Red Alert 1895

Chapter 300: Cooperation with Rockefeller (Part 2)

"It's actually very simple. Have you heard of cars?" Li Tao asked.

"Cars? I've heard of it, but it seems that the technology is immature!" Rockefeller Jr. said.

Rockefeller Jr. certainly knew about cars. In fact, cars are nothing new. Cars have already been invented. But inventing it is not the same thing as putting it into practical use. Just like China in later generations, if all the professional and senior technicians are specially drawn out, and then they are dedicated to making an airplane. In this case, not to mention the fourth-generation aircraft, even the sixth-generation aircraft can be manufactured. But is it interesting to do so? It is obviously meaningless, and it is of no use to increase the country's military strength.

The same is true of the current car. Although the current car has been invented, not only can it not be mass-produced, but it is also very reliable. These invented cars are repaired almost three times a day, so one can imagine how rotten they are. Moreover, the world has just invented the internal combustion engine, and the previous internal combustion engine has not been successful. Cars have always been driven by steam engines, but the steam engine's thrust-to-weight ratio is too poor to effectively propel the car at all, so the car will definitely not work. So all of this is waiting for the emergence of the internal combustion engine, and the internal combustion engine is a good thing. The internal combustion engine is small in size and light in weight, and its power is much stronger than that of the steam engine, so this will be something that can replace the steam engine.

Of course, Rockefeller Jr. knew that if a practical internal combustion engine could be invented, it would be good news for the Rockefeller family. After all, internal combustion engines burn oil. Especially gasoline, diesel and kerosene are refined from petroleum, and once cars become popular, the gasoline consumption will be astonishingly huge. At that time, the demand for oil will increase sharply. At that time, the oil fields controlled by the Rockefeller family and the price of oil could increase dramatically out of thin air. In fact, this means that rare things are more expensive. After the market demand soars, the price will naturally increase. This is in line with the law of value.

However, Rockefeller and the others waited for a long time, but none of them could wait for the day of the internal combustion engine. Moreover, the invention of the internal combustion engine is a long way from installing the internal combustion engine on the car. In fact, Rockefeller himself also secretly tried to study, but they failed. After all, it's not this group of people. It is difficult to do things in this line of work across industries. Therefore, Rockefeller can only wait until foreigners develop the internal combustion engine, and then the demand for their own oil market soars. In this way, great benefits can be obtained.

"Mr. Rockefeller, we in Taiwan have developed a very reliable car, and can install the internal combustion engine on the car." Li Tao said.

"What? You actually made a reliable car?" Rockefeller Jr. was surprised.

Little Rockefeller didn't expect that Taiwan could produce reliable cars? You know it's not hard to get a car out. But it's hard to come up with a reliable car. To ensure that it will run for a long time without breaking down, this is the real strength. Today's cars break down after only two drives, so naturally they cannot be considered reliable. But if Taiwan can make a good car, then it must be very good. At that time, the oil controlled by the Rockefeller family will be worth many times more out of thin air.

And you must know that in the Western world, there was a saying that before the invention of automobiles, the use of refined oil was only to light lamps. But after the invention of the automobile, the finances were able to use oil in large quantities. And can make all kinds of oil start to use. And all of this is the function of the internal combustion engine. Now that the internal combustion engine has been invented, that is tantamount to great news.

"You want to cooperate with us?" asked the old Rockefeller.

Li Tao immediately said: "Yes. Our lord governor intends to cooperate with you. Our lord governor hopes to establish a car factory in the United States and form a joint stock with your Rockefeller company. After that time, we will produce cars and sell them together. Then this will definitely be for you. A really huge boost. What do you guys think?"

"This..." Little Rockefeller hesitated.

In fact, Rockefeller Jr. said in good conscience that he was actually more willing, after all, if cars could be produced. That must have a very good promotion effect on them. Then it will definitely be able to promote the sales of oil in the future, which must be good news for Rockefeller. But Rockefeller Jr. was very worried. That is the position of Taiwan. If Taiwan were a Western country, Rockefeller Jr. would have nothing to fear. However, Taiwan belongs to the eastern country, and it is also a country that Britain and France are always on guard against. This is simply embarrassing for Rockefeller Jr.

If we cooperate with Taiwan, will Western countries be misunderstood? After all, their Rockefellers are now super huge behemoths, and now Rockefeller has become a representative of the Americans. Of course, if Rockefeller cooperates with Taiwan officials, it may cause a lot of misunderstanding. If Rockefeller could control the US government, there would be no problem. But now the American consortium trust has just risen, and those consortiums in the United States are still some time away from taking control of the government. At present, the US government and the consortium are actually engaged in a tug-of-war, and neither side can completely do anything to the other. If the consortium wants to truly control the U.S. government, it must wait for more than ten or even twenty years. This is the original historical situation.

So even at this time the consortium has to consider the opinions of the US government, so Rockefeller Jr. is also very hesitant to cooperate with Taiwan. Once they cooperate, it means that Rockefeller and Taiwan cooperate. Will the governments of Western powers feel worried about the Rockefeller consortium? If Rockefeller wants to go international by then, it will be troublesome. So Rockefeller Jr. was very worried and didn't know how to choose.

"Director Li Tao, I think we can cooperate with you in the name of the wife of the governor of Taiwan!" Old Rockefeller said.

"What?" Li Tao didn't expect such a saying.

Li Tao couldn't help but feel that Rockefeller was indeed an old fritter, worthy of a person with many years of experience. He knew that Wang Guorui's status as the governor of Taiwan was too sensitive, so he knew to avoid Wang Guorui's status as the governor of Taiwan, so that cooperation would be much more convenient. As for cooperating in the name of Wang Guorui's wife, it would be much easier. In this way, Wang Guorui's woman is equivalent to cooperating with Wang Guorui, so she can also shirk it. This kind of relationship that is neither far nor near is what tests people's brains and wisdom the most. But the old Rockefeller actually thought of this, which made Li Tao feel surprised.

"That's fine. Our Lord Wang has a wife named Tanya Adams, who is you Americans. So I think he can cooperate with you!" Li Tao said.

"That's great, it's so much easier!" said the old Rockefeller.

Li Tao then discussed with the old Rockefeller about how to formulate a corresponding cooperation situation, and Li Tao also represented Wang Guorui's "wife" Tanya to cooperate with Rockefeller. Anyway, Tanya is an American. For Rockefeller, it is nothing to cooperate with foreigners. As for whether Tanya and Wang Guorui are married, no one will care anyway. For the Chinese, Wang Guorui and Tanya are already a family, but they have not been able to register their marriage in the United States. Anyway, this loophole is the result of mutual trust between the two parties. After all, when foreigners ask questions, Rockefeller can completely evade saying that Wang Guorui and Tanya have not registered their marriage in the United States. As for the registered marriage in China, it is beyond the control of Rockefeller, an American. Therefore, this is tantamount to exploiting loopholes.

As for Tanya, she also owns an industry for no reason, which is a car factory. And this car is also named Iron Horse brand car by Tan Ya, but for many people's understanding, isn't a car the Iron Horse? So this brand is still a good name.

"Mr. Rockefeller, I hope you can help me train oil workers, what do you think?" Li Tao asked.

"Yes!" said the old Rockefeller.

After the two parties negotiated the relevant cooperation outline, the next thing was to be discussed by the subordinates, so Li Tao also left Rockefeller's estate.

"Father, why do you want to cooperate with Taiwan?" Rockefeller Jr. asked.

The old Rockefeller said: "You should know that China is a country with unlimited potential, but they just lack a strong government and a qualified leader. As long as they have a government that will fight to the death for the interests of the country and the nation, then China's The rise will be unstoppable. In the future, it may be that the United States and China will compete for world hegemony. The United States is far away from Europe, far from the center of the world, and has enough resources in the Americas, so it has enough about China No, China has a huge land and a large population, and its resources are not much less than ours in the Americas. In addition, there are no countries around them that are truly powerful, and they are far away from the powder keg of Europe. Naturally, there is no competition. So they are also It has the potential to become a top power in the world."

"Then why are you cooperating with Taiwan? If Taiwan takes China, isn't that a threat to us, the United States?" Rockefeller Jr. asked.

"I hope that we can leave a way out for our Rockefeller family, because although we are Americans, we Americans are all immigrants. There is a saying in China, that is, there is no place to stay here, but a place to stay. How much an immigrant is loyal to this place can be imagined how loyal he is to this country. You have to remember one sentence, capitalists have no nationality, understand?" said the old Rockefeller.

Little Rockefeller was thoughtful, and obviously understood what the old Rockefeller meant, that is because the United States lacks a spirit to unite the nation. Although it may be comparable to China in the short term, it may even surpass China economically and militarily. But if this struggle goes on for a long time, I am afraid that the willpower and cohesion of the nation will be contested. But the United States is all immigrants, and their willpower and cohesion are definitely not comparable to China, which is a single nation and has its own culture. Therefore, the old Rockefeller may just want to leave a way out for himself. (to be continued)

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