Red Alert 1895

Chapter 322: Sea Assassin (Part 2)

When everyone searched for a long time, none of the design teams said that they had designed a new type of submarine. And this surprised Wang Guorui, and this made Wang Guorui a little strange. Just now the Red Alert system admitted this submarine, but no one was able to design it? And Wang Guorui opened the submarine and took a look. The submarine in the Red Alert system probably has a displacement of about 1,000 tons, and the self-sustaining power of the submarine is only three days. If it does not surface within three days, it will definitely not survive. But this is not the point, because the submarine has just been invented, and it is certainly impossible to survive in the water for a long time. After all, there is no nuclear power at this time, and oxygen cannot be produced by itself in the submarine. The fuel is limited and cannot be used to electrolyze water to produce oxygen. Therefore, long-term self-sustaining submarines can only be achieved in the nuclear submarine period. This can be underwater for three days, and that's fine.

"It's actually a steam gas torpedo?" Wang Guorui muttered.

Wang Guorui finally realized why the red alert system only now recognizes this self-designed submarine. It turned out that the steam gas torpedo had not been designed before. You must know that the main weapon of submarines in later generations is also torpedoes, and it is impossible to use them as artillery to attack the enemy. The submarines of this period are just the opposite. Their main weapon is actually artillery. They only use artillery to attack the enemy after they suddenly surface at the current time. In this era, torpedoes are only auxiliary weapons, because torpedoes in this era use air compressor engines, not steam gas engines. And the steam gas engine is the epoch-making thing that brought real great development to the torpedo. If there is no steam gas engine, then naturally there will be no glory of the later torpedo.

Therefore, Wang Guorui had never been able to obtain the submarine recognized by the red alert system before, but the steam gas torpedo was not able to be invented. This prevents the submarine from being recognized. If there is no steam gas torpedo, then the submarine cannot become a torpedo-based weapon. And the steam gas torpedo was invented, and the Red Alert system also recognized the design of this torpedo, which means that the Red Alert system only recognizes that the torpedo is a new design based on torpedoes, and those that cannot use spare power as the main weapon in actual combat, That is not recognized by the red alarm system.

"Who invented the steam gas torpedo?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Steam gas torpedo? Master Wang, we haven't reported it yet. How did you know?" asked the designer of the torpedo team.

And Wang Guorui immediately replied: "It's very simple, things in Taiwan. I don't know anything!"

Hearing Wang Guorui's words, everyone couldn't help but feel terrified, because whether Wang Guorui had placed many people in Taiwan. But everyone is not surprised, because the Naval Ship Design Institute is the core department. It would be strange if no manpower was deployed!

"Master Wang, it is a new type of torpedo produced by our torpedo design team. We have received a reminder from you, Mr. Wang, that a compressed air engine may not be suitable as a torpedo engine. We can try to use a steam gas engine as an engine. And we It will be ready soon, but we have just designed it and haven't reported it for review, so you know it without thinking about it, Mr. Wang?" said the torpedo designer.

Wang Guorui then roughly looked at the parameters of this torpedo, and this torpedo is a 324mm torpedo, and the caliber of this torpedo is not small. If used well. One shot is enough to sink a battleship, which is very useful. However, torpedoes with a caliber of 324 mm are also very heavy. You can't carry too much in a submarine. Generally speaking, submarines also choose those valuable targets, such as battleships, or at least cruisers. If it weren't for these two types of ships, it would be impossible for An to be considered a valuable target. And those ordinary boats don't have much impact on the overall situation of the war, so there is no need to pay too much attention to them.

After all, submarines are "assassins" at sea. The biggest deterrent force of assassins lies in their unexpected attacks and sneak attacks. And if an assassin shows his identity and wants to assassinate him directly in front of the enemy, then this is not an assassination. But looking for death. The value of torpedoes is a sneak attack. He doesn't need to waste torpedoes for some worthless targets, so they will definitely lose more than they gain. Therefore, their goal is the battleship cruiser, and the second is the large troop carrier, which can sink a large number of troops to the bottom of the sea, which is also valuable.

However, as a submarine, it is necessary to form a submarine force. If it is difficult for a single submarine to send an enemy battleship to the bottom of the sea, several submarines must cooperate. And in terms of cost, a submarine is only 50,000 silver dollars, which is not too expensive. If five submarines besieged a British Sovereign-class battleship, it would be worthwhile even if they died together. In terms of the cost, it has already made a lot of money, and it is even more profitable in terms of the cost of human lives. One of these small submarines only has seven or eight people, and five of them only have more than thirty people. But a Sovereign-class battleship has hundreds of people, and these are the elite of the enemy navy, which took many years to cultivate. And if they all die together, in terms of the loss of human resources, it will be Taiwan's profit.

"Very well, I will reward the submarine design team with 10,000 silver dollars. And I will separately award 1,000 silver dollars to the torpedo design team as an additional bonus," Wang Guorui said.

Although Taiwan advocates giving priority to spiritual rewards, material rewards are also indispensable. After all, people also have to eat. If there is not enough material rewards, it is impossible to maintain spiritual happiness for a long time. After all, material civilization is the foundation of spiritual civilization, and it is absolutely indispensable.

"Order immediately to start forming a submarine force. The submarine force currently has two detachments temporarily, each detachment has three submarine brigades, and each submarine brigade has three to four submarines. The status of the submarine captain is equivalent to that of a battalion. .And, the people on the submarine are treated as the lowest non-commissioned officers." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui immediately ordered the formation of these submarine forces, and then hoped to form an army as soon as possible. If the submarine force can become an army, then Taiwan's submarine force is already enough to reach the world's leading level. So even if you are a British guy, you can't even imagine that you have a steam gas torpedo. Submarines are not strange. It is strange that they can be reliable enough to not repair such submarines three times a day. And torpedoes are not surprising. Many ships now have torpedoes, but steam gas torpedoes are also strange.

The speed of torpedoes in this era is only about 20 knots, and such slow torpedoes are simply not as fast as some fast ships. With such a slow torpedo, many ships can avoid it. The steam gas torpedo is different. The steam gas torpedo has a speed of more than 50 knots. In this era, almost any ship can't dodge it. The steam gas torpedo is a torpedo that has been used for a long time and has great potential for development. It was only in 1997, a hundred years later, that the supercavitation torpedo that replaced the steam gas torpedo was really invented.

It can be said that in this era, the steam gas torpedo is definitely a big killer. If it is used well, it can attack several enemy battleships, and they will suffer huge losses.

"My lord, there are only seven or eight people on each of these submarines, how can they all be made into a battalion-level organization?" someone asked.

Even these designers may not necessarily understand the power of submarines. The current theories about submarine warfare are all in the process of research. Although there have been some so-called submarine warfare before, yours is based on the fact that the submarine is approached and then bombed with explosives, not really using torpedoes for long-range shooting. However, Wang Guorui is deeply aware of the power of submarines, and the technical content he represents. However, the level of submarine organization does need to be higher, and the combat effectiveness of submarines cannot be underestimated.

You must know that in later generations the captain of a submarine can at least reach the rank of lieutenant colonel, and some can even reach the level of a major calibration general, so the status of this submarine will at least become higher and higher. The submarine can be said to be the ship with the least number of people. Many submarines have fewer people than those naval ships of the same status, and even fewer people than the same level of the army.

"You should be clear that what modern warfare pays attention to is not the establishment of numbers, but the establishment of combat power. We should use combat power as the basis for determining levels, instead of calculating combat power by the traditional number of people. If it is still based on the number of people, the navy is simply inferior Army. Therefore, your vision must and must keep pace with the times, and you must see that the future is different, and the future is already an era in which status is measured by combat power. Your thinking in the cold weapon period must be abandoned. Therefore, the number It is no longer an important parameter to determine the status level, but should be based on the combat power they can display. And this submarine, the combat power that a submarine can display is definitely not lower than that of an ordinary surface ship, and even in the future, I am afraid that submarines will become more and more powerful. The more advanced it is, the stronger its combat effectiveness will be. At that time, you still use this traditional thinking to measure, it must not work! Besides, the technical content of these submarines is also very high, and it will take many years Only a non-commissioned officer can be competent. So as a captain, it is natural that the tide rises and the boat rises, and a battalion level is nothing." Wang Guorui said.

"Follow Lord Wang's instruction!" Everyone said together hastily. (to be continued)

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