Red Alert 1895

Chapter 314: Gold Standard (Part 1)

After Wang Guorui received Tan Ya's suggestion, he took the fastest speedboat and returned to Taiwan in three days, and then started non-stop to call officials from the Governor's Mansion and the Government Council for a meeting. [For more exciting novels, please visit] And then everyone began to care about an issue, that is, the current economic issue. At present, Taiwan still uses the original silver standard system, and still uses copper coins and silver for transactions, which has become a factor restricting Taiwan's development. Because the current use of copper coins has seriously affected economic circulation. Taiwan did not implement the gold standard before, it was because the conditions were not mature. At that time, Taiwan had just defeated Japan and had just stabilized. It would be very dangerous if it rashly implemented the gold standard paper currency.

Things like gold standard banknotes rely entirely on reputation to make people use them. Because if a government has no credibility, how can you get people to use your paper money? The reputation is a combination of military strength, economic strength and years of reputation accumulation. Now Taiwan was not able to do this two years ago, so it is definitely not possible to implement the gold standard. And now Taiwan has been standing proudly in southern China for two years, and it has stabilized, and its industry has reached a certain level, and it has defeated the Netherlands. From this point of view, not only the economy, but also the national defense and military strength can be proved, so the implementation of the gold standard system is not completely impossible.

"Let's discuss our opinions on the gold standard system. First of all, let Li Minxian, the president of the Bank of Taiwan, talk about whether we can implement the gold standard system in Taiwan?" Wang Guorui asked.

The central bank of Taiwan is actually a bank that Wang Guorui personally "invests" in. The central bank of Taiwan is actually Wang Guorui's own private property, but it has given the central bank the power. At present, Taiwan's banking industry has not been able to develop, because this is because Wang Guorui did not allow foreign banks or even his own internal banks to develop for financial security. Because Wang Guorui deeply knows that the current Chinese people are still very immature in economics, and even Wang Guorui is not very proficient in too much economics, just some superficial things. In such a situation where economic and financial talents are very scarce. If the financial industry is released hastily, it is easy for foreign bankers or people with ulterior motives to deliberately use financial methods to disrupt Taiwan's economy. This brother is not impossible, but very possible! Because foreigners will not be unaware of their financial theoretical advantages, they have a lot more talents than Taiwan. At that time, if the financial battle is used, I am afraid that Taiwan will lose its pants.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Wang Guorui simply cut across the board, not only the development of foreign-funded banks, but also the development of domestic banks must be restricted. Fortunately, there are not many money dealers in Taiwan. And Taiwan's bank industry is not as developed as the mainland, so this order did not cause too much backlash. And now there is only one bank in Taiwan, the Bank of Taiwan, and this bank is said to be both a referee and an athlete. And now this Bank of Taiwan belongs to Taiwan's out-and-out central bank.

And in the future, Wang Guorui didn't even have the idea of ​​handing over the Taiwan bank. After all, the Bank of Taiwan is an important channel for him to control the nation's finances. In the future, he may appear to be able to hand over power, but as long as he can control the Bank of Taiwan, the right to issue currency will also be controlled in his own hands. , In this way, the country can still be manipulated secretly. So this Taiwan bank can be said to be an important prop for Wang Guorui to control the country in the future. That is to control the country's financial economy through currency issuance, and finally allow yourself and your descendants to secretly control the country.

"Master Wang, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to implement the gold standard system!" Li Minxian said.

And when everyone looked at this Li Minxian, they obviously felt that this Li Minxian was too courageous to speak out so boldly against Wang Guorui. You must know that Wang Guorui is very caring about the gold standard system this time, but this Li Minxian is throwing cold water when he opens his mouth, so how will the next work start? Does this give Wang Guorui any face? At that time, does he still have a future? This is probably what everyone is worried about, and everyone looks at Li Minxian and feels worried for him.

"Master Wang. Although what I said is not very nice, in fact, we are currently implementing a gold standard system, which is not mature at all. We currently have a lot of silver, but not much gold. According to what you mean, Mr. Wang, we must not be able to Use the silver standard system, because there will definitely be more and more silver in the future, and it will become an industrial product instead. Now we can only implement the gold standard system, but do we have this condition? Although we have some gold reserves at present, it is more expensive than There are still quite a few large foreign banks. Also, can Taiwan currently resist the economic aggression of those foreign powers? Our current financial volume and the total amount of those finances are not enough. If we say that Taiwan’s economy is a small The pool, the great powers are like a vast ocean. The vast ocean can breed a dragon, but our small pool cannot have much strength at all. And once we issue the gold standard, what is the reputation of our currency? This is also a huge problem. "

"Let me make an analogy again. Although Taiwan has a certain status, it is still relatively inferior to the great powers. Now ordinary people know that Taiwan is not as good as the United Kingdom. When the time comes, the huge country of the United Kingdom will take action against us. Then we definitely can’t. Although we use spot silver as the standard, we can effectively avoid the run at the beginning. If we implement the gold standard system, all our currencies will become banknotes. What is the pressure ability? How many people will recognize our banknotes? Internationally, how many people can recognize our banknotes. Also, even the people in our own Taiwan island, if they face our paper and pen, and The British pound, so what would they choose?"

Ouyang Xuan immediately asked: "Why does this have something to do with the British pound? Does our Taiwan banknote have anything to do with the British pound?"

"It's a big deal! If we implement the gold standard system, we will inevitably face the situation where people can exchange our gold at random. That is to say, if any common people or even foreigners exchange our banknotes for gold with us, then we There is no reason not to exchange it, this is the rule of the gold standard system. And once we issue banknotes, then everything will become a piece of paper, will the people believe it? You must know that in our Chinese history, the Chinese ate The loss of banknotes is not once or twice. From the Jiaozi in the Song Dynasty to the banknotes in the Ming Dynasty, it all ended in failure. How do the people trust our banknotes? Can we make the banknotes win the trust of the people? ? Even if we take a step back, the common people have accepted our banknotes, so if they had to choose between our banknotes and British pounds, how would they choose?"

"The British pound is the hardest currency in the world, not one of them. And how can we, a 'little' Taiwan, compare with the UK. At that time, we will issue banknotes, and then those banknotes will be circulated among the people. In case foreigners come A conspiracy to use British pounds to exchange our banknotes with us. At that time, what would happen if the British used their British pounds to exchange banknotes with our people? At that time, I am afraid that our people will also choose our Banknotes are exchanged into British pounds. After all, the strength of the British is not bragging. After all, Taiwan has not established a country, and in the eyes of countless people, Taiwan is also a group of rebels, especially those immigrants. Their feelings for us are very complicated. People still think we are rebels. In order to ensure that their gold and silver wealth that has been converted into banknotes will not be lost, they will inevitably choose to sell our banknotes as soon as possible, and then exchange them for the hard currency of British pounds. With our The banknotes are replaced by British pounds, and then the currency circulating in Taiwan will also be expelled by the British pound. After all, if the currency is used, the currency of the British pound is harder than ours, so the British pound will easily squeeze our banknotes out of the market~www. Finally, the British pound was circulated in our territory, but it was seriously affected by the British in terms of finance. When the British do some tricks on the pound, our losses will be huge. Of course, this depends on It sounds like hurting the enemy and hurting ourselves, but we also need to look at the tonnage between us. The tonnage of the British is too large. If other factors are excluded, it is only a battleship at sea compared to the economy, and we are just a A small broken ship. A battleship can withstand a typhoon, but our small ship is easily blown over by some wind and waves. At that time, we will also be subject to wind and waves, and we will capsize, but the British will not suffer too much loss , so we will definitely be unlucky. Even at that time, if the British exchanged our currency from the pound to run on our gold, our gold would be emptied by them in a short time. Such an upside-down, It became a complete feast for the British, and then we were emptied of gold, and finally we were left with some useless waste paper! So, are you still so optimistic that the gold standard is so easy to play?"

And everyone was silent for a while, because this process is indeed very dangerous. And the root cause of all this is that Taiwan is not as powerful as the British. In terms of economy, Taiwan is a small ship compared to the British. Britain is the hardest currency for the British pound. I am afraid that many people will give up Taiwan's currency to exchange for British pounds. (To be continued.)

...Easy. Look. Small. Say.

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