Red Alert 1895

Chapter 308: Borrowing Chickens to Lay Eggs (Part 2)

"Bastard, those Chinese people have such a big appetite! Are they not afraid to hold on?" William II said angrily.

Obviously, Wilhelm II was frightened by Taiwan's appetite, because Taiwan wanted to directly clone the core technology in their German industrial system, so that Taiwan could obtain technology without spending any time, energy and money. And Germany will also help them cultivate talents, so that China's industrial strength will almost reach the sky in one step. In this way, China has paid some resources at most, but it has obtained the core technology of Germany's entire industrial system. At that time, Wang Guorui can borrow these technologies to develop his own industrial system. Although only the core technology has been obtained from Germany, although the sparrow is small and complete, as long as the core can be done well, then it can be continuously expanded with the help of this skeleton, and such a set of its own industrial system is completed. .

You have to know how many years it took Germany to obtain these. It took Germany several generations of emperors and hundreds of years of accumulation to get to where it is today. However, China actually opened its mouth like a lion and wanted to clone most of their German technology that should have been kept secret at one time. This is simply unreasonable. If it is all given to China, it is tantamount to supporting a big enemy for the Western world, which must be very dangerous for the Western world. At that time, Germany may be too late to regret.

"Your Majesty, according to the meaning of the Governor of Taiwan, he also hopes that we can copy important core technologies to them. Then help us train enough technical experts. As for the next step, they can let us in their Nanyang The region has been mining for five years, and there is no limit to how much it can be collected. And Governor Wang said. We will definitely agree, because we have no choice." William II's attendant said.

And Wilhelm II's brain is even more headache, this kingdom Rui Ke really caught the Germans seven inches. Not to mention that he has mastered the Schlieffen plan, so if it is revealed to Britain, France and Russia, it will be a tragedy for Germany. Therefore, Taiwan must take this plan as the core, and as a threat to Germany, it must agree to their cooperation. Then if you want China to cooperate, you must strengthen China's strength. If China's strength is not strengthened, then China cannot afford to provide resources. And can we continuously send qualified soldiers to support Germany?

But if you want to arm the squadron, you must choose to give the technology to China. If you don't give the technology to China, China will naturally not be able to provide a large number of weapons for the soldiers to use. So this is simply a contradiction. If you want China to play a sufficient role, you must give technology to China. But if the technology is not given to China, then China may not be able to support Germany. Even if China is angered at that time, they will turn to the Allied Powers instead, which may really be bad luck.

"Your Majesty, the governor of Taiwan may have a reason. After all, China is too far behind in technology and industry. If we can't provide them with an industrial system, then I'm afraid they really won't be able to conduct comprehensive cooperation with Britain, France, Russia and the United States. Combat. After all, modern warfare is not about manpower. They have hundreds of millions of people. But they don't have enough weapons. They can't produce enough qualified weapons. That's why they want to clone our technology. And we want China Support in the east. That must give them enough weapon advantages, otherwise we can't expect China to support us at all," Schlieffen said.

William II immediately said angrily: "Doesn't he have a backer? What is the force behind them that supports them? Don't they ask the forces behind them to ask for it?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, the forces behind Taiwan are very mysterious. I don't know what's going on. I don't have any news at all now. Neither do the British." Schlieffen said.

Now the whole world is guessing what the forces behind Taiwan are, and they are able to support Taiwan so powerfully. But Wang Guorui knew. What I rely on is the Red Police Base. If there is no Red Police Base, I am afraid that I will not be able to support so many soldiers. As for the design drawings provided by the Red Police Base, they are actually only a very small part of the industrial system. For example, the Red Police base can provide design drawings of warships, but a warship is a finished product, which does not mean it is a technology in the industrial system. And even though he had the blueprint of the rifle, he didn't have the relevant technology to produce the rifle.

So this is the role of an industrial system. Although Wang Guorui can get a lot of machine tools and design drawings, many of these things are things that can only be understood and cannot be explained in words. After all, most of the things are hidden in the heads of the Germans, and the things in these heads are not available in the Red Police Base. And talent is always the core thing in the industrial system. If there is no relevant talent, it may not be able to support the industrial system at all. If there is no talent, then you have nothing to do with machines and design drawings, and you will end up with nothing. The reason why Wang Guorui is willing to sacrifice part of Nanyang's resources in exchange for German industrial equipment and to help China train skilled workers is actually to clone their technology and let them help China train talents.

At present, Wang Guorui still uses red police engineers to train workers, but the cycle of training workers is too long. Red police engineers are not suitable for training workers at all. Instead of letting red police engineers train workers, it is better to rely on Germany to help them train, which can speed up a lot. It's not like a Red Police engineer, who is completely talking to himself, studying there according to the script!

"Your Majesty, although we have mastered these technologies and avoided the spread, what benefits can this bring us? We are holding them in our hands, and we still have so much productivity, and we can't provide more productivity. We are empty We have technology, but neither the number of workers nor the resource environment can provide us with a lot of resources. Instead of this, it is better to clone a part of it to China, and then let China support us at the strategic level, so that we can continue to fight, and at key points It is time to obtain the support of resources and troops. From the perspective of war, I am afraid that if we do not arm China, then we will not be able to allow China to fight against other countries in the world." Schlieffen said.

"However, if we arm China, I am afraid that sooner or later we will regret it!" William II said.

But Schlieffen said helplessly: "Your Majesty, do we have a choice? Without the support of China, the possibility of Germany's subjugation is more than 70%, which is too high. On this point, I agree with the reasoning of the Governor of Taiwan. Because he is also a strategist. So in the crisis of national subjugation, can we think so much? If we are now worried that China will rise in the future and threaten our western world, but the result is that we will be subjugated, then we are not Has the cart put the cart before the horse? We still care about preserving our Germany first, rather than considering the interests of the Western world. If our Germans cannot be preserved, then what about the interests of the Western world? Our generation should first serve our Germans Preserve strength, and then gain more colonies. As for the East and West competing for the right to speak in the world, that is to be left to our next generation. At that time, if we can replace Britain and destroy France and Russia, then we If we have mastered the entire West, then we can monopolize the strength of Europe like China, and then lead Europe to compete with China for world hegemony? So, things may not be so bad, so I think we can still proceed. Even if we know China The future will be a bitter fruit, but we can only consider it for the immediate benefit. It’s like I read a famous Chinese saying yesterday, and I can’t wait to care about the longer term?”

And Wilhelm II was silent, because if you think about the threat that the rise of China will bring to the Western world in the, then you might as well consider what kind of fate Germany will have. If it does not support Chinese technology, I am afraid that Germany will fight alone, unable to defeat the enemy, and even Germany will be in danger of subjugation. Germany has gone through so many generations of kings and emperors before it can create a unified Germany. And this was caused by the bloodshed and sacrifice of countless people. Even William II had no right to give up this country. If Germany is subjugated, even if there is a confrontation between the East and the West in the future, what capital can they have? So the first thing to consider is the survival of Germany, not a duel between the East and the West. The confrontation between the East and the West, that is to leave it to the next generation. As a contemporary person, it is enough to consider the contemporary issues. As for the events of decades and hundreds of years ago, how can I consider them? Woolen cloth? When the time comes, I close my eyes and go directly to see God, how can I care about these things? So the rise of China has become inevitable. Instead of pushing China to the opposite side, it is better to let China cooperate with itself and defeat other countries together.

"Okay! They have to collect minerals for us first, and then give them technology after they can really rule the whole of China!" William II said.

Hearing this, Schlieffen certainly knew that Wilhelm II would not scatter eagles when he saw a rabbit. Anyway, if Taiwan is not able to rule China, then I am afraid that everything is empty talk. Therefore, we must wait until Taiwan rules China before we can continue to cooperate, and Wang Guorui is qualified to cooperate with Germany. (to be continued)

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