphalt also has advantages, that is, it can prevent dust, and the rough surface can absorb noise and avoid city noise. Moreover, the friction on the road surface is high, which is conducive to braking at critical times. It is even elastic to increase driving comfort. And if faced with overloading, asphalt roads are more resistant to overloading than cement roads. Even if damage occurs, asphalt roads are easier to repair and have less impact on traffic.

Therefore, Wang Guorui came to a conclusion in later generations, that is, if the traffic volume is heavy, it is better to use asphalt. If there is less traffic, it is better to use cement roads. Asphalt roads have the advantages of being dust-proof, noise-reducing, and easy to is good for those places where a large number of cars are concentrated. Cement roads are also very good for places with little noise and little traffic. After all, it is possible for them to be repaired for decades without breaking down, saving maintenance costs.

And Rockefeller didn't expect that these residues could be used to build roads, so it was the first time they heard that asphalt had such uses. And if these uses are made public, I am afraid that there will be great benefits.

"Why do you tell us this? If you don't tell us, I'm afraid we will sell it to you at a very low price? In this way, don't you make money?" asked the old Rockefeller.

And Li Tao said directly: "Our Lord Wang explained that we are here to discuss business in Taiwan. We cannot delay the relationship with Rockefeller in the future for the so-called short-term interests. So I candidly say Liu Qing's usefulness." , I hope it will be a good start for our next negotiation. If our relationship is affected for some asphalt, then the loss outweighs the gain!"

"Hehe, your Governor Wang really has some vision!" Old Rockefeller praised.

"Then what is there for us to cooperate? Is there anything worthy of cooperation between Rockefeller and Taiwan?" Rockefeller Jr. asked. (to be continued)

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