Red Alert 1895

Chapter 321: Sea Assassin (Part 1)

After Wang Guorui supervised the work at the beginning of the gold standard, he handed over the work to the Bank of Taiwan. After all, Wang Guorui is not a professional financial expert, but a leader. The specific financial calculations should be left to financial experts. However, the current gold standard is still gratifying, because those government leaders and civil servants still recognize this. Because a large part of government civil servants are foreign students, and they are all open-minded people who understand foreign countries. Therefore, it is much easier for them to accept the gold standard banknotes, so government officials are not very disapproving of banknotes like officials in the past. If officials don't recognize banknotes, how can the common people recognize them?

Next, Wang Guorui first inspected the Naval Ship Design Institute under the General Armament Department, which also requires a lot of consumption. At present, Taiwan's navy looks powerful, but not a single ship has its own characteristics and can become its own killer. First of all, although the Sovereign-class battleship looks powerful, in fact, the British also have Sovereign-class battleships, even more than Taiwan. And Taiwan does not have a weapon that can really make the final decision. This is Taiwan's weakness. If there is a trump card, then the strength of the navy can be greatly increased.

Of course, Wang Guorui didn't intend to think of a solution from the battleship anymore, because the battleship was not only expensive, but also cost a lot of technical content. Coupled with the large number of crew members, the cost was also huge. At present, Wang Guorui doesn't have much idea about battleships. But he is very interested in the kind of weapon that restrains battleships.

"How are you designing the submarine?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Well, Mr. Wang. We have designed it, but why are you still not satisfied?" A designer immediately asked.

Wang Guorui said helplessly, "It's not that I'm dissatisfied, it's that there is something that I'm not satisfied with!"

Wang Guorui has been urging his subordinate Naval Design Institute to design submarines, because submarines are a good thing, but a sharp weapon for sneak attacks. You must know that in later generations, the submarine is a weapon that can be used for a small amount and can play a very good role. From the perspective of later generations, many countries with weak navies rely on submarines as their trump card. Then go to restrain the enemy's large warships. Even in the 21st century, the submarine force is a very important thing. Because according to the exchange ratio of submarines and aircraft carriers. That must be a good submarine. Because there are at most dozens of people on a submarine, but there are thousands of people on an aircraft carrier, as well as pilots, etc., and the cost of a submarine is much lower than that of an aircraft carrier. So if you can exchange a few submarines for an enemy aircraft carrier. No matter in terms of the number of enemies killed or the tonnage of ships sunk, it is a big profit.

This is the reason why some countries with weak navies in later generations vigorously develop submarines, and Wang Guorui in Taiwan also thinks so. After all, for Wang Guorui, submarines are completely a weapon that can be used as a trump card. If there is a submarine detachment cruising along the coast, the enemy's battleships will not be at peace. Therefore, the future development potential of submarines is endless. If battleships are heavy warriors at sea, then submarines are also assassins at sea. As for a samurai, don't look at him showing off his power at ordinary times, but if he is attacked by an assassin. There was no resistance at all.

Therefore, the submarine can be said to be a good thing that can achieve great results with the smallest sacrifice. In the Western world, what kind of chivalry do they pay attention to. I don't even care about such immoral things as submarines. However, the naval powers in the Western world often suppress submarines, and even discriminate against submarines, believing that submarines have no chivalry. It can even be said that the West has not invented a suitable submarine for two hundred years, and there may be some reasons for this, because Westerners look down on this kind of sneak attack by assassins. This is caused by knight culture, so they are also very cheating. As for later Germany. In fact, the development of submarines is also forced, because the German navy is weak. Naturally thinking of breaking through the British navy from another aspect. That's why Germany chose to develop submarines, but the Germans were forced to do so. If they had a choice, they wouldn't make submarines. This is the western **** chivalry. But Wang Guorui is from the east, and the law of war in the east is to make the enemy disappear by any means. This is the most basic law for real victory. Wars in the East have never paid attention to chivalry, but to the winner and the loser, so Wang Guorui doesn't care about submarines that don't pay attention to chivalry! Wang Guorui naturally invested a lot of wealth in the development of submarines, so the progress of submarines is also good.

However, Wang Guorui asked those designers to continuously design submarines and come up with as many plans as possible, but none of them were recognized by the Red Alert system. Not only did Wang Guorui get the design drawing within the scope of the Red Police bases once, but those Red Police bases would not recognize the submarine design. If the Red Alert system does not admit it, then it is inevitable that the submarine will not be produced, so this is a headache for Wang Guorui. If this submarine problem can be solved, it will be an important trump card that can truly protect China's waters and territories safely. Surface ships can't compete with others, you can use submarines! Submarines are low in cost and good in effect, so of course it is worth it.

"Master Wang, we are stepping up the design and trying to design the submarine that Master Wang needs as soon as possible. And we have synthesized the submarine design schemes of various countries in the past, and we are also trying to find the most suitable one. The one that Master Wang got now We were greatly inspired by Holland's design plan, and we should be able to design a new submarine in a short time," said the designer.

And Wang Guorui nodded helplessly after hearing this. Submarines are actually nothing new. As early as the Da Vinci era, submarines were conceived. After that, countries have begun to develop their own submarines, but the progress is very slow. Worldwide, submarines have been developed for two centuries, and at this time, submarines are progressing from artificially powered submarines to later diesel-electric submarines. However, there is still a long way to go before a submarine that can truly display its actual combat capabilities.

At present, the only submarine that can really have a certain practical significance is the submarine of the American Horan, which is less than one and a half months away from being developed. However, Holland's submarines were not adopted by the US military, but they have since achieved Holland's reputation as the father of modern submarines. So Wang Guorui then produced Holland's submarine from the dock, and had someone draw a design drawing, hoping to give some inspiration to those designers. However, Wang Guorui was not satisfied with their subsequent design, or the Red Alert system did not recognize the submarine plan.

"Master Wang, our reliable diesel engine has already been used. Even the submarine invented by Holland, which uses a hybrid diesel engine and electric power, is not reliable enough. Holland's submarine is also Both often need to be repaired and maintained frequently, which may be the reason why Americans do not adopt them. However, Taiwan is the first place to invent reliable diesel engines, and we have reliable diesel engines and gasoline engines, then we can create A better sub than Holland."

Wang Guorui also knows that Taiwan has produced a diesel engine with good reliability, which is a very good thing for submarines. Because although Huo Lan also invented submarines in the past, his diesel engine is not reliable and needs to be repaired frequently, so Huo Lan's submarine soldiers cannot be used for combat. The main weapon of Holland's submarine is to rely on artillery to damage the enemy, which is also not acceptable. As a later generation, Wang Guorui certainly knows that the main weapon of conventional submarines is to rely on torpedoes to kill the enemy, rather than relying on any artillery. If you rely on artillery to kill the enemy, you will naturally have to float up. This will definitely cause the submarine to be threatened by the enemy's artillery, which is definitely not good.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, we will definitely work hard to design, and then try to design a qualified submarine as soon as possible!" The designer said immediately.

Wang Guorui then looked around the design and then prepared to leave the scene.

"Didi, I found the submarine design drawings, and the design of the submarine is completed. Let's name it the Submarine No. 1 Plan. The dock can build it by itself, and each submarine costs 40,000 silver dollars."

Wang Guorui was shocked when he heard this voice suddenly. Wang Guorui was immediately surprised that his subordinates had finally designed a qualified submarine and would be able to produce submarines by themselves in the future.

"Who, who just designed the submarine?" Wang Guorui asked.

Following Wang Guorui's order, everyone began to look for the person who designed the new thing. But after everyone searched, they couldn't find who designed the new submarine. Because none of the submarine design teams were able to design this new type of torpedo, this just surprised everyone. And Wang Guorui knew that the red alert system could not be wrong, someone must have designed something new, and then it happened to be able to form a design plan for a submarine, which allowed him to have the red alert system and recognize this new type of submarine. And this submarine has just been supplemented and can be used as a combat submarine. Next, everyone can continue to produce submarines and form a submarine force. (to be continued)

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