Red Alert 1895

Chapter 307: Borrowing Chickens to Lay Eggs (Part 1)

"Our emperor agreed, how do you say we should cooperate?" Bach asked.

Wang Guorui had known for a long time that William II would agree, but they still needed to discuss specific cooperation matters. Anyway, both parties now have wireless telegraphy, so there is no need to go back and forth to the ship, which is convenient! So now this Bach is completely a mouthpiece, and we can talk about it slowly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Bach, in my opinion, first of all, you in Germany must accumulate resources. You must accumulate steel, copper ore, and various materials before you can obtain the guarantee for continuous combat in the future. What you need most now is also It is accumulation. If you do not have enough accumulation, you will inevitably face a very dangerous situation. Although you have Marshal Schlieffen’s plan, you must also be prepared with both hands, one determination and two hands. This is inevitable. If If you don’t have enough preparations, you will inevitably face a war of attrition. The war of attrition consumes the most resources, so your resource reserves must be sufficient.”

In World War I and World War II, the Germans actually lost in resources. Had the Germans had the resources, they would not necessarily have lost. If Germany had had enough resources during World War II, they might have been able to break through Moscow and destroy the Soviet Union long ago. And Wang Guorui also took the initiative to help Germany learn a lesson, so that they can learn some lessons and avoid their problems from happening again. Next, we must first persuade Germany to reserve resources.

"But where do we go to get resources! The colonies in the world are all occupied by others. And we in Germany don't have many valuable colonies at all." Bach said.

Germany currently has no colonies that can exploit resources, so Germany is bound to be very helpless now. If they purchase a large amount of resources internationally, it may arouse the vigilance of European and American countries. Then start hoarding resources as well. However, European and American countries have a large number of colonies, and they are naturally at an advantage. If the Germans purchase a large number of resources, it will inevitably cause big problems. If the Germans want to accumulate resources, they can only accumulate them bit by bit like ants moving. Buy more each time, and it will accumulate in the long run. But this is the case. Very slowly, the Germans have no "windfall"! No one is rich without windfall, how can the Germans get rich like this? But the biggest shortcoming of Germany is that there are not many valuable colonies, and it is impossible to exploit the colonies on a large scale.

"What if we can let you go and collect resources in Nanyang Borneo for a period of time?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Are you willing to let us collect a lot of resources in Borneo?" Bach asked in surprise.

Bach hadn't thought of it at all. It is really great that Wang Guorui would allow Germany to collect a large amount of resources in Southeast Asia. If Germany can collect a large amount of resources in Nanyang, then there will definitely be a lot of resources in the account, and Nanyang has most of the resources that Germany needs, and even food and other resources. If Taiwan can open Borneo to the Germans, it will be very beneficial to the resource accumulation of the Germans, so that they can quickly accumulate a lot of resources and make the war last longer without worrying about resources. Dried up. So if we can collect resources in Nanyang. That will be very helpful for Germany to quickly accumulate strategic reserves. At that time, Germany will let go of collecting a large amount of resources for a year, and it may be the last five or six years of resource reserves. So this is the benefit of the colony. There are colonies that can selectively mine, and if there is an urgent need for a large amount of resources, they can be exploited in large quantities. And if you don't need too much, that is the mining that can be restrained and planned. So the Germans heard that Wang Guorui was willing to allow Germany to exploit a large amount of resources, which is probably really very good news.

"What do we have to pay?" Bach asked.

As a military diplomat, Bach is of course very aware of the importance of having no incandescent lunch in the world. So Bach directly asked what Germany needed to pay.

"It's actually very simple. We plan to cooperate with you Germany as a civilian. Then we will form a joint-stock company. And you Germany will cooperate with our private industry, and then we will provide resource mines, and you Germany will provide technology and mining equipment. You Each party holds 49% of the shares, and the remaining 2% will be taken care of by our Taiwan government. At that time, this company will provide referees here, and your German company will cooperate with our company, The proportion of Chinese workers must reach more than 80%. As for the high-level management personnel, under normal circumstances, a structure of one principal and four deputies is adopted, and then among the four deputies, there will be two Chinese and two German. And your German engineers must To teach our workers related technologies, free of charge. Then we allow you to collect for five years, and your shares will be reduced by 10% every year. After five years, all company shares will belong to our Chinese side. And those technologies and production The equipment also belongs to us," Wang Guorui said.

"Using your words, you are laying eggs with the chicken!" Bach said speechlessly for a while.

Wang Guorui is actually borrowing chickens to lay eggs, completely relying on the hands of the Germans to let his workers learn the corresponding technologies and then obtain corresponding production equipment. And Wang Guorui's compensation to the Germans was actually the collected minerals. It is conceivable that in order to recover the cost as soon as possible, the Germans will definitely do their utmost to plunder mining, and it will inevitably cause a lot of losses at that time. But Wang Guorui had no choice. If he wanted to obtain German technology, he would have to pay something.

Anyway, the population in the Nanyang region is now small, and the resources needed are not many. Now, although Taiwan has established some industries, these industries are still a drop in the bucket for the future. Now Taiwan still needs a large amount of weapons from the Red Police base. If there is no weapon from the Red Police base, then I am afraid that the industrial strength of Taiwan Island will not be able to produce weapons, let alone the livelihood of the people. Therefore, Wang Guorui needs to quickly establish an industrial system, and the best way is to clone directly from other places. After all, patent barriers and other things around the world are also problems that cannot be bypassed. If the Germans can directly clone various domestic industrial research technologies to Taiwan, it can be said to be very beneficial to Taiwan.

The German industry is currently the world's first-class. If the results of the Germans' hard work and development over the years are also cloned, then Taiwan can directly enjoy the benefits and have a very high starting point. And almost no country in the world can do this. After all, this is tantamount to helping Taiwan. This is funding the enemy! This is like fattening a monster, and then the monster will eat you at some point. So this kind of "stupid thing" will not be done by ordinary people. But Wang Guorui still told the Germans, anyway, he thought the Germans would agree.

"I have to tell the country about this, I can't decide on my own!" Bach said.

And Bach didn't even think that Wang Guorui would open his mouth like a lion, and that he wanted to clone Germany's main industrial technology. This is tantamount to making China an industrial powerhouse. How could Bach agree to such a big condition? This kind of condition is simply to support China unconditionally in Germany, so if this is done, I am afraid that it will be very controversial within Germany, and it may be very detrimental to the Western world. At that time, Germany may also become a traitor to the Western world, because they have fattened up an industrial power and made China eligible to threaten the Western world hegemony.

"Husband, isn't your requirement too high? Will Germany sell so many technologies for some So much technology can be said to be accumulated by Germany over the years The result is the essence of German industry. If Germany gave us all, I am afraid that we can form a set of our industrial system in a very fast time, so that we may all be able to rise very quickly. And we paid It is just some ordinary resources. Although it is inevitable that they will be violently exploited by the Germans for a period of time, it is worth it. After all, we have spent at most five or six years, and we have completed the decades of Western countries. Especially The accumulation of technology has reached the sky in one step. Will the Germans agree to this?" Kang Tongwei asked.

Kang Tongwei couldn't even imagine that the Germans would pass on all the technology they had stored for so many years to Taiwan? This is tantamount to allowing Taiwan to advance to the sky in terms of technology, as long as there are enough funds. After all, to develop industry, one needs money and the other needs talents. And this is complementary, and if Germany is willing to clone a copy of its important domestic industrial core system technology to Taiwan, then Taiwan can become an important industrial power in the world in just ten years. Because talent is not a problem, it is a lack of funds. At that time, as long as Taiwan prepares funds, a huge industrial system will be able to rise from the ground, and then it will have enough capital to deal with all countries in the world.

"The Germans will definitely agree, because they have no other choice." Wang Guorui replied affirmatively. (to be continued)

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