Red Alert 1895

Chapter 306: Strategic Analysis

"Lieutenant Colonel Bach, you should probably understand the predicament you are facing in Germany. First of all, you Germany is a rising star, and you have not been able to seize the glory of the great voyage period and obtain colonies. But when your Germany rose, it turned out that the whole country is now The colonies of the world have been divided up, and all areas that have not yet been civilized have almost been enclosed by people. You have no valuable land for you to occupy. I also understand your current situation very well. For the sake of the colony, you will inevitably have a desperate battle with the old powers sooner or later. You don’t need anyone to deny it, and you don’t need to pretend to be stupid in front of me. In fact, I know the current situation better than any of you. But for this war, you How much have you prepared?"

"First of all, your population does not have an advantage. Your population is not as good as those of Britain, France, Russia and the United States combined. Even if you add your pig teammates, you are not as good as them. As for your industrial strength, you look good. But at that time, it was based on the fact that no Americans participated in the war. If the Americans participated in the war, then don’t tell me that your industrial strength is the number one in the world. As for the army, you may be second only to Taiwan in terms of firepower, and the quality of individual soldiers is better than ours. Okay, then I will give you some face for the time being, and count your combat effectiveness as our Taiwanese soldiers. But how many soldiers can you have in this way? It is only a few million, and this is already your limit."

"As for your resources, and your source of resources is accumulated before the war, and once the war starts, you will face a disadvantage in shipping. The British will block your shipping. Then you will not be able to obtain supplementary resources. Use a little less. And your colonies, hehe. I don’t need to say more about this. At that time, your colonies will not be able to provide resources, but your opponents will continue to obtain resources from the colonies, so you will continue for a long time. Defeat is certain."

"And you have no choice, you can only choose to drag us into the water as soon as possible. If we China supports you, we China can do everything possible to provide you with original resources, and it is not for nothing that we China has a vast land and abundant resources. You guys have to admit it. And with us as a resource supplement, then your pressure will suddenly decrease countless times. As for our China to contain Russia in the east, then your military pressure will also be reduced. In addition, in the end, our Chinese population has four 100 million, if it is fully mobilized, 40 million troops can be mobilized theoretically. Do you know what 40 million troops mean? If 40 million troops have the same weapons as your Germans, I believe it can be Sweeping the world. So as long as we China joins the battle, then you can guarantee that you will not fail. As for whether you can win, it depends on your own ability."

After listening to Wang Guorui's analysis of the future trend, Bach had to agree with Wang Guorui's words. And he also recognized that Wang Guorui is a strategist who can predict the future situation. The Schlieffen plan of the Germans has two loopholes. One is that if France can withstand the fierce attack of the Germans, it is inevitable for the Russians to mobilize and Germany to fail. And it is not that Germany has not considered finding an ally in the East, but there are not many allies in the East. Japan is unreliable because Japan has no resources, and Japan is just a dog like Britain, which is meaningless. And now happens to be a perfect ally. If only China's support is obtained, then Germany will be invincible first.

Even the Germans have to admit that the first thing a general considers is not victory. Instead, think about how not to let yourself fail. Count defeat before counting victory, this is an inevitable quality of famous generals from all over the world. If you don't have this quality, then sooner or later you will lose even your pants. Therefore, if Germany has China as an ally, it can be said that it will have a lot of benefits and no harm. This is true militarily, but not necessarily so politically. Because if China rises, it will be from the perspective of confrontation between the East and the West. That, too, is not good for Germany.

Even if Germany has conflicts with Britain, France and Russia, they are also "contradictions among the people" in the Western world. If it rises to confrontation between the East and the West, once China rises, it may be very dangerous to the entire Western world. After all, China has been the overlord of the Eastern world since ancient times, and the only country in the Celestial Dynasty, which has a strong cultural influence on neighboring countries. If China regains its status as a kingdom of heaven, the resources of the entire East will also be concentrated in China.

But compared with it, the West is troublesome. They don't have an absolutely powerful country that can twist the Western world into one rope, and they each have their own culture, and there are no ethnic groups, so they don't have a single nation's culture that can make them They stick together. In this way, the Western world is actually a mess, and it cannot be compared with the single culture and country of the East. So when Western countries ridicule China as a state of disunity, but once it rises to confrontation between the East and the West, the Western countries will be disunity instead, while the East is relatively united. The situation is relative, it depends on which level it is. Even during World War II, why did the United States desperately support China's resistance against Japan? In fact, they are still worried that Japan will destroy China, and then recruit tens of millions of "Imperial Association Army" to go to Europe to fight the United States, so that the United States will really be in danger. Although this situation is very humiliating, it is enough to show that all countries in Asia are actually of the same language and species to a large extent, whether it is Japan or China, they are largely common.

If once it rises to the confrontation between the East and the West, then the West will be at a relative disadvantage. This is why Britain, France, Russia and other countries must suppress China. After all, once China rises, it can completely integrate the entire East Asia, and some West Asian countries will fight against it. This is an obvious advantage compared to Western countries.

Even William II saw this. Although cooperation with China is of great benefit to Germany, once China rises, it will be very dangerous for Western countries, and the center of the world will return to the East again, so they must face very headaches. . From the perspective of a soldier, Schlieffen, he was in favor of cooperating with China, but William II, a politician, was very worried about the rise of China. Once he cooperated with China, it would be inevitable for China to lead the Eastern world, which would be detrimental to the Western world. Wilhelm II and Schlieffen considered different levels, which caused the two sides to come to different results.

"Governor Wang, let me go back and think about it, and send a telegram to the Europeans, and let our senior officials in Europe discuss it!" Bach said.

Bach sent the relevant analysis of Wang Guorui's international situation to China again, but this made Germany even more worried.

However, in the office, Kang Tongwei was asking Wang Guorui: "Husband, will the Germans agree? If the Germans cooperate with us, the result is that they will face severe challenges from China in the Western world. In this way, the Western world It would be easy to lose the lead. If so, will they agree?"

"Yes, they will agree. Because cooperating with us means that the Western world will lose its position as the leader of the earth, but if it does not cooperate with us, the fate of the Germans will be very miserable. The situation in the Western world is actually like our domestic situation. In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, self-interests far outweighed the interests of the country and the nation. They were just the same race, but different nations. In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, Wu Zixu was able to invade with troops from other countries for revenge, and in the end he flogged King Ping of Chu And why not in Germany? The Germans are like the small family of Wu and the Western world is a big country. In the Western world, although they have a confrontational thinking between East and West, they really want to It is too difficult for the West to unite against the East."

"This is like Wu Zixu back then. You asked him to sacrifice his family's life for the country. Do you think he can do it? Maybe he can do it now, but it was impossible during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. If you let Germany do it for the Western world If they contribute their efforts, they may agree. But they are not willing to sacrifice themselves for the Western world, and are willing to sit and watch their own country perish. In the final analysis, there are too many countries and nationalities in the Western world, and they cannot be twisted into a single rope, and they cannot There can be an absolutely powerful country that can be forcibly tied together, so they are so scattered."

"If I think about it differently, I'm afraid I will also choose to cooperate with China. Because the East-West confrontation is too far away for a single country. Just like our China, we will not sacrifice ourselves for the so-called East-West confrontation , Japan does not. Even North Korea does not have such a high level of awareness. So everyone is not so high level of awareness, so it is better to be scruples about yourself. So although William II will worry about China setting off a yellow peril, but he But it can only take into account the present and ensure that Germany will not be subjugated. As for the rise of China in the future, we will talk about the future, and that is to be resolved by the next generation! Our generation is to do a good job for our generation The thing about the East and the West competing for the right to speak in the world is probably a matter for the next generation." Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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