Red Alert 1895

Chapter 315: Gold Standard (Medium)

Hearing Li Minxian's words, everyone finally knew that the gold standard system is not so fun, and if you don't play well, you are committing suicide. Because Taiwan's national strength is much weaker than that of the United Kingdom and other countries. Although its military strength is not weak on the surface, its economic strength and international status are extremely weak. The weak economic strength and international status have made Taiwan's currency "hard". If Taiwan issues banknotes, how many people in the world will recognize it is still a question. Even if it is recognized by Taiwan itself, is it still a question of whether the people will recognize it? You must know that the Chinese people have been entrapped by official banknotes since ancient times. This kind of lesson is painful. Therefore, the ancient Chinese people were skeptical about paper money.

In this case of skepticism about paper money, it is inevitable that they will not trust paper money. At that time, if Taiwan issues currency, those people will immediately turn their heads and come to run on it, which is really meaningless. Even, if the Brits take out British pounds to exchange for Taiwan's banknotes, at that time, with the status of the pound as the world's first hard currency, many people will definitely be willing to exchange it. If the British are willing to exchange Taiwan's currency at an appropriate premium, then there will be a huge number of exchangers, and no one will refuse to exchange at that time. At that time, no matter how much currency Taiwan issued, the British would "eat it", so that Taiwan's currency would also be completely swallowed by the British. At that time, the British will definitely be able to manipulate Taiwan's economy with the help of the Taiwanese currency in their hands.

Even if the British play hard. It is entirely possible for the British official organization to come to Taiwan for a run. Then I am afraid that Taiwan's gold reserves will fall into the hands of the British. At that time, I am afraid that Taiwan will issue a gold standard. Not only will it not be able to effectively solve economic problems, but it will bring about big problems. In the end, Taiwan's economy will be controlled by the British. This is a very terrible situation. At that time, the British simply surrendered without fighting. If Taiwan implements the gold standard, the British Prime Minister will definitely open champagne at the Prime Minister's Office at No. 10 Downing Street to celebrate, because then he can directly use the huge economic power of the United Kingdom to destroy Taiwan without using force. At that time, Taiwan had hundreds of thousands of troops in the air. But in the end, the British will be defeated without a fight!

"Master Wang, in the final analysis it is our economic strength. And our international status is too low. If we have enough economic strength, the British will not be able to run on us, and we are not afraid of them. And we With sufficient international status, I am afraid that the people of Taiwan will be able to stabilize the hearts of the people. And Taiwan is still a part of the Manchu Qing. In terms of justice, we cannot get rid of the influence of the Manchu Qing, so our international status is still very low. Unless, Unless Mr. Wang, you are willing to call yourself an emperor and found a country, we will always have a low status in the world." Li Minxian said.

"No, no, no, you can't be called emperor, and you can't be called emperor yet. If you become emperor once, I'm afraid the foreign devils will start laughing too." Wang Guorui said quickly.

In the end, Li Minxian immediately said: "Then we have nothing to do. If we rely on our economic strength. If we play the gold standard, we will be committing suicide!"

And everyone couldn't help but agree with Li Minxian's idea, after all, it would be suicide if he played the gold standard. Then don't play like this. However, Wang Guorui frowned, and then he began to think about how to solve the foreigner's conspiracy.

"Well, there is!" Wang Guorui said: "Actually, you have overlooked one point, which is our identity issue. You only noticed the economic issue, but I didn't pay attention to the political issue. What we are doing Not financial experts. We are all politicians, officials. They are national officials. Officials are mainly political, and we don’t have to follow financial rules. You should know what a country is and the foundation of a country What is it? A country must have territory, people, and a government, and these three are the elements that make up a country. The territory represents the living space, the people represent the foundation of composition, and the government represents the formulation of rules, the exercise of An institution of ruling power. Although Taiwan has not become a real country, it is also a truly semi-independent country. We have the right to formulate rules and exercise violent rule over Taiwan and the regions controlled by Taiwan.”

"And you may not be able to describe this rule-making method in words for a while. Our so-called right of the country to make rules means making rules within the scope of its own land and people. And the people inside our country are even Foreigners must also abide by this rule. This represents administrative power and the formulation of rules. And if foreigners come to us, they must also operate according to our rules, and their own country’s set of rules It’s not working anymore. So why don’t we try and use our local rules to restrict finance?”

"And when we make rules, when foreigners come to our land, even dragons have to coil up, even tigers have to lie down, and everything must be done under our rules. And we have an old saying in China, That is to say, the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake. In fact, it is implicitly referring to the role of this rule. Although the local snake looks weak, they have the right to make their own rules on this territory. On the territory, although his strong dragon looks huge, it seems to be tied to a rope, and his tyrannical strength cannot be exerted. A strong dragon cannot be exerted, and its strength is greatly restricted. And the local snake With the advantage of the rules of the land, not only will it not be restricted in strength, but it can increase its strength by three points. Do you think that such a land snake can also defeat the strong dragon? Since we cannot be the opponent of the British in terms of financial and economic strength, Then we might as well think from another angle, then we might as well put ropes on the British and other western "strong dragons", and put ropes on them layer by layer. As long as we put ropes on, they can't do it at all. If we show our strength, won't we be able to win easily?"

"This, does this violate the rules of the market economy?" Li Minxian said hesitantly.

Li Minxian is an overseas student who has learned from foreign countries. He believes that the government should not interfere too much with the market and economy. And the theory mentioned by Wang Guorui, everyone probably understands a lot, that is, borrowing the coercive power of the government, and then interfering in the economy. And Wang Guorui's theory is to use the ruling power of the government, and then set up various sets of rules to prevent others from operating normally. And then the powerful dragons of the British were also restrained in this place in China, so I am afraid that they will not even have any strength to display. But Taiwan is different. Taiwan is able to exert 30% or more of its strength in its own country by borrowing rules suitable for Taiwan. Even the Taiwan government is a government, which can be described in one word, that is, it is both an athlete and a referee. If your opponent is stronger than you, then your identity as a referee can also play a role. At that time, if you deliberately blow a few "black whistles", then your opponent will not be your opponent. And you finally won the championship as an athlete, then it is shameless.

However, although Li Minxian doesn't agree with this method, it doesn't mean that others don't agree.

"Master Wang, this is a good idea. I think it is feasible. We must first ensure that our group can survive, and then consider any economic issues? After all, what will happen if there is no skin left? If we in Taiwan cannot guarantee ourselves, then What about trade fairness? Our government will always be in a dominant position, rather than allowing the economy to rule our government. According to your education, Mr. Wang, although politics and economy are twins, no one can do without each other~www in foreign countries, economy is more important than politics, but in China, our national conditions and history are different, so we should put politics more than economy. Therefore, we must ensure politics first, and then we can guarantee economy. So I agree with Mr. Wang Yes, we might as well set up more rules and regulations for the gringos, then we will be invincible. Then we can implement the gold standard smoothly. Since we are a semi-independent country, we will naturally put our The advantages have been brought to the extreme, so that we can rule most effectively, and then lead everyone to resist the invasion and colonization of foreigners." Ouyang Xuan said.

After hearing Ouyang Xuan's words, many people also nodded their heads. After all, China is the situation of the official standard system. Although they are all overseas students, once they become officials, they will naturally recognize the official system. How can it be possible to allow those merchant capitalists to take away the rights that have already been obtained, and then be "turned into the master" by the capitalists from the status of "master"? In China, there are China's national conditions, so we cannot blindly copy the situation of foreigners. China's official standard has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it cannot be completely resolved within a hundred or two hundred years. What's more, to a certain extent, being an official is not necessarily a bad thing, and sometimes it is better than capitalists controlling the government. If capitalists control the government, the ruling class will be completely solidified, and it will be solidified in the hands of those top financial groups. And under the official position, the ruling class can flow effectively, and the capable go up and the mediocre go down, which is not a bad thing.

"About this gold standard system, I have a suggestion!" Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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