Red Alert 1895

Chapter 309: Imperial Way (top)

Japan, Tokyo, inside a geisha management, three Japanese mid-level military officers had a meeting together. And no one thought that these three people would have such a huge influence in Japan in the future.

"Master Uehara, you are a very senior brother, I would like to toast you! Xianji, why don't you come over to pour wine?" Akashi Genjiro said.

And that Xian'er was just a little boy about ten years old, and he took the initiative to act as a waiter beside him, pouring wine for everyone. And the three Japanese military officers were accompanied by three geisha who were accompanying them to drink orders. However, these three officers were obviously discussing some important national affairs, and they didn't have much interest in the tenderness of geisha.

"Master Akashi, you are indeed a great talent! Although I am a few years older than you, I am not as good as you! I heard your argument, and I really feel that I have some shortcomings!" Colonel Yusaku Uehara Said.

And the lieutenant next to him also took the initiative to say: "Bosses, I admire your great talents very much. You are all elites of my Great Japanese Empire, and I can't compare to them!"

"Utsunomiya Taro, you are not bad. Although you are only a lieutenant now, you will definitely achieve great things in the future." Akashi Genjiro said.

Utsunomiya Taro also smiled, and a glint of ambition flashed in his eyes.

And this gathering was invited by Akashi Genjiro, a super traitor from Taiwan. And these three people, Akashi Motojiro + ∵, .. will not introduce them. Uehara Yusaku's current position is the senior staff officer of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters, his military rank is Dazuo, and his qualifications are older than Akashi Genjiro. And the other Utsunomiya Taro Zhongzuo is a member of the third department of the General Staff Headquarters, and his rank is Zhongzuo. And these three people were selected by Wang Guorui for Akashi Genjiro to connect with them. Because Uehara Yusaku Mirai is the marshal of Japan, and Utsunomiya Taro is also a general. And these two people. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are all future founders of the Huangdao School.

As for the "Kenji", that is, Akashi Motojiro's new apprentice, he is called Doihara Kenji.

"You two, our imperial government of Japan is currently incompetent, and actually let Taiwan, a tiny place, sit on top of us. Back then, we managed to take down that China. But now not only Liaodong has also been returned to China, but Taiwan has also had a bad nose. Even the Chinese people, seeing our decline, refused to pay the promised compensation. Those dishonest guys are just squeezing toothpaste. If we come out, we will not be able to get much real compensation at all. In other words, we have actually gained nothing in this war. The misfortune of our country!" Akashi Genjiro said immediately with some crocodile tears. I don't know how happy I am!

And Utsunomiya Taro, the lieutenant officer, also said: "Yes! We in Japan are so unfortunate that we finally took out the national luck to gamble once, but we ended up with such a loss. How can we be reconciled? But, this is why?"

Akashi Motojiro immediately said: "Actually, this is because our government is corrupt and incompetent. Let alone Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, he was not very supportive of the war. He was behind. And these are the warlords of the Changzhou Domain. Listen to the emperor's order. As a result, we are excluded internally, causing corruption in the army, and this will lead to such a fate. Therefore, these are caused by the civilian government and the Changzhou domain."

In Japan, there has always been a saying, the army of the Changzhou Domain. Satsuma's navy. In other words, people in these two places have a great influence on the army and navy. They used their origins as cronies of the township party, and then squeezed out officers from other places. The Changzhou Fan has a very high status in the current army. Even the emperor relied on the Satsuma and Changzhou Fans to regain power during the Meiji Restoration in Japan. As for now, the status of Changzhou Fan and Satsuma Fan are very lofty, and there are many ways for officers in other places to be promoted.

"Changzhou Fan. Yes, the Changzhou Fan is really a cancer of our Great Japanese Army. They squeezed out our elites by their hometowns, and as a result, the army is full of people from their Changzhou Fan. This is simply unreasonable! Yusaku Uehara also said.

Next, everyone began to complain, obviously they were very dissatisfied with the influence of the Changzhou domain in the army. But there is no way. After all, they are just a group of ordinary mid-level officers and cannot affect the overall strategic situation, so they can only complain.

"Two, these people from the Changzhou domain are actually a group of warlords. They borrowed their power to control the army, and in turn caused the corruption of the army, and the emperor couldn't really control the army. And I think To solve this problem, it is necessary to solve the control of the Changzhou domain over the army. Only by letting the emperor personally control the army and the emperor himself in charge of government affairs can we carry out a top-down reform of our big Japan, and then we can truly Get rich and strong, and then fight for living space for our Yamato nation!" Akashi Genjiro said.

And these two guys inexplicably agree with Akashi Genjiro's words, because they believe that they must rely on the power of the emperor to complete a top-down reform. And they support the emperor to hold absolute power, support the emperor to directly manage the army, and then manage government affairs. But the current request makes them very dissatisfied. The Changzhou Fan has mastered the army, and these other factions can only rely on some narrow channels to rise. According to Akashi Motojiro, the reason why Japan lost to Taiwan and almost never received a compensation was actually because of the incompetence of the civil servants and the cabinet. They are internally corrupt and that is why their fighting power has weakened. And the prime minister of the civilian government, Ito Hirobumi, is actually a member of the Changzhou Domain, so they colluded together and it was like wearing a pair of pants. So now they seem to have become a warlord, which makes many soldiers dissatisfied.

"Those of us who are not in the Changzhou domain should unite and ask the emperor to come out and directly rule in person, so that we can achieve the prosperity of our big Japan. In addition, we have to restart the war against the Chinese people, and then let the Chinese people Accept the anger of our Great Japanese Empire. We can use the grounds that the Chinese refused to perform the Sino-Japanese treaty signed at Shimonoseki, and then use it as an excuse for war. Not only did the Chinese not give us Taiwan, they even failed to pay the compensation on time Pay, so this is the reason why we have to go to war. We ask the emperor to go to war, and then we can defeat the Chinese and occupy the whole of China, so that we can seize the mainland and obtain resources to fight the decisive battle with Western countries. To At that time, His Majesty the Emperor himself will hold absolute power, and then lead our Great Japanese Empire to glory." Akashi Genjiro said.

Akashi Motojiro's words were very deceptive, because he had provoked the revolution in the rear of Russia, and even funded Lenin's revolution. He is definitely not lacking in deceptiveness, even Akashi Genjiro has very superb gambling skills, if he wants, he can even win a casino to lose money. During the Russo-Japanese War, many of the secret service fees were raised by himself, and he was also listed as persona non grata by major casinos in various countries. One can imagine how capable this guy is. However, now he is Wang Guorui's number one mole in Japan.

"Okay, we should write a letter, and then defeat China, conquer China, and establish rights for our Emperor. Let our Emperor get rid of the control of those Changzhou warlords, and then truly build a rich and powerful Japan, and strive for the survival of our Yamato nation Space!" Yusaku Uehara said.

"Yes, we should write a letter!" Utsunomiya Taro said.

And then, Akashi Genjiro immediately said: "You go to contact various junior officers, and then ask them to find some people and sign a letter with us, and then I will definitely be with those who are not loyal to the emperor~www.wuxiaspot .com~Fight to the end! And we support the Emperor and the Emperor’s Way, so we are called the Emperor’s Way School.”

And Akashi Genjiro, so inexplicably became the giant of the Kodo School, and this Akashi Genjiro had also communicated with this Uehara Yuzuo before, and Wang Guorui also took out the ideas of the later Japanese Army Kodo School Some showed Yusaku Uehara, the pioneering giant of the future Emperor's School, and Yusaku Uehara felt the same for a while, as if he had met a bosom friend, and this was the only way to have this gathering. The Emperor's School proposed to let the emperor directly hold power, and then be able to carry out a top-down reform of Japan. Propose an expansion plan, and then be able to fight for living space for Japan. And they like to use coup d'etat to seize power, and then maintain the emperor's autocratic power. After all, although Japan is now a constitutional monarchy, the emperor still holds power. However, there is an additional layer of constitutional constraints, so that the emperor cannot completely do whatever he wants.

And Akashi Motojiro, under the banner of supporting the emperor, came to form his own force within Japan, so that he could better influence Japanese politics and then serve Taiwan. And no one knows that this so-called Japanese Kodo faction, since the day Akashi Motojiro proposed its establishment, is just a tool used by Taiwan to interfere with the Japanese army, and even the founding leader of the Kodo faction, Akashi Motojiro A mole. And when Japan understood this, they were completely unable to restore the situation. (to be continued...)

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