Red Alert 1895

Chapter 323: Indigenous riots (Part 1)


After the whip came off, the whip hit a Nanyang native, and a bloodstain immediately appeared. And the whipping person felt very refreshed. This kind of occupation was very suitable for him. Not only could he beat the natives to relieve boredom when he was in a bad mood, but he could also get a lot of benefits. As long as they are forced to work honestly, and then complete the prescribed amount every day, then the natives can also get a commission from the Taiwan government for the extra work they do. Although this method of making money is much less than being a mercenary, it is much more stable. And this kind of people usually bully ordinary people, so not only are they hated, but they are also looked down upon, and they can't make much money.

But now they are arranged by the Taiwan military to take care of the indigenous people, so that they can get a lot of benefits, and then they can also get benefits. And all of this, this is really nice. If it could be maintained forever, Ann didn't know how good it would be.

And this kind of thing of forcing others to work is really incompetent for ordinary soldiers. Ordinary troops are from ordinary good people, and if they are allowed to do such bad things, it may ruin the morale of the army. If this officer is so cruel to the natives, if he treats his subordinates in the same way in other troops, then it will definitely not work. So hand it over to this kind of gangster, they don't care about their future, and they don't feel the burden of bullying the natives. After all, they are bullying the people, and it's okay to let them use their waste to come here. At present, there are hundreds of thousands of indigenous people in Taiwan. People like them are everywhere.

"Work for me. If anyone dares to be lazy, he will suffer. You should think about it!" the guard shouted.

And this group of aborigines, almost tens of thousands of people, are busy building roads, and then they are managed by supervisors. And their lives are not very good now, and they can only maintain a state of not being full and starving. And no one knows that someone is secretly planning something.

While eating, some indigenous people have already started talking.

"Simba. What shall we eat today?" Someone asked.

And the native named Simba immediately said: "We have turned into wild vegetable soup and polenta today. And each person is just a small bowl."

"What? The food standard has been lowered again?" Someone immediately whispered angrily.

And the other immediately said: "During this time, our food standard has been continuously reduced. When I was first arrested, I could still eat cornmeal buns, but now it has only been two months. It has been reduced to wild vegetable soup. Got corn porridge? Can’t even eat corn bread?”

"That's right! These Chinese people are really vicious. They took us here as slaves, and whipped us for the slightest disobedience. It's just unreasonable. And we used to be nobles in the tribe, but now we have to That gang of untouchables worked together and they didn't treat us like nobles at all. Also, since we're here, we don't get enough to eat every day. It's much worse than before. These mean Chinese. We could have worked hard Looting their wealth, but they came to enslave us? They came to us and robbed us of our wealth. What's wrong with us taking our wealth back? But they still didn't let us go, and captured us all Being a slave is tolerable or unbearable!"

Soon, everyone was remembering those times when they could **** the wealth of the Chinese at will, and even take back any Chinese woman they fell in love with. And how good they were at that time. But now that Taiwan is calling, not only can they not continue to live that kind of life. Instead, live a miserable life. And at this time, many people are not reconciled, and they just go on like this.

"We can't go on like this, we have to resist. If we don't resist, then I'm afraid we will really be unlucky. We must let the Chinese know how powerful we are, and we may be able to expel the Chinese by then! Our place must be ruled by our local people, and we cannot be ruled by the Chinese. From now on, our place will not belong to China, nor will it belong to Indonesia, but will belong to ourselves. Owned by the locals. We must expel the Chinese, the Dutch, and those foreign rulers and invaders. We must build a country of our own. Although we used the Dutch to bully the Chinese together, what was the final result? In the end, when the Chinese came, we still had to suffer. But after I reflected on it, even though the Dutch united us to rule the Chinese over the years, isn’t our destiny in the hands of the Dutch? If the Dutch abandon us, then We will also be suppressed by the Chinese. In the future, we cannot rely on any foreign invaders, we can only rely on ourselves." Said Simba.

"Resist? But how to resist?" Someone asked.

"We can do this..." Simba replied.

At this time, those management parties did not realize at all that the aboriginals under their own hands had already begun to brew a riot, and then resisted the enslavement of the Taiwan military. And then, these natives have begun to connect in series, and those guys who were born as gangsters didn't notice this at all. They were still whipping the natives wantonly, and didn't notice that they had begun to resist.

It has to be said that foreign aggression and oppression is the best way to awaken national consciousness. The invasion of China by Western powers awakened China's national consciousness and realized that it must resist foreign aggression and build an independent and self-improving country. And many Chinese have begun to work towards this. Although they use different methods, most of them are for the good of this country. And these Indonesians are under the rule of Taiwan, they have been slaves, and they have suddenly awakened their national consciousness.

The end of the nineteenth century was a period of great awakening of national consciousness. Colonialism has almost come to an end, and colonial rule has reached its peak all over the world. But after the peak, there is also a period of decline. In the next few decades, a group of people in colonies all over the world will start to put forward various theoretical ideas, and then oppose those colonialists. And this time was the peak of colonialism. Countries began to fight for colonies, and finally weakened their strength. Instead, those who had always been determined to colonize independence began to work hard, and then fought for national independence. It's just that these methods are different. India advocates non-violent non-cooperation, while many people in Africa have started violent revolutions.

In short, there are various methods, and the next few decades will be a period when the colonies will begin to collapse, and it will also be a period when the national consciousness of the major colonies and the invaded countries will be awakened. And this awakening day depends on the civilization inheritance and luck of each nation. Both Japan and China have a long history of civilization, so they wake up very quickly. But Japan is lucky, they don't have a cheating minority rule, so they completed the reform and national awakening one step ahead. And China has a group of rulers who rule for their own nation and even their own family, so of course they always suppress the awakening of national consciousness, which makes it difficult for China to achieve national awakening.

As for Indonesia, Wang Guorui never dreamed that because he came to occupy the territory and enslaved these Indonesian indigenous people, some Indonesian indigenous people began to awaken their nation and began to know that they would fight for independence for their own national interests. This is also an inevitable process. Anyone who wants to grab a territory will inevitably encounter resentment and resistance from the natives on that territory. And China is actually the same. When foreign countries come to invade and grab territory, they will naturally be resisted? Foreign aggression is an important catalyst for the awakening of China's national consciousness. If there were no foreign aggression, it would not be known how long it would take for China to wake up and resist the brutal rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Han ruled. Therefore, the invasion of foreign enemies is actually a catalyst for the awakening of national consciousness.

National consciousness is something that every nation has, but it mainly depends on the level and whether it can be stimulated. And China was invaded by foreign countries, which can naturally arouse national consciousness. And if one day aliens invade the earth, the earth will also be inspired by national consciousness. If there is no foreign invasion, it is very difficult to stimulate national Once there is foreign invasion, the awakening of national consciousness will become inevitable. After World War II, Indonesia immediately declared independence. In fact, after a long period of gestation, Indonesia's national consciousness has begun to awaken. However, Taiwan's entry into Nanyang, coupled with Taiwan's rule over the indigenous people, accelerated the awakening of Indonesia's national consciousness. So this will inevitably bring difficult things to Taiwan, so we have to pay attention to it.

"Work for me, or you will be punished!" the supervisor said angrily.

But at this time, the native Simba immediately started looking at the supervisor, and immediately shouted: "Work for me, and if you don't finish today's work, then none of you will want to eat and rest!"

"Compatriots, stand up with me, resist the brutal Chinese rule, and then kill me!" Simba shouted.

"Kill!" Some people began to pick their heads.

"What are you doing? Rebellion!" The supervisor didn't know what was going on, and obviously he was still yelling.

But he was soon besieged by those resisting natives, and then many natives began to attack the defense line of the Taiwan army, obviously wanting to rush out. (to be continued)

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